Jrenanthes M u r a l i s . I v y - L e a v e d
L e t t u c e .
W i l d
PRENANTHES Linn. Gen. PI. Sy n g e n e s ia P o l y g a m ia ^Eq u a l is .
ReCefit. nudum. Calyx calyculatus. Pappus (implex, fubfeflilis.
Tlojculi limphci lerie.
PRENANTHES foliis ferratis pinnatis, pinna fuprema triangulari trilobata. Haller. Hiß. n. 18.
PRENANTHES muralis. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 964.
LACTUCA fylveftris murornm flore luteo. I. B. II. 1004.
SONCHUS hevis laciniatus muralis parvis floribus. Bauten Pin. 124.
SONCHUS lsevis muralis. Ger. mac. 293.
SONCHUS Isevis alter parvis floribus. Park.
Lettuce. Hudfon Fl. Angl. cd.
805. Raii Syn.p. 162. Ivy-leaved Sow-thiftle, or Wild
2- P- 338- Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 431.
®IX perennis, ramofa, pallide fufca, laftefcens. | ROOT perennial, branched, o f a pale brown colour,
iu LIS pedalis ad tripedalem, ereHus, fimplex, fo- f STALK from” * 5'ro three feet high, upright Ample
liofus, fuperae fubflexuofus, teres, glaucus | . leafy, fomewhat crooked towards ^ the top’
1 . 1, P“fP“™«ns. . . . . . r ? round, glaucous, and purplilh. .
|LIA radicaha Soncho oleraceo perfimiha, mferne | LEAVES next the root very like thofe of the common
| purpurea, caulma alterna, amplexicauha, | Sow-thiftle, purple on the under flde thofe
patentla‘ | of the ftalk alternate, fpreading, and em-
S.0RES parvi, luteg ereHi, paniculati. | FLOWERs'fmalt yellow,, upright, growing in a
I nICULA ampla, nuda, ramofiflima, purpurafcens. | P A N IC L E ^ e , naked, exceedingly branched and
|LYX communis cylindraceus, glaber, purpura- f CALYX :^the common calyx cylindrical, fmooth, pur-
■ Pcens> M a” la c5'1“ .dr; ™ “ ero oorollularum,« plilh, the fcales of the cylinder as numerous
t i l # b?fin <7 lmdr. tnb" a breviflimts in- | as the florets, with three,^ery Ihort, unequal
*n0TT5 ° ' $ ' r »; / r ' 1 j . , I I (mall ones at its bafe, fig. 1. 4
r ™ T P°- ’ 1 he™ aphu °dltf P‘^ ! COROLLA “ mpound, FlorcU hermaphrodite, ufurumque
qumque aequales, in orbem fimpli- | ally five in number, equal, forming a finale
cempofite, latiufculas, nervofie, qu.nqueden-| circle, broadilb, ribbed, terminal J by ffve
» . „ 3 ,JS - 2- . . 1 teeth, fig. 2.
■ MINA: FtLAMENTA qumque, capillaria, brevifli-1 STAMINA: five capillary Filaments, very (hortand
■ TILT TTM?1p a; ANTHrE^ fylmdraceas, tubulofe. 4 yellow; An thers formingahollowcylinder
¥ m^'oGE?“k N filb0Vatuini Stylus filifor- | PISTILLUM; Germen fubovatef Style Itliform'
; S x um mmf c Uv °ngl0r; A blfidum’ | loSSer the ftamina; Stigma bifid and
|<n?vr „m I 3 * . . a reflexed, fir. q.
i i p f P H ac™ lnatu” > “ S™“ . ft,™-1 SEED oblong, pointed« the bafe and ftriated: Do w N
1 Z 4 knte a u f lT r e peU° latUS> fimplex- 4- lente auct.yrg. g. 1v fla” d^“ Sm aognn iaf ievde,r 'PJi g*. 05«. foot-ftalk, fimple,
as m others as a Sonchus. It approaches neareft to
■ »■ SOS ’ from the nancitv *?d " “f-n“ »*® fol,aS.e. ls verY like that o f the Sonchus olcraceus.
■ onllitute . T . “ -p l yc?f 2?l- ’ makcs ar dlftma Senus of it, though number Teems fcarcely fufficient
\ s it howeverfromTll hfir' PkUf ty f flr° retS .(there bei"S feldom more than five) at once diftin-
ftinnin» i , °m. 1 us h’ tidred, but at the fame time we have known it not a little to puzzle ftudents
§»®g to learn the claffes, and who had ftudied them from fuch flowers as Dandelion. P
H E v e d 'X r of itP!hk With US’ bk'1 “ | 1 ^ °,CCafi?naIly on » ada. ™ woods, and other fhady places.
lJ.prll eadQ- rHteeaf t hh> oLn 1th e d, eclvi vity to°wna r‘¥ds Lr0ourtdbd Me °anf stfhieel dPsa Ilietst lwe hwicoho dte. rminate the Terrace at the SFpa niard *
Rflowers from July to September. ,