MEDICAGO U nn. G*n. PI. Leguuen compteflu», cochleatutn, Carina
Rah Syn. Gen. 23. Herbæ flore fafilionaceo seu leguminosæ,
MEDICAGO H ^ h a h ^ b m co ch k^ s, ftipulis dentatis caule diffdfo. U nn. Syfl. Végétai.
MEDICA folmgemarginatiS, Gratis, racemis paucifloris, filiquis globoGs echihatis. Haller Hiß.
MEDICAGO polymorpha. Scopoli F t Cam. n. 942.
I TRIFOLIUM cochleatum folio cordato macülato. Bauhin. Pin. 329.
TRIFOLIUM cordatum Ger. emac. u 9o. Park. rrtg. Ràii Syn. 333. Heart Trefoil or Claver.
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 331.
RADIX annua, fibrofa. {
KAULES plures, pedales, et ultra, procumbentes, an- \
gulati, ftriati, purpurafcentes, pilofi, ramofi. I
KOLIA terna, obcordata, mucronata, obfolete ferrata, j
laevia, macula purpurea in medio notata. (
1 ROOT annual and fibrous.
| STALKS numerous, about a foot in length, or more,
1 procumbent, angular, ftriated, purplilh!
1 hairy, and branched.
, LEAVES growing three together, inverfely heart-
1 jhaped, terminated by a Ihort point, faintly
fawedj fmooth, with a purple fpot in the
middle o f each.
KETIOLI fuperne canaliculati, pilofi.
fSTIPULÆ binæ, femifagittatæ, ferratæ.
KLORES plerumque bini, pedicellati, pedunculis tere-1
, LEAF-STALKS above grooved and hairy.
1 STIPUL^E two, the Ihape of half an arrow, and fer-
1 rated.
FLOWERS growing generally two together, Handing
) on foot-ftalks which are round, hairy, and
jhorter than the foot-ftalks; BraBcsa very
tibus, pilolis, petiolis brevioribus ; Braâeea 1
minima, ad bafin cuiufvis pedicelli, et fêta <
pilofa inter flofculos longitudine florum. \
j fmall, at the bafe o f each flower-ftalk, and a
j hairy feta or brittle betwixt the flowers of
) the *ame lenSth w“ h l^e flowers,
j C A L Y X : aPERiANTHiuk of one leaf, tubular, fome-
• what bell-Ihaped, hairy, divided half way
j down in five fegments, which are pointed,
I COROT 1 1 1 1 ) ^UKUCLA pap Ci-l?i-Uonala acenodu Bs, anl dl y fetll-o w1; Standard
> rounddh, notched at the end, and turning
1 back, marked at its bafe with lines o f a
deeper yellow colour, Jig. 2. Wings two, fmall,
jhorter than the ftandard, faffron coloured,
feparating a little from one another at the
tips. Keel hollow, blunt, a little longer than
, ' the wings.
STAM INA: F il am e n t s uniting into two bodies al-
molt to the tips, tube bending upward; A n-
I THER.E very minute and yellow, Jig. 3, 4.
■ ALYX: P er ian th ium monopliyllum, tubulofum, ,
fubcampanulatum, pilofum, femiquinque- 1
fidum, laciniis acuminatis, fubasqualibus, i
J purpurafcentibus, fig. 1.
R)ROLl A papilionacea, flava; Vexillum fubrotun* 1
dum, emarginatum, reflexum, lineis faturate !
flavis ad bafin notatum, fig. 2. Ales duse, <
parv«, vexillo breviores, croceas, apice j
paulo fecedentes. Carina concava, obtufa, i
alts paulo longior. \
■ AMINA: Filamenta diadelpha, coalita fere ad j
apices, tubus furfum curvatus ; A nther as 1
»lorn roinimas, flavas, fig. o a }
PTILLUM: Germen vinde, oblongum, fubtus j
, FlkTILLUM; G ermen green, oblong, below where
) 5he flyle begins notched, loon fpirally twift-
> lng jtfelf, and from its upper part throwing
) out little fpines; S t y l e tapering, uprigh t;
S t igm a terminal, and very minute, fig. 6.
ubi ltylus mcipit emarginatum, cito fefe fpi- j
ranter contorquens, et fuperne fpinulas a- I
gens; Stylus fubulatus, ereftus; Stigma f
termmale, minimum, fig . 5, 6. \
JRICARPIUM : Legumen fubrotundo-cyiindrace- I
| SEED-VESSEL : a Pod o f . a roundilh cylindrical
, Ihape, cut off at each end, fpinous, and fpi-
, rally twitted up, fig . 7.
SEED rather large, kidney-ihaped, and yellowilh.
Hm’ utnnque truncatum, fpinulofum, fpira- 5
R mvxt Ke^ contortum. Jig- 7. j
[ majufculum, reniforme, flavefeens, fig . 8. |
- * Pg* 8*
If mfeleav«3111 “ to confiderab)e variation in fize, as alfo with relpeH to the brightnefs of the
W M i in §reat P,ent^ and is ^common on banks and the
N <0 dtfc?veWatriaXr ‘antly ^ “ tCmpted “ r"PP°re ‘ hat “ would afford Sood fodder for cattle, it feems at Mata, tornata, turbinai