f / S *
HYPNUM Linncei Gen. PL C r y p t o g a m ia M u s c i .
Antheraoperculata. Calyptra\&vis. Filamentumlateraleortum e perichzetio.
Raii Syn. Gen. 3. Musci.
HYPNUM fericeum furculo repente, ramis confertis ereßis, foliis fubulatis, antheris ereftis. Lm. Syft.
Vegctab.fi. 801. Sfi. PI. fi, i595. Fl. Snede. 1t. 1036.
HYPNUM Jèriceum. Scopoli. FL Ca/rniol. p. 340. ƒ
HYPNUM ramisterètibus; foliispilopraepilatis; capfuliscylindricis.ereais.ariftatis. Haller, hi/l.n. i 75d.
HYPNUM vulgare fericeum recurvum, capfulis ereßis eufpidatis. Pillen. Mufc. 323. t. 4 2 ./ 59.
MUSCUS terreflris luteo-viridans fericeus repens. Moris, hiß. 3. fi. 626./. 15. t. $.fig. 25. * ,
MUSCUS arboreus fplendens fericeus. Vaill. Paris. 132. t. 27. fig. 3.
HYPNUM repena tnchoides terrellre luteo virens vulgare majus, capitulis ereßis. Raii Syn. fi. 84.
Hudfion, FL Angl. ed. 1. p, 428.
Lightfoot, Fl. Scot. v. 2. p. 762.
CAULES five viticuli longi, repentes, fibrillis copiofis, *
tomentofis adhzerentes, valde ramofi, in den- ■
fos cæfpites congefti, ramis creberrimis, fur- *
récris, brevibus, fubteretibus, in ficcitate in- •
curvis, fig. î , taftu rigidis, in humiditate \
rectis mollibus. i
FOLIA ovato-lanceolata, fig. 2, in pilum longum 1
terminata, denfiflime imbricata; in ficeitate <
apprefla, capillaria; humida latiora, patula, J
ex obfeuro viridia, cum fericeo fplendore ad I
luteum vergente.
PEDUNCULI femunciales, unciales, purpureæ, pe-1
richætio fijuamofo cin£læ, fig. g, confertze, <
, circa medium furculi ortæ. ’ j
^■ APSULÆ oblongæ, teretes, ereâæ, infernë paulu-
lum incraflatæ, ex livido fufcæ, fig. 6, 7, per
medium difeifla, fig. 10.
CALYPTRA pallida.
OPERCULUM breve, roftratum, miniatum, fig. 8.
CILIÆ albidæ, ere&æ, una tantum feries, fig. 9.
£ STALKS, or {hoots, long, creeping, adhering by numerous
fmall, woolly, fibres, very much
branched, and forming clofe tufts; branches
numerous, upright, (hort, and roundifli; when
dry, bending down at top, and fomewhat ftiff,
£ fig- l ; when moift, upright and foft.
•* LEAVES oval and pointed,^. 2, terminating in a long
■} hsir» lying clofely one over the other, when dry
preffed together, and very fine; when moifl;
broader, and more fpreading, of a dullifh
green, inclining to yellow, with a Alining
filky appearance,
’ FOOT-STALKS an inch and a half or an inch long,
purple, at bottom covered with a fcaly peri-
[ ebaetium, fig . 3, arifing from about the middie
o f the moots.
>} CAPSULES oblong, round, upright, fotaiewhat en-
f larged at bottom, o f a livid brown colour,
I fig• 6, 7; cut down the middle at fig. 10.
| CALYPTRA pale brown.
| OPERCULUM Abort, ending in a beak of a bright
f red colour, fig. 8.
§ |
* CILIyE or hairs whitifii, upright^ and one row only,
v J t - 9-
moft coramon’ as wel1 as one 0f our earlieft M°I e s ' Produc“ S its CaPtorS
' ^ . ,he greateft plenty’ on the tops of old waIIs- 11 creeps air° °n
°Ul affn rd \ mr°re beJutifu>.carPet: “ frequently exhibits all the richnefs and foftnefs of filk
i W M S ' f e d7n- But thofe patches of it. which put on this yellow and (hining appearance, by which it
is fo readily diftmgutlhed, do not always produce fruaificadons in the greateft abundance. 7
uprighta^ a efuksInSU,thed &°m HyPnum rutabulum, which often occurs with it, by having longer and more
bvIWLJL, ! 1T S bas, defcribed tbi? Mo/s mth his ufual accuracy, which is modernized, and fomewhat improved *7 Weis, from whom our defcnption is almoft literally taken. e