E rvum te tr a sperm um . Smo oth-podded
T ine T are.
! ERVUM Linnai Gen. PI. D ia d e l 'p h ia D e c a n d r i a .
Rail Syn. Gen. 23. Herbæ flore papilionaceo seu leguminosæ.
ERVüM (tetrafpermum) pedunculis fubbifloris, feminibus globofîs quaternis. Linn. Syß. Feget ab. p. 554.
VICIA folds lineàribus, filiquis gemellis glabris. Haller. Hiß. v. 1. p. 184.
ERVUM tetrafpermum. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. D i a g n . Pedunculi fubbiflori. Siliqua glabra, obtufa, tetrafperma.
VICIA fegetum fingularibus filiquis glabris. Bauh. Pin. p. 345.
VICIÆ five.Craccæ minimæ fpecies cum filiquis glabris. I. Baubin.
CRACCA minor “filiquis fingularibus, flofculis coerulefcentibus. Hoff. C. H. Alt. Raii Syn.p. 322* Tine-
Tare with fmooth pods. Hudfon. Fl. Angl. p. 280. OEder. Fl. Dan. Icon. 95.
JllADIX annua4 fibrofa.
■ SAULES in apertis locis læves, tenues, debiles, inter
fegetes vero (ubi fæpius invenitur), eapreolis
ereéte fefe fuftentant, pedales et ultra.
B'IPULÆ ad bafin foliorum, duo, fimplices, utrinque :
■ îpLlA pinnata, læyia, lanceolata-linearia, parium tri- •
um ad quinque ufque, capreolo ramofo termi- ■
11a ta. ;
M ïDUNCULI longitudind foliorum, plerumque biflori. <
B üLYX: Perianthium quinquedentatum, perfiftens, }
“ dentibus inæqualibus, acutis, duobus fuperiori- ^
bus brevioribus, latioribus, furfum tendenti- ]
k t bus, obtufe divifis, fig. 1. 1
■ CpROLLA papilionacea, fig. 2.; Vexillum fubemar- j
ginatum, limbus reflexus, venis purpureis 1
piétus,^. 4. ; Alæ albæ, conniventes,^. 5. ; 3
Carina alis brevior, ôbtufa, fig. 6. 3
ISlAMINA : Filament a diadelpha (fimplex et novem- 3
fidum) aflurgentia,^-. 7, 8. fupremum liberum, ï
fig- 8. ; Antheræ fimplices. |
B r iL LU M : Germen comprelïum ; Stylus alïur- |
gens; Stigma capitatum, villofum, fig. 9. 4
^RlCARPIUM : L egumen lave, teretiufculum, te- |
I trafpermum, fig. 10. $
^®1INA fubrotunda, fufcefcentia, nigro marmoreata, I
fig - m I
t ROOT annual and fibrous.
\ STALKS in open places are (lender and weak, but among
\ the corn (where this plant is moft commonly
£ found), they fupport themfelves upright by
- means of their tendrils, and grow to a foot or
> more in, height.
• STIPULAE at the bottom of the leaves, two, fimple, and
• pointed at each end. ' '
: LEAVES pinnated, fmooth, lanceolate, and linear,
; from three to five pair, terminated by a
branched tendril.
PEDUNCLES the length of the leaves, generally fuf-
taining two flowers.
CA L YX : a P er ian th ium having five teeth and continuing,
the teeth unequal and pointed, the two
uppermoft lhorteft,broadeft, and turning a little
upwards, at bottom obtufely divided, fig. %
COROLLA papilionaceous, fig. 2.; the V exillum
flightly nicked in at top, the limb fomewhat
turned back and ftreaked with purple, fig. 4.;
the Alje white and doling together,^. 5.; the
C a r in a Ihorter than theAlag and obtufe, fig. 6.
STAMINA : ten F il am en t s uniting into two bodies,
of which one forms the lowermoft,^, 7 .; and
one the uppermoft which is free, fig. 8.; A n ther.
® fimple.
PISTILLUM: G ermen flattened; St y l e riling upward;
St ig m a forming a iittle head and villous,
fig. 9.
SEED-VESSEL: a L egumen, fmooth, roundilh, and
containing four feeds, fig/10.
SEEDS nearly round, brownilh and mottled with black,
* fig- 11.
J ■■ J j S o{. ErvumorTm-Tare is found hi moft Corn-fields, often to the Farmers forrow, as it frequently
l l e o v e r m m S r ' r k e ft te“ d” Is. and i f the feafon favours its growth* I up, 1 countej !1f ntL jL * Tft P °f thlS 1C IS'exceedlngly fertile : on one plant which »Jiiceof I cafually pulled 880? P and as each pod contains four feeds, there muft have been from a fingle feed the Lazing
i t k,aS J.conr'derabk refemblance to the Erv«m hirfutum ; but the llighteft attention will
■ contain four “ id andare&«>y; in the Tetrafiermum
^ more tW / T em w t A 1 ^ gr°W “ | kind °f l f | ; in this there is
i f e h T p ä M ^ f S t e n !mt fo h ^ reprefent P‘3nt 38 * gr°WS am0nS the C°rn : when !s f°™d bF
1 ‘1 ; I Ü
l i f i i t e
H I m
1 1 1 1 1
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