L a mi u m A l b u m . W h i t e D e a d - N e t t l e .
LAMIUM Linncei Gen. PL D idynamia G ymnospermia.
Corolla lab. fup. integrum, fornicatum; lab. inf. 2-lobum, faux utrinque
margine dentata.
Rati Syn. Gen. 14, Suffrutices et Heebæ v e r t i c i l l a tæ .
LAMIUM album foliis cordatis, acuminatis, ferratis, petiolatis, verticillis vigintifloris. Lin. Syfi.
Vegetab.p. 446. Sp, PL p. 446. Flor. Suede, p. 203.
LAMIUM foliis cordatis, acutis, ferratis, verticillis multifloris. Haller. Hiß. Helv. n. 271.
LAMIUM album. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 700.,
LAMIUM album non foetens folio oblongo. Bauhin Pin. 231.
LAMIUM album. Gerard. emac. 782.
LAMIUM vulgäre album five Archangelicum flore albo. Parkinfon 604.
Raii Syn. 240. White Archangel or Dead-Nettle.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 1. p. 225. ed. 2. 255.
- Lightfoot FI, Scot, p, 308.
RADIX perennis, alba, geniculata, repens. f
GAULES plurimi, pedales, fubereßi, fimplices, bafi |
tenuiores, quadrati, fiftulofi, hiriutuli, in a- b
pricis ex rufo-purpurafeentes, furculi debiles, f
adfeendentes. |
FOLIA petiolata, cordata, acuta, deflexa, inæqualiter %
ferrata, apicibus denticulorum rufis introrfum b
verfis, venofa, fuperne et inferne hirfutula, f fummis u't caules fiepe coloratis, circa radi- $
cem folioli etiam occurrent fubrotunda, ere-, f
nulata. |
FLORES verticillati, majufeuli, albi; baud infrequen- f
ter etiam rubore quodam tin£li ; verticilli de- |
, cem quindecem aut vigintiflori. f
CAL YX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulofum, |
. feflile, nervofum, quinquedentatum, dènti- |
bus fetaceis, hirfutum, perfiftens, inferne ad |
bafin maculis purpureis notatum et braâæâ f
brevi lineari füffuîtum, fig. 1, 2.
COROLLA monopetala, ringens; tubus longitudine f
fere labii fuperioris, curvatus, antice inferne %
promiriulus, fuperne intropreflus, faux inflata,
margine utraque denticulis duobus plerumque C-
notata, labium fuperius fornicatum, pilofum, f
emarginatum, aliquando etiam dentatum', li-
neis duabus elevatis ,ad verticem coadunatis f
notatum, labium inferius-bifidum, reflexum, %
erenulatum, ad bafin maculatum, fig, 3, 4. b
STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, filiformia, alba, f
apicibus villofis, paululum incraflatis et in- |
curvatis: A ntheræ purpureæ, hirfutæ; f
Po l l en fia vu m, fig. g. ^
PISTILLUM: G ermen quadrifidum, 6, glandu- b
" lâ cinftum, fig, 7: Sty iIus filiformis longi- f
tudine et fitu Staminum: Stigma bifidum X
acutum, fig. 8, 9. b
SEMINA quatuor, in fundo calycis, trigona, appendi- f
culata.7%-. 10. f
ROOT perennial, white, jointed, and creeping.
STALKS numerous, a foot high, nearly upright, unbranched,
flender at bottom, fquare, hollow,
and llightly hairy; in expofed fituations, o f
a reddilh purple colour: the young (hoots
weak and riling upward.
LEAVES (landing on foot-ftalks, heart-(haped, pointed,
hanging down, unequally ferrated; the
tips o f the little teeth red and turned inward,
veiny, above and beneath fomewhat
hirfute; the uppermoft leaves, as well as the
(talks, frequently coloured; the leaves about
the root are often fmall, round, and crenated.
FLOWERS growing in whirls, largifli, o f a yellowifh
white colour, not uncommonly tinged with
red; the whirls having ten, fifteen, or twenty
flowers in them.
CA L YX : a Perianthium o f one leaf, tubular, feflile,
rib’d, hirfute, and continuing, having five
teeth-, which are fetaceous; on its lower fide,
at bottom, marked with purple fpots, and
fupported by a (hort linear bracleal leaf,
| | § | § g
COROLLA monopetalous and ringent; the tube
nearly the length of the upper lip, and crook-,
ed, anteriorly prominent below, and prefled
in above; the mouth inflated, and marked
generally on each fide with too little teeth;
the upper lip arched, hairy, with a flight
notch, and fometimes indented, diftinguilhed
by two elevated lines, which unite at the
crown; the inferior lip bifid, turned back,
(lightly notched, and fpotted at bottom,
fig- 3> 4•
STAMINA: four Filaments, filiform, white, the
tips villous, a little thickened, and bent inward:
A nt heras purple andhairy; Pollen
yellow, fig. 5.
PISTILLUM: G ermen divided into four,fig. 6, fur-
• rounded by a gland, fig. 7: Sty le filiform,
of the fame length and fituation as the Stamina:
Stigma bifid and acute, jig. 8, 9.
SEEDS four, in the bottom of the Calyx, three cornered,
with a little appendage at bottom, jig. 10.
The White Dead-Nettle or Archangel, is one of our earlieft fpring plants, ornamenting our banks in April
and May; and is much reforted to by Bees for the fake of its honey, which is fecreted into the bottom o f the
tube in confiderable plenty, by a little gland furrounding the bafe of the germen.
The flowers have been particularly celebrated in uterine fluors, and other female weaknefles; asalfo in dif-
orders o f the lungs; but they appear to be o f very weak virtue. Lewis's Difp. part. 2. p. 163. *
The bruifed leaves are recommended to difeufs tumours, even of the fchrophulous kind; Rutty's Mat. Med.
P: 27.1 5 but very-little dependance is to b? placed on fuch recommendations. There is fcarce a plant but what
(if we may believe the ancients) pofleffes fome wonderfully healing power of this kind,
Like the other Lamiums, it has a difagreeable fmell when bruifed.
' Boys make whittles of the (talks.
In the fouth of France, it is faid to occur with a purple flower, I have frequently found it (lightly tinged with red.
The Phalcena Chryfitisa BurnijhedBrafs Moth, Lin. Faun. Suecic.p. 311. Albin. In f eft. tab. 71, feeds on it:
and in Sweden the leaves are eaten in the fpring as a pot-herb. Lin. Flor. Suecica.
Having a ttrong creeping perennial root, and being a plant which cattle diflike, it fhould be extirpated bv the
Fariper, '