The Dogs Mercury was at one °f>eing n,ot onl>'
and in this there A M B ^ B S S l SpringJ this the whole Summer long : the Dogs Mercury
hai^an unbranched°llenu this^a ftalk branched down to the bottom.
The Annual Mercury has been ranked among the emollient oleracepus'herbs; « j gent y to oofen
the bell?” its principal ufe has been m glyfters.
The whole plant, particularly when in flower, has a ftrong fineli of Elder. ' ■
- i SHI h„0- injured feveral perlons to believe,
The fine blue colour which the “ a^ many others, to produce Indigo ; this induced
The whole plant,
.. into a green by the addition of an and if a large quantity be added,, it nearly deftroys
« as it does moftbluehquors, it only weakens the b^u^^^^ M g S out readily to water; but in
it. The whole plant, on being dried affu deep dirty green, which changes gradually into a
all cafes, if a boding heat be ufed, it ' L 0r, I always found it was changed into a brown
« brownilh red. Upon agitating violently the blue q . . 1 means I could fall upon There falls
.. colour the blue being entirely loft, and not to be re £ X the blue liquor be evaporated,
- during this procefs, admail quantity P « cT'tate, whmh . al o brown. W recipitate falls which, on 5 Slip ISsSifiSilS S s r e S K If 85pf^ :: gisSiSlIWiS;»31«**« % irf™ *■ sf •' *•f ■ " f. wasp of the browniflt colour mentioned above.