AGARICUS tin . 'Gen. FI. C r Y p t o g à m i A F u n g i .
Fungus horizontalis, fubtus lamellofus*
Raii. Syn. Gen, i. F u n g i .
AGARICUS plicatilis ftipitatus, piieo campanulato feu piano, murino, pellucido, plicato.
AGARICUS crenulatus membranaceus coerulefcens fulcatus, centra papillari, ftipite exili. Muller. FI.
Dan. t. 832. f . 2.
FUNGUS perpufillus, pediculo oblongo, pileolo tenui, utrinque ftriato, feu flabelli in modum plicatili.
Raii.Syn.p. 8. n. 24?
Batarr. Fung. Tab. 27. B. C.
STIPES folitarius, in adultis biun'ciaiis et ultra, mag-
nitudine culmi triticei minoris-, ereCtus, teres,
filiformis, fillulofus, lams, alb'us, tener.
PILEUS cum primo erumpit nucleum nücis aVeila'nSe
magnitudine æquat, e flavo-fufcus, vix ma*
nifefte ftriatus, cito oblongo campanulàtus
evadit, ftriæ fubundulatæ magis luculenter
apparent, color in murinum incipit tranfire,
liunc adultus, forma in campanulatam muta*
tur, mox evafura plana, uncialis feu fefqui-
uncialis, murinus, vertice piano, fufco feu
albido, tenellus, plicatus ; cutis diaphanus,
fine carne, fuperne farina nulla adfperfus,
faftigiis plicarum fubvillofis, peraCtâ floref-
centia margô invertitur et nigrefcit.
LAMELLÆpaucæ, concolores, pulveremfubtiliffimum
e coeruleo-nigricantem effundentes.
STALKS fingle, in thole which are full grown two
inches or more in height, the fize of a fmall
wheat ftraw, upright, round, of the fame
thicknefs throughout, hollow, fmooth, white,
and tender.
CAP when it firft Iprings up is about the fize o f the
kernel of a hazle nut, of a yellowilh browa
colour, fcarce preceptibly ftriated, it foon.
becomes of an oblong bell-lhape, the fmalL
furrows appear more evidently, are lome-
what waved, and the colour changes to grey
or moule Colour, now full grown, it becomes
more bell-lhaped, and afterwards appears
flat, is from an inch to an inch and half in
diameter, of a moufe colour, tender, plaited,
the crown flat, brown or whitilh; the Ikin
tranfparent, without any flelh, at top not
fprinkled with meal, the ridges of the plaits
fomewhat villous, when the fructification is
over, the edge becomes black and turns in.
GILLS few, of the fame colour as the cap, throwing
out a very fine powder of a blueilh-black
THE Mulhroom here figured in its feveral ftatesis one ofthofe, whole caps in decaying difiolve into a black
liquid, thefein general are of Ihort^duration, and this being of fo thin and delicate a fubltance is particularly lb.
On the twelfth of September ten o f twelve of thefe of different ages made their appearance on a grafs plat in my garden,
and on the fixteenth no traces of them were to be feen.
Its ufual place of growth is in Paftures, Meadows, and Grafs Plats, in all of which it is not unfreqtient in the
Months of September and October.
The Cap is fo remarkably plaited, or fan-like, that we could not but prefer a name exprelfive of fo charaCte-
•riftic a circumltance to Mullers term crenulatus,, the Agaricus tenellus of Mr. Hudson approaches fo near to ours
from his defcription, that vve Ihould have confidered it as the lame, had not Plukenets figure quoted by him been
very different.