CARDAMINE Lin. Gen. PI. T etradynamia Siliquosa Siliqua elaftice difliliens valvulis revolutis.
Stigma integrum. Cal. fubhians.
Raii Syn. Gen. 21. Herb.® te trapetal® siliquos® et siliculos®.
CARDAMINE pratenfis foliis pinnatis: foliolis radicallbus fubrotundis, caulinis lanceolatis* Lin. Syß
Fegetab. p. 497. Sp. PI. 915. FI. Suec. n. 585.
CARDAMINE foliis pinnatis, radicalibus fubrotundis, caulinis linearibus. Haller, hiß. n. 47-.
Ü CARDAMINE pratenfis, Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 819.
I NASTURTIUM pratenfe magno flore Bauh. p. 104.
! FLOS CUCULI Hod. pempt. 592.
I CARDAMINE Ger. emac. 259;
NASTURTIUM pratenfe majus five Cardamine latifolia. Parkins 285. Raii Syn. p. 299. Ladies
Smock or1 Cuckow-flower.
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 294. Lightfoot F,l. Scot. p. 349.
RJD1X perennis, craiiiiucula, alba, multis fibris te- | K
1' nuibus capillata. $ *“‘ 5^ iun u 1 nuc nnres.
cljL IS dodrantalis, ere&us, apice parum ramofus, f STALK about nine inches high
teres, obfolete angulofus, lasvis, firmus, ‘pur- |
purafcens. f
large tuft of fine fibres,
about nine inches high, upright, "at top n
iittie branched, round,- fcarce perceptibly
angular, fmooth, fliffifh, with a. purplilh
FOjLlA radicalia faepius manca, in orbem fparfa, pin- | LEAVES next the root frequently imperfefl, fpreading
nata, pinnis fu brotu n d is, i nequali ter triden- | in a circular form, pinnated,, the pinnafroundtatis,
extimo majori, et fæpiüs quinque den ^
tato, breviffime pedicellata, Jevia ; caulina t
pinnata, ere£ta, pinnis plurimis, confertis, |
fublinearibus, concavis. *
ilh, running out; into three unequal angles or
teeth, the outermofi: largeft, and having for
the moft part five angles, fending- on very
t Jrort: f°°tfelks and lin ooth thofe on the
I alk pinnated, upright, the pinna numerous,
I ' growing thickly together, fomewh at linear
y and hollow.
| r ACEMUS, or Flower-bunch, terminal, furniftied
? with footfelks, naked and fmooth.
I '-A L YX : a Perianthium of four leaves, which are
| - . oval, obtufe, membranous - at the edge, hol-
| low, the alternate ones gibbous at the bafe,
RiCEMUS terminalis, pedunculatus, nudus, glaber.
: C.^LYX : Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ova-
i to-oblongis, obtufis, margine membranaceis,
concavis, alternis bafi gibbofis, deçiduis. fig. *
l; 8 . . . T and deciduous, fig. 1
COROLLA crucifbrm.s, dilute purpurea feu albida; | COROLLA crofs-lhaped, Sf a pale purple, or whitilh
1 Petala obovata,obovata. fubemarginata,iubemarfnnata. unguibus amnuhns fla-fla.
X BIBbSBS r , f .
vefcentibus, longitudine calycis* fig. 2. colour ; Petals inverfely oval, (lightly notched,
claws of a yellowilh, colour, the length of the
SEMINA: Filament* fat fubulata, quorum duo I STAMInI f fo^ilainents, tapering, the two (hort-
l brevrora, rncurvata ; A nther* cordato hne- | eft of which bend inward Anthe^T* heart-
, Oiaped yet linear, incumbent and yellow
' NECTARIUM : Glandula quatqor, quorum, duo fila- f N ECTARY f'four Glands, two of which furround th.
mentorum breviorum bafin cingunt, duo, eexx-
* . haf* nf Ü É ___ . 7
tra bafin filamentorum longiorum locantur.
BKTILLUM: Germen cylindraceum, tenue; St y -
lus^ breviflimus ; Stigma capitatum, fta-
minibus paulo brevior. fig. 4. 5.
PHRICARPIUM : Siliqua cylindraceo-comprefia, bi-
locularis, bivalvis, valvulis dehifcendo fpira-
raliter revolutis. fig. 6. 7.
SMIINA plurima, comprefla, flavefcentia. fig. 8.
bafe of the fhorteft filaments, and two are
placed on the outfide of the bafe of the long
filaments. .
PISTILLUM: Germen cylindrical, and (lender;
Style very fhort ; Stigma forming a little
head, and not quite" fo long as the ft a min a.
fig- 4- 5-
SEED-VESSEL : a Pod cylindrical, and fomewhat
flattened, of two cavities: and two valves,
♦ the valves in opening,curling up. fig. 6. 7.
* SEEDS numerous, flattened and yellowilh. fig. 8*.
Hvi®aublIe mI vBarioIus M fpa cCfmarodd™ic hcotmPpralta‘i?nft'!s Ybye Wfew. B^ars fince introduced into praffice, and recommended as fc aker in the firft vnliim* nf ^ \ / r a- J™ liraenueci as le
^mamen^ou^meadow^in^^d l° they are ufually white, with.a tinge of, purple, ar
s I U mead0WS 111 th' i dlSh;M “ “ th of May, as deferibed by Shakefpeare in Loses Labour liff -
„ I'roen daifies py d and violets blue, ' J
And cuckow-buds ofi yellow hue,
And l a d y - sm o ck s all Jilver white
• j - , 9 ° p a r t‘ h‘ meadows with delight, & c.
4 e meadows V h e r e ^ a C d ^ e f l Z g l iL 7 t a c h b g k otThegraTsh,te 'Vhlch I