Br a s s i c a M u r a l i s . W i l d R o c k e t .
BRASSICA Lvnnesi Gen. PI. T etradynam.ia Siliquosa.
Cal. erectus, connivens. Sem. globofa. Glandula inter ftamina breviora
et pillillum, interque longiora et calycem.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 21. H e r b e s T e t r a p e t a l ä SiliqUos-e e t Siliculosa:.
BRASSICA muralis foliis lanceolatis, flnuato-ferratis, lteviufculis; caule ere&o, glabro. Hudfon Fl. Angl,
ERUCA foliis glabris, pinnatis, pinnis linearibus diformibus. Maller Hiß. n. 4S1.
ERUCA fylveftris. Matt. inDiqfc. fi. 531. cum icone.
ERUCA tenaifolia perennis flöte luteo. 7. B. 2. 861.
ERUCA fylveftris. Gérard emac. 246.
ERUCA fylveftris vulgatior. Parkin/m 818,
ERUC^. fylveftris major vulgatior feetens. Hift. Ox. II. 230. Raii Syn. p. 296. Wild Rocket,
B aDIX perennis, fublignofa, intra muros profunde 9 ROOT perennial, fomewhat woody, p en e t r a t in s deep
■ „ P/?Brans vixevellanda. , | into the walls. fcareely to be pulled ou?.
fAULIS fefquipedahs, ereBus, ramofus, teres, bafi 5 STALK a foot and a half high, upright branched,
fubhgnofus, perennans. ♦ round, at bottom fomewhart £00’dy and '■
<> rennial.
fOLIA pmnatifido-lacimata, glabra, patentia, odoris $ LEAVES pinnatifid and jagged, fmooth, fpreading,
■ » S 4 o fa difagreeable fmefl.
IJALYX priufquam flores aperwntur quafi bicornis, * CALYX before the flowers are expanded has the ap--
cormbus brevibus, pllo uno, alterove inftruB- X pearance of having two horns, which are
is ; flore aperto tetraphyllus, follolis oblongis, * ftort, and furnilhed with one or two hairs i
concavis duobus cum apicibus gibbofis, deor- X on the expanfion of the petals, it is compofed
fum tendentlbus, duobus ereftls./g-. 1, 2, 3. | of four, oblong, hollow leaves, two of which,
v being gibbous at top hang down, and the
■ Y ' other two Rand upright, fig. 1, 2, q.
COROLLA. P e t a l a quatuor, majufcula,1 calyce 4 COROLLA: four Pe t a l s , rather large, twice the
duplo longiora, unguiculata, ereaa, flava, J length of the calyx, clawed, upright, and of
■ . PS- 4* 4 a yellow colour,- fig. 4.
| pCTARIUM: Glandules quatuor, duo extra bafin J N E C T A R Y : four Glands, two placed on the outfide
nlamentorum prater morem longae, apice ex- J of the bafe o f the filaments, unufually long,
trorfum meurvatae, duo intra bafin filamen- » externally bent in at top, two placed on the
torum breviora, fubrotunda, Jig. 7, 8. | infide of the bafe of the filaments, fhorter and
J $ roundilh, Jig. 7,8.
MTAMINA: Fil am e n t a fex »quorum duo breviora, j STAMINA: fix Fil am en t s , two o f which are fhorter
iubulata, erecta, flavefcentia; A n ther je. in- 4 than the reft, tapering, upright, and yellowifh;
c um b e n te s , fu b fa g it t a t a e , fig. 5 . A n t h e r æ l a y in g a c r o f s th e f i lam e n t s , a n d
f o m e w V lomewhh aa tt aa rrrrooww -- ifhnaapp eedd ,, fig. 5z..
m S T IL L LM : G ermen oblongum, tenue; Stylus } PISTILLUM: Germen oblong, Sender, Style very
■ IrDTr A DrDTT?\!?USc;-D TIG^ Sfelll Wr & . 4 §K§1 ; Stigma forming a little head,fig . 6.
BtKICARPIUM : Sihqua fefqumncialis, teres, utrm- \ SEED-VESSEL : a Pod about an inch and a half long,
que Iinea prominenti notata, 9. a round, marked on each fide with a prominent
| B mINA plurima, minuta, fufea, fubovata, compref- $ SEEDS numerous, fmall, brown, fomewhat oval, and
fiufcuIa- l a little flattened.
■ M atthiolus, one of the firft Botanifts who has taken notice of this plant, calls it Eruca fylvefiris. and has
Wen usa tolerable good figure of it, fufficient at leaft with his annexèd defeription to identify it ; Caspar Bau-
HgNE quotes this plant from Matthiolus, with this addition, Eruca fylvefiris major lutea daule ajpefo, now there
f.'.-«Uirln ^ bP Ü aPPearance either in the plant, in Matthiolus’s defeription, or figure, which juftifies thofe ex-
s i IOnsf; t0r as„ , ^ RNEF? RT °^^erves in Api Hifi- des plantes des environs de Paris, the branches have fome-
I mm tew lm J halr? ° n R h but b? no means can they b-e called rough ; this defeription of Bauhine’s has
tn/n °fC cr| ated tpuch confufion, nor is the name of J. Bauhine, which T.ournefort has adopted, perhaps
J r r|§| .re„ trom. objection ; the term tenuifolia, though proper when placed as the oppofite to latifolia, in the
gjeient mitance is liable to miflead.
idea of the infufficiency o f Matthiolus’s figure or defeription,Tournefort and Ray
uHTiirnl• • Hg»1“ *° accuracy as to leave no doubt of their being well acquainted with it; they both
! m H des huiles fétides
wére w J iP La Ch,afi^ Vlf e '> Ray s, odor totiusplantesfoetidus et ingratus, nofirisfaltem naribus ; if any thing more
ittinenon In^t0 “ e‘Cnptions, we might add fome peculiarities in its fru&ifications, as that the Calyx before
t(r bifV^ tWO ltde Ihort horns, from each o f which iflue one or more fine hairs; when the flower
oil the 6 j tW° °^tbe Ieave« the Calyx ftand almoft upright, while the other two bend back, and that two
oitne glands are uncommonly long.
hlhas SC?N’ I therfir{^ edition of his Flora Anglica, calls this plant Braßca Erucaftrum\in the fécond edition
fiftifirati U ƒ n6W Pecie,S; 11 certainly does not accord with L innæus’s fpecific defeription ofthat plant 5 its
»il. . t >ons rienote it to be a Braffica, and it does not agree with any o f the other fpecies o f Brafjica in L in-
In r have therefore adopted Mr. Hudson’s näme. M
but i l l nrpr° Hpl BraJflca Eruca was formerly much cultivated in gardens for medicinal ufe and for falads ;
cfcrated 1601 u S j?rmraon : feeds have a pungent tafte of the. muftard kind, but weaker, they have long been
aclid niant«38 aPhF?dl,lacs> and may probably have, in fome cafes, a title to this virtue in common with other
tile« w S I - ? , n’ as R aY obferves* was not only the opinion of the Phyficians, but alfo of the Poets o f former
I B r ’ ucn ne illultrates with the following quotations :
V ' V B 1^euerem revocans Erucamorantem.
j Excitât ad Venerem tardes Eruca maritos.
K hc ß B?ucasJu^eo vitarefalaces.
tIBold wafkCû a Ti/” §rows veiT p'ent'M 'n and about London, and is I belive of general growth onmoftof
‘'S back of Radl ca J t',rouS1',out England ; with us in particular it grows on. the walls round the Tower, at
pa|t of the fu am’ 3n° near Uyde-Park ; it is alfo frequently found among rubbilh ; it flowers during the greateft