O phry s A n t h r o p o ph o r a . M an O ph r y s .
OPHRYS Linn. Gen. PI. G ynandria Diandria.
NeSlarium fubtus fubcarinatum.
Rail Syn. Gen. 26. Herbæ B ulbqsis affines.
OPHRYS anthropophora bulbis fubrotundis, fcapo foliofo, ne£larii labio lineari tripartite» : medio
elongato bifido. Linn. Syß. Vegctab. ed. 14.'Murr. p. '814. Sp. Pi. ed. 3. p. 1343. Hudf.
Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 390.
ORCHIS radicibus fubrotundis, fpica Ionga, flore inermi, Iabello perangufto quadrifido. Hall. Hiß.
n. 1264.
ORCHIS anthropophora oreades. Col. Ecph. 1. 320. Rail. Syn. ed. 3. p. 379. Park. 1348. 7.
ORCHIS flore nudi’hominis effigiem reprefentans fæmina. Bauh. Pin. p. 82. Vail!. Par. p. 147. /. xxxi.
fig. 1.9, 20.
RADIX bulbi duo, oblongi, odorati.
SCAPUS pedalis et ultra, foliofus, teres, glaber, fu-
perne fubangulofus.
FOLIA radicalia in florente planta ere&iufcula, ovato-
oblonga, obtufiufcula, glaberrima, pallide
viridia, caulina pauca, fcnguftiora.
FLORES numerofi conferti, luteo virefcentes, in
fpica fubpalmari.
BRACTEÆ Ianceolato-acuminatæ, virides, germine
breviores, fig. 1.
COROLLA : Petala quinque viridia, in galeam con-
niventia, fig. 3, 4. tria exteriora ovata, ob-
tufa, marginibus rufis, duo interiora-linearia :
_ NeBarii labellum petalis longius dependens,
flavefcens, in quibufdam penitus rufefcens,
tripartitum, laciniis linearibus, lateralibus fub-
divergentibus, intermedia elongata bifida,
fig. 5, 6, paulo infra ftigma quod profunde
excavatum eft, duæ funt glandulæ pellucidæ,
nitidæ, valde conlpicüæ.
STAMINA: Filamenta 2 breviflima; A ntheræ
flavæ, fig. 7.
PISTILLUM: Germën teres, viride, tortuofum,j%. 2.
$ ROOT two oblong bulbs, odoriferous.
V STALK a foot or more high, leafy, round, fmooth*
flightly angular above.
A LEAVES next the root in the flowering plant nearly
| upright, ovato-oblong, fomewhat obtufe,
V perfeflly fmooth, of a pale green colour,
thofe of the ftalk few and more narrow.
| FLOWERS numerous, growing thickly together, of
| a yellowifh green colour, in a fpike about a
| hand’s-breadth in length.
v FLORAL-LEAVES lanceolate, tapering to a point,
V green, fhorter than the germen, fig. 1.
A COROLLA : five P e t a l s , o f a green colour, doling
| fo as to form a hood, fig. 3, 4; the three outer-
' moft ovate, obtufe, their edges reddilh brown,
§ the two innermoft linear: the lip of the nectary
longer than the petals, hanging down,
yellowilh, in fome wholly reddilh brown, divided
into three fegments, which are linear,
X the fide ones diverging fomewhat, the middle
f> one elongated and bifid, fig. 5, 6 ; a little be««
§ low the ftigma, which is deeply hollowed out,
£> are two pellucid Ihining glands, very conv
f STAMINA: two Filaments very Ihort; A nthers
§ yellow, fig. 7.
f) PISTILLUM: G ermen round, green, twilled,7%. 2.
. The flowers of this fpecies have been confidered as bearing fome 'fimilitude to the effigies of a man, whence
its name: the old authors in their figures of it have improved on this refemblance, at the expence o f truth.
"id. Parkinson, and others.
It is a plant common to the more fouthern parts o f Europe, and is found chiefly on calcareous foils, with us
principally in dry paftures and old chalk pits, in fuch fituations it is one o f the moft common of the tribe in
^ent; we have found it alfo plentifully in the chalk pits about Leatherhead and elfewhere.
It varies in fize, and in the colour of its flowers, from yellow green to bright ferruginous; flowers in May and
June,;and is more ealily cultivated than many others of the fame genus.
The root, and indeed the whole plant, emits a ftrong odour.