A g a r i c u s p r o c e r u s » T a l l M u s h r o o m.
AGARICUS Lin. Gen. PL C k y p t o g am ia F u n g i . .
Fungus horiiontalis, fubtus laiilellofusi
Fait Syn. Gen. i . F u n g i .
AGARICUS anulaius ftipitaths, pileo campanulato fubfufco fquatnofo, lamellis albidis, ftipite bulbofd
anulato. Lightj'oot Fl. Scot. p. 1025.
AGARICUS procerus ftipitatus piled hemifphzerieo laceratd-fquamofo rufefcente einereo, lamellis albis,
ftipite lopgo cylindrico acetabulo infertOi Iiudfon FL Angl. ed. 2. p. 612.
AGARICUS procerus. Scopoli Fl. Cam. n. 1465.
AMANITA petiolo procero, anulato, in acetabulum pilei immiffo, pileo fquamofo et maculato, lamellis
albis. Haller. Hifl. n. 2371.
AGARICUS; pileo papillari,: ampliffimo, in margine fornicato, lacero et filamentofo; petiolo anulato
procero, inferius tumido, pilei acetabulo inferto. Gleditfch. Fung. p. 114.
FUNGUS pileolo lato, longiffimo pediculo variegato. C. B. Pin. 371. n. 24. ■
FUNGI longiffimo pediculo candicantes, fed maculati efculenti. J. B. III. 826. Ran Syn. p. 3. n. 10.
Schceff. Fung. t. 22, 23.
STIPES folitarius, fpithàmæus, et ultra, craffitie indicts,
bafi bulbofus, fiftulofus, fig. 3, albidus,
fquamis fufcis plerumque notatus.
t STALK fingle, fix inches or more in height, the thick-
VOL VA ampla, perfiftetis, lacera, bilamellofa,. lamella
inferiore membranacea, fubfufca, fuperiore
alba, fpongiofa.
FILEUS palmaris et . ultra, primo fubglobofus, dein
campanulatus, demum planus, fquamis fufcis,
floccidis, circa verticem crebioribus, maculatus ;
vertex tumidus, coriaceus ; caro craffitie la-
mellarum, alba, molliffima, fpongiofa.
LAMELLÆ confertæ, fragiles, albidæ, bafi in margi-
nera acetabuli pile! infertæ, pulverem fubtiliffi-
mum cinerafcentem fpargentes. fig. 1, 2.
nefs of the forefinger, bulbous at bottom, hol-
$ low, fig. 3, whitifh, and generally mottled
? with brown fcales.,
| RUFFLE large, permanent, torn, compofed of two
t lamellae or coats, the lowermoft membranous,
and brownifh, the uppermoft white and
f fpongy.
| CAP three inches and more in diameter, at firft
roundifh, then bell-fhaped, and laftly flat,
fpotted with brown, flaky, fcales; thickeft
| round the crown; crown prominent and leathery,
flefh the thicknefs of the gills, white,
| very fbft and fpongy. -
? GILLS numerous, brittle, whitifh, inferted at their
| bafe into the edge of the cup of the cap,
throwing out a very fine afh-coloured powder.
■ I ' M *»2-
This Mufliroom, inferior to few in point of elegance, is frequently found in Woods, and dry hilly Failures
among Heath Broom, See. in the months of September and Oftober; I have found it in the environs of Hornfey
Wood, m i The Spaniard, Hamppad Heath ; in Richmond Park, and many other places.
It is a Well-known Mufliroom, and eafily diftinguiftied 'from all others by its taSnefs, its bulbous bafe, its
large ruffle, its fpongy cap, which is flaky, or fcaly, not warty at top, and which, as Mr. L ightfoot juftly
obferves, feparates it from the verrucofus, with which, it has no fmall affinity.
I have feen it expoftd to fale in Covent Garden market, for the true eatable one, but a Connoiffeur will diftin-
guifh it by the fponginefs of its Heft, which renders it in a great degree unfit for eating.