A c h i l l e a P t a r m i c a ,. S n e e z e w o r t .
ACHILLEA Lin. Gen. PL S y ^g en e s ia p o l y g a m ia su p e r f l u a .
Recept, paleaceum. Pappus nullus. Cal. ovatus, imbricatus. Floß
culi radii circiter 4.
' Rail Syn. Gen. 8.. H er bæ f l o r e com po s ito d is c o ïd e , seminibùs p a p po
d e s t it u t is corymbijerce d ic tæ .
ACHILLEA Ptarmica foliis lanceolatis acuminatis argute ferratis. Lin. Syfi.Vegetab. p. 647. Sp.
PL p . 1266. Fl.Suecic. n. 77 1.
ACHILLEA, foliis linearibus lanceolatis acütifïime ferratis. Haller hiß. 1 17.
DRACUNCULUS fèrrato folio pratenfis. BaitJi. p. 198.
PTARMICA Ger. emac.606. Park. 859. Raii Syn. p. 183. Sneeze wort, Baflard-Pellitory,
Goofe-Tongue. Hudjon, Fl. Angl. 375. Lightfoot, FI. Scot. p. 495. • •
RADIX perennis, repens, alba, fubgeniculata, fibris <> ROOT p.erennial, creeping, white, fomewhatjointed,
majufculis longiffirnis doriata, e geniculis furnifhed with large and very long fibres,
exeuntibus, fapore acri et fervido. i which proceed from the joints, of a hot acrid
•$'" ••.-;■ | - ' • ^ tafie.
CAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, ereftus, plerumque <i> STA LK from one to three feet high, upright, geriefimplex,
rigidulus, inferne teres, glaber, | rally Ample, fomewhat rigid, below round
fuperne fubangulatus,. villofus, paniculatim | and fmooth, above flightly angular, villous,
ramofus. V and branching out into a kindof panicle.
FOLIA numerofa, alterna, feflilia, amplexicaulia, $ LEAVES numerous, alternate, feflile, embracing the
linearia, acuta,, bi vel tripollicaria, utrinque & ftalk, linear,: pointed, two or three inches'
glabra, lucidiufcula, faturate viridia,» mar- | -■ long, fmooth on both fides,. and fomewhat
gine retrorfum fcabra, fubcrenata; crenis fhining, of a deep-green colour, the edge
minutim ferrulato. aculeatis ; fubtus triner- | rough, if the finger be drawn along it, from
, via ; nervis longitudinalibus, quorum inter- X ~ the top to the bafe, fomewhat crenated, the
medius eft cofla.. | notches forming a (harp prickly kind of faW,
<> underneath having two longitudinal ribs, be-
X . fide the midrib.
% CORYMBUS terminal, compound, upright, villous,
Y and leafy. .
(► FLORAL-LEAVES linear on the flower-ftalks. • ’
CORYMBUS terminalis, compofitus, ere£lus, villofus,
BRACTEÆ lineares in peduncülis.
CALYX communis hasmifphericus, fubtomentofus, | C A L Y X common to. all-the florets, hemifpherical,
imbricatus, fquamis ovato-lanceolatis, eretlis, $ fomewhat woolly ; the fcales compofing it
fubcarinatis, margine rufis, fubciliatis. placed one over another, of an oval-pointed
a " Ihape, upright, fomewhat keeled, the. mar-
§ gin reddifh, and flightly edged With hairs.
COROLLA compofita, radiata, jlores feminecs in ra- $ COROLLA compound and radiate, female Jk
dio, ligulatas, numero 8-10, lamina ovata,
alba, patens, bifulca;, apice obtufa, triden- |
tata, jig. 1. tubus marginatus, brevis, longi- (►
tudine germinis, apice rubellus, fig. 2. ^
jlores hermaphroditi in difco numerofi, tubus %
fubcylindraceus, marginatus, virefcens ; lim- t
. fow quinquefidus, albus, tubo brevior, laciniis |
fubrevolutis, jig. 3.
the circumference, tubular at bottom and
fpreading at top, from 8 to 10 in number,
the lamina ovate, white, fpreading, with
two grooves, blunt at top, with three fmall
blunt teeth, fig. 1. the tube-two-edged, fhort;
the length of the germen, and reddifh at top,
fig. 2. hermaphrodite flowers numerous in
the centre, tne tube nearly cylindrical, two-
<► edged, greenifh, the limb white, divided in-
| tofive fegments, fhorter than the. tube, the
■ H (> - fegments fomewhat rolled back, fig. 3.
b 1 AMINA in hermaphroditis; F il am e n t a quin-.b STAMINA in the hermaphrodite, flowers ; F il a -
que, capillaria ; A nthe ræ flavæ, in tubum X ment s five, very fine; A nth-eræ yellow,
dto'T'tt 4*. ,. . , 'y uniting in a tube, fig. 4.
rlbTILLUM in femmeis et hermaphroditis : G e r - $ PISTILLUM in the female and hermaphrodite
men compreflum, turbinatum ; S t y lu s fili- (> flowers ; G ermen flattened, broadeft at top;
formis ; S t ig m a t a duo, revoluta, apicibus $ .S t y l e thread-fhaped ; S t ig m a t a two, rolk:
o btufis, fyr. K. *J 9 led back, the ends blunt, fig. g.
SEMINA piurima, nuda, utrinque fubalata, nitida, | SEEDS numerous, naked, having alcind of wing on
apice truncata. . . • ^ each fide, fhining, and'cut off as it were'at
RECEPTACULUM paleaceum. fquamis membra- a RECEPTACLE, chaffy, the fcales membranous, ofa
naceis, lieneari-lanceolatis, obtufis, vix Ion- fhape betwixt linear and lanceolate, blunt’
gitudine florum. * fcarcely the length of the flowers. .
The dried powder of this plant fnuffed up the noftrils provokes fneezing, hence it has acquired its name
0Itneezewort; chewed in the mouth, like Pellitory of Spain, it promotes the flow of the faliva, and is found
applie^ ' in the- cure of the. tooth-ach,:■ thefe appear to-be the only, medicinal purpofes to which it is
Intts double flate, it has long been an ornament in gardens, and diftinguilhed by the name o f Bachelors
’‘ ‘tons;, having a creeping and very increaftng root, it requires more care to deftroy than to increafe it.,
rfl. u a- c°mm°n Plant in wet paftures and on heaths, and may be found in plenty by the fides o f the
«ucnes m Batterfea-Meadows, where it flowers in July ‘knd Auguft.