MALVA Linncei Gen. PI. Monadelphia Polÿandria.
Cal. duplex: exterior triphyllus. Arilli plurimi, monofpermi.
Raii Syn. Gen. 15. Herbæ semine nudo polyspermæ.
MALVA rotundifolia eaule proftrato, foliis cordato-orbiculatis, obfolete quinquelobis ; pedunculis
fruftiferis declinatis. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 520.
MALVA caule repente, foliis cordato-orbicularibus, obfolete quinquelobis. Haller Hiß. n. 1070.
MALVA rotundifolia. Scopoli Fl. Corn. n. 858.
MALVA fylveftris folio rotundo. B. Pin. 314.
MALVA fylveftris pumila. Ger. emac. 930.
MALVA fylveftris minor. Park. 299. Raii Syn. 251. Small wild Mallow or Dwarf Mallow.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 307.
Lightjoot. Flor. Scot. p. 375.
■ RADIX annua, profunde defcendens, albida.
■ CATTLES plures ex una radice, proftrati, dodrantales, |
pedales et ultra, teretes, pubefcentes, pur- \
FOLIA alterna, petiolata, utrinque minutim pubef- '
centia, fcabriufcula, fubrotundo-reniformia, ,
quinque vel feptemloba ; lobis rotundatis, 1
margine ferrata, fubtus fubfeptemnervia, ex- \
trema fenfim majora.
KETIOLI teretes, elongati, pubefcenti-fcabri, fupra
BTIPULÆ duæ, oppofitæ, parviufculæ, lanceolatæ,
acutæ, ciliatæ, pubefcentes.
«LORES plerumque gemini, pedunculati, axillares,
pedunculis petiolis brevioribus, filiformibus,
teretibus, pubefcentibus, fæpius inæqualibus.
■ CALYX: Perianthium duplex, exterius triphyl- j
lum ; foliolis lineari-fubulatis, obtufis; in - (
terius campanulatum, pubefcenti-fcabrum, \
quinquefidum ; laciniis ovato-acutis, ereftis, <
carinatis, margine ferratis, fubundulatis,j%. 1. ’
■ COROLLA alba, venis rubellis pi&a, Pet ala (
quinque, lineari-cuneiformia, obtufa, emar- !
ginata, calyce paulo longiora, erefta, fubfef- !
i filia, Jig. 2.
KTAMINA : Filamenta plurima, monadelpha ; co- ]
lumna cylindrica, glabra, corolla brevior, 5
■ fuperne breviter libera.
||iNTHERiE parvze, fubrotundae, echinatse, undique ■
nutanteSj^i 3.
RISTILLUM: G ermen orbiculatum, depreflum, in- \
fra receptaculum corollae; St y l i plures, <
fubulati, erefti, vix pubefcentes, longitudine )
nn.| ftaminum; Stigmata limplicia, fig. 4. i
»M IN A ut in fylveftri, at minora, Jig. 5.
ROOT annual, ftriking deep into the earth, of a
whitifli colour.
STALKS feveral from one root, laying proftrate on
the ground, from nine to twelve inches in
length or more, round, downy, and molt commonly
LEAVES alternate, ftanding on footftalks, covered
on both fides with a fine down, flightly rough,
o f a roundifh, kidney-fhaped form, ufually
divided into five or feven roundifh lobes,
ferrated at the edge, having generally on the
under fide feven ribs, thofe fartheft from the
root gradually largeft.
LEAF-STALKS round, long, downy, with a flight
roughnefs, grooved on the upper fide.
STIPUL^E two, oppofite, fmallifh, lanceolate, pointed,
edged with hairs and downy.
FLOWERS generally growing in pairs, connefted to
flower ftalks, which fpring from the alae of
the leaves, and which are fhorter than the
leaf-ftalks, thread - fhaped, round, downy,
and for the molt part unequal.
CALYX : a double Perianthium, the outer one
compofed of three linear tapering leaves,
bluntifh at the point; the inner one bell-
fhaped, downy, with a flight roughnefs, divided
into five fegments, of an oval pointed
fhape, upright, keeled, the edge ferrated and
flightly waved, fig. 1.
COROLLA white, ftriped with reddifh veins, Petals
five, of a narrow wedge fhape, blunt, notched
at the extremity, a little- longer than the
calyx, upright, nearly feflile, fig. 2.
STAMINA: Filaments numerous, united into one
body, the column cylindrical, fmooth, fhorter
than the corolla, at top loofe.
ANTHERAl fmall, roundifh, prickly, hanging down
all round, Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM : G ermen orbicular, flattened, placed
below the receptacle of the corolla ; Styles
numerous, tapering, upright, fcarcely downy,
the length of theftamina; Stigmata Ample,
Jig. 4.
SEEDS as in the fylveftris, but fmaller, Jig. 5.
I.«. e •l1661 with this fpecies o f Mallow on dry Banks, alfo under Pales and Walls in great plenty; it is obvioufly
jMnguifhed from the common mallow by having a procumbent ftalk, and fmall white flowers flightly tinged
■ ith red.
H i t continues to blow from June to September.
^ « I aller and Scopoli defcribe the ftalk as creeping} our plant certainly does not creep.