k c H O R I U M I N T Y B U S . B L U E S ü CCORY,
C ICH O R IU M hin-, Gen. PL Syngenesta P o l y g a m ia .s q ü a l i s .
Rtcept. fubpaleaceum. Cal. calyculatus. Pappus fub-5-dentatus, obfoleüe
Rail Syn. Gen. 6. Herb.® flore composito n a t u r a pleno la c t e s c e n t e s .
CICHORIUM Intybus floribus geminis feffilibus, foliis runcinatis. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 602. Sp. PI,
p. 1142. FL Suec. n. 711.
CICHORIUM foliis pinnatis, pinnis triangularibus dentatis, floribus feffilibus. Haller Hiß, 1.
CICHORIUM Intybus. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. 991.
CICHORIUM fylveftre five officinarum. Bauhin Pin. 126.
INTYBUS fylveftns. Camer. epit. 285.
CICHORIUM fylveftre. Ger. emac. 284. Parkinf. 776. Rail Syn. p. 172. Wild Succory. Hudfon
FL Angl. ed. 2'. p. 348.
1 DIX perennis, externe lutefcens, fufiformi-cylindri-| ROOT perennial, externally o f a yellowifh colour, ta-
* ça, etiam ramofa, craffitie digiti, fpithamæa, | pering very gradually to a point, alfo branched,
fæpe pedalis, defcendens, fibrillofa, fibrillis | the thicknefs o f the finger, a fpan, and often
fparfis, la&efcens, ladle albo.. | a foot in length, ftriking downward, furnifhed
$ - with few final! fibres, milky, the milk o f a
I white. Colour.
1\ULIS pedalis, ad tripedalem, eredlus, rigidus, tor- f STALK from one to three feet in height, upright, ri-
tuofus, fcabridus, plerumque ramofiffimus. | gid, crooked, roughiffi to the touch, and ge-
| nerally very much branched.
J)LIA radicalia plurima, taraxaci, fubafpera, caulina ? LEAVES at the root numerous, like thole of Dande-
læviora, fubamplexicaulia, alterna. | lion, roughiih, thole of the ftalk fmoother,
t alternate, partly furrounding the Item.
Î.0RES plerumque bini, fpeciofi, feffiles, e foliorum ? FLOWERS growing generally in pairs, ftiowy, {effile,
I fupremorum alls. . | fpfinging from the alæ o f the uppermoft leaves.
mLYX communis calyculatus, {quamis exterioribus f CALYX common to many florets, compofed of a double
quinque, ovatis, acutis, fubpatentibus, pilis ? fet o f fquamæ or leaves, the outermoft of which,
glanduliferis ciliatis ; interioribus odto cirçiter, ^ are five in number, ovate, pointed, fomewhat
lineari-lanceolatis, æqualibus, cylindrum an- | fpreading, ‘ edged with glandular hairs, the
gulofum, vifcofum, conftituentibus. Jig. 1, | innermoft about eight, narrow, equal, form-
* 2, 3, 4. T ing an angular, clammy cylinder. Jig. 1, 2,
H 3*. 4-
©ROLLA compofita, plana, uniformis, Corollulis ? COROLLA compound, flat, regular, Florets herma-
hermaphroditis, viginti circiter, cæruleis, 2a- | phrodite, abont twenty in number, of a blue
bus cylindricus, brevis, albus, apice dilatatus | colour; Tube cylindrical, fhort, white, diet
pilofus ; Limbus planus, quinque-dentatus, | lated at top and hairy ; Limb flat, with five
fubtus nervofus et villofus. Jig. 5. $ teeth at the extremity, on the under fide rib’d
I and villous. Jig. 5.
l'ÀMINÀ : F îl a m e n t a quinque alba, capillaria, | STAMINA : five F il am e n t s , of a white colour, very
manifefte libera ; A ntheræ faturate cæruleæ, ? {lender, manifeftly unconnected ; A ntheræ
in tubum cylindricum, angulatura coalitæ. | of a deep -blue colour, forming an angular, cyfig.
tk f lindrical tube. Jig. 6.
JiTlLLUM: G ermen fubconicum, album, pilis bre- | P IST IL LUM : G ermen fomewhat conic, crowned
viflimis coronatum ; St ylu s filiformis, albus ; f with very {hort hairs ; -St y l e thread-fhaped,
St igm a t a duo, cærulea, revoluta. jig. y . | white; St ig m a t a two, o f a blue colouf, and
I rolled b a c k .
JMINÀ plurima* in fundo calycis, nuda, fubpenta- ? SEEDS numerous in the bottom of the calyx, naked,
gona, margine pilis breviffimis ciliata. jig. 8 .1 irregularly five cornered, the edge crowned
? with very fhort hairs. Jig.Fx. magnified.
Fhat beautiful plants are often noxious weeds, agriculturally confidered, we have already noticed in the Biftort,
1 field Convolvulus, the corn Poppy, and the perennial Perficaria ; the blue Succory adds another to the
Bogue, VI ‘
mtterfea Fields, which exhibit bad hufbandry in perfection, produce this plant moft plentifully j it flowers in
ip and September j like the docks it increafes Itfelf much by feed, and is to be extirpated in the fame
|ome botanifts have erroneoufly fuppofed this fpecies of Succory to be the Endive in its wild ftate, but its
JfS perennial root fufficiently evinces the contrary. The Cichorium Endivia, which is.an annual or biennial,
igrowS'Wild in the Corn-fields of Spain, together with the Intybus*, is undoubtedly the parent of the culti-
P Endive) it is not fo clear which of the two is the plant celebrated by Horace as conftitutin? a part of
|Fple diet,
• ■ ■ ■ ■ ------ me pafcunt Oliva
■ *. Me Cichorea, levefque Malva.
fin not unfrequently found wild with white flowers, and it has been difcovered that the fine blue colour of the
Y ls convertible into a brilliant red by the acid of Ants t ; Mr. M il ler the Engraver aflured me, that in Germany
15s °rten amufed themfelves in producing this change of colour by plac’ ng the b' l1ofloms i 1 anthill. |
W'\t\ Q— ««iuicu lucuueiv es 111 p
|j' Succory is an ufeful detergent, aperient, and attenuating medicine; afting without
1^1 rather to cool than heat the body, and at the fame t ’
llaken in large qu ' ‘
I excellent effe&s i
| nuch irritation,
iet’k « mo jiame time corroborating the tone of the inteftines. The
m a e,r in large quantities fo as to keep up a diarrhaea, and continued for fome weeks, has been found to pro-
llent- fcorbutic and other chronical diforders. Lewis's Difp. p. 125.