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A ntirrhinum spurium. R ound-leaved F luellin.
ANTIRRHINUM Lin. Gen.PI. D idynamia Gymnospermia.
Cal 5. phyllus. Corolla bafis deorfum prominens, ne&arifera. Capfula 2-
RaiiSyn.Gen. 18. Herbæ fructu sicco singulari, flore monopetalo.
ANTIRRHINUM fpurium foliis ovatis altérais, caulibus procumbentibus. Un. Syß. Fegetab. p. 464.
Sp. PI. 851.
ANTIRRHINUM caule procumbente, foliis villofis, ovatis, imis conjugatis, fuperioribus alternis. Haller.
Hi/L p. 7 71.
ANTIRRHINUM fpurium. Scopoli FI. Carniol. 771.
ELATINE folio fobrotundo. Bauhin pin. 252. Park. 533.
VERONICA foemina Fuchfii feu Elatine Ger. em. 625.
LINARIA Elatine di&a folio fubrotundo.
Raii Syn. p.* 282. Round-leaved Female Fluellin,
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 272.
_ The Antirrhinum fpurium bears fo great an affinity in its habit and fru&ifications (vid. fig. 1, 2, 3.) to the
Elatine, that it would be fuperfluous to defcribe it minutely ; it is fufficiently diftinguiihed from that plant by its
leaves alone, which m this fpecies are always round, in that haftate, at leaft thofe of the ftalk, for in both fpecies
the leaves next the root are roundiffi and generally indented; of the two the fpurium is the largeft plant.
AUhough L innjeus has given it the name of fpurium, there is no reaibn to fuppofe it the. fpurious offspring
ot the Elatine, as the two plants generally grow leparate. About Alton, in Hampfhire, the fpurium abounds in many
corn fields, without the leaft mixture of the Elatine -, and about Coomb-wood, in Surry, the Elatine may be found in
p enty, without the leaft traces of the fpurium: while in fbme counties they grow promifcuoufly in the fame field.
• The round-leaved is by far the fcarceft plant near town; I found it laft July tolerably plentiful and in bloflom,
ln a c°m field betwixt Beckenham and Shirley Common.