Hypericum quadrangulum. Square- stalked
St. John’s Wort.
HYPERICUM L in . Gen. P I. Polyadelphia Polyandria.
C a ffi/ P mtaS’ P “ aIa 5’ Filammta multa in 5 phalanges bad connata.
R a ii Syn. Gen. 24. H erbie P entafetalæ Vaschlieeræ.
HYPERICUM quadrangulum floribus trigynis, caule quadrato herbacea. L in . Syß. Végétai, p. 484.
Sp. P I. p , 1104. F I. Suée. n. 670: t d
HYPERICUM caule quadrangulâri, foliis ovatis perforatis pun&atis. Haller. H iß. n. 1038.
HYPERICUM quadrangulum. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 043.
HYPERICUM vulgare minus caule quadranguio folds non perforatis, Bauh. pin. 272.
HYPERICUM Afcyron dittiim câule quadranguio. Bauh. H iß. 3. p. 382.
ÀSCŸRON D a i. fa n p t 78, G er.em ac. 542. vulgäre Parim/tm j 7 j . R ail Syn. p; 244. St Peter’s
Worn Hudjan. F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 334. IJgStfa ot FI. Seat, p: 4,6.3
IADIX perènhis, fubrëpens^ fibrofai
EAULIS pedalis ad fi|fquipedalem, ère&us; ramofùs,
glaber, rubefcéns, quadratus, quatuor membra-
nüliâ, feu àlis in fecundum longitudinëm pro-
dûâisi r
lOLIÀ dppofitâ, feffilia, ovàta, obtufa, lævia, fatürate
viridia, fubtus pallidiora* feptemnervia, per
totam fuperficiem punftis minutis diaphanis
adl^erfàj margine glandulis nigris fubtus præ-
fertini pun&ata. r
KAMI cauîi firriiles, decuiîatim oppofiti;
jFLOhES luteij parvi* in fummitatibus vtamülôrüm
denfe paniculàtii
BAMULI pânidulæ fanéuineii
■ EDUNCUL1 breviffimi.
IALYX: Perianthium qüinqüepahStütti, iaciniis
Jancèolatis, patentibus, nervofisi intëeerrimis.
■ _iiudis. fig. h 0
■ 3R0LLA : Pe t al a qiiinque, lutea, lineata, glan-
IRTaaum a IlSi?al3cis riiSris ac* oras punftata. fig. 2.
pM IN A : F .lameMta plurima, in fafciculos vix
diviw ; Antheræ fubrotundæ, flavæ* elan-
I L J r ?Tulâ niSrâ notatæ; fig-. 3.
■ LliUM : Germen obovatum ; Sty l i très* patentes,
fubulati ; Stigmata minima* capi-
■ tata. fig. a. r
PPdCARPIUM: Capsüla fufca, trilocularis, trival-
■ VIS. fig . 5.
JMINÀ plurima, minima, oblonga, nitidiufcula. / g . 6.
;; ROOT.perenni.il, fomewhat creeping and fibrous,
u STALK from a foot to a foot and a half in height, upright,
branched, fmooth, reddilh, fquare from
:■ having four little membranes or wings which
2; run down the ftalk.
LEAVES oppofite, feffile, ovate, obtufe, fmooth, o f a
:: deep green colour, palet underneath, ftrongly
marked with feven ribs, the whole furface
:: covered with fmall transparent dots, and the
edgè, efpecially on the under fide, dotted with
i: black glands.
;; BRANCHES like the ftalk* alternately oppofite-
.: FLOWERS o f a yellow colour, fmall, growing on the
;; . t0Ps ° f the branches .in clofe panicles.
the Panicle of a deeP rai or blood colour,
” FLOWER-STALKS very (hort*
i ■ CALYX : a Perianthium deeply divided into five feg-
• ■ ments, which are lanceolate, fpreading, rib’d*
;; . .. . entire, and free from glands« fig. i,
;; COROLLA: five yellow Petals, finely grooved, dotted
STAMIMa’ ï heFedSe With 3 kw fma11 black ..S1AM1JMA: F glands, fig. a, ilaments numerous, fcarcely divided
;; into bodies or bundles; Anti-ierje ronndilh,
ij yellow, marked with a black gland. Jig. 3.
:: PISTILLUM: G ermen inverfely ovate; St y l e s three,
fpreading, tapering; St ig m a t a very fmall’
;: forming little heads, fig. 4 .
SEED-VESSEL: a brown Capsule o f three cavities
• • and three valves. fig4 5.
_ . I SEEDS numerous, very fmall, oblong, and fomewhat
if Ihining. fig. 6.
I t ; . andTein^fubSrtn H *e3ft- °-f til,s. c0“ htrY) are a g*mis of plants which, having ftrong chardaeriftic
I » r'Ml' f ror whf n h= defcribes the leaves of the quadrangulum as imperforate the
r : ; h;ra: -
h irpPitet i ^ bco“ Sa°nd a™iMsinj“ ly, Wet mead0WS< I I I 0f
■ °m ‘n medi«ine, the perforatum fupplying its place.
1 i l l
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