OPHRYS Lin. Gen. PI. Gynandria D iandria.
.Neftarium fubcarinatum.
Raü Syn. Gen. 29. Herb iE radice bulbosa pr®d it®.
OPHRYS ovata bulbo fibrofo, caule bifolio, foliis ovatis, ne&arii labio bifido. Lin. Sy fl. Veff et ab. p. 667.
Sp. PI. 1342. FI. üuec. n. 808. '
EPIPACTIS foliis binis ovatis, labello bifido. Haller, hiß. 1291. t. 37.
OPHRYS ovata, Bauhin. Pin. 87. Ger. emac. 402.
BIFOLIUM fylveftre vulgare Par\ins.. 504. Raii Syn. 385. Common Twayblade.
Fl. Dan. t. 137. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 388. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 523.
[RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris plurimis, teretibus,
cylindricis, contortis.
jSCAPUS pedalis et ultra, folidus, teres, villofus, fub-
vifcidus, foliolis paucis perbrevibus, alternis,
acuminatis, vaginantibus inftruftus.
[FOLIA bina, prope terram, inferiore bafi fua fuperi-
oris bafin ambiente, ovata, mucronata, quin-*
[FLORES herbacei, fpicati, laxe et diftin&e infidentes.
BPICA ipraelonga, angufta.
1. ad 12. exhibent partes frü&ificationis ficut per
lentem apparent.
%. 1. ad 6. Flos antice vifus.
1. 4. 5. Petala exteriora latiora, 2. 3. interiora
vig 6. Labeilum Nectarii bifidum, in fitu naturali
faspius inflexum.
pf*7- Squama fuperior, ßg. 10. Squama inferior,
(fuftentaculum Halleri) inter quas theca fta-
minum quafi in forcipe continetur.
r* 2. Theca ftaminum, cum ftaminibus inclufis.
Theca ftaminum, demiflis ftaminibus, ßg. 9.
p?*15* Stamina cum Antheris bilamellofis, flavis,
feorfim exhibitis.
n. Stigma.
i’S-15. Pericarpium nat. magnitud.
; ROOT perennial, fibrous, fibres numerous, round, cylindrical,
matted together.
; STALK a foot or more in height, folid, round, villous,
(lightly vifcid, and furnifh-ed with very
■ ■: Ihort, alternate, pointed fheathing leaves.
: LEAVES growing in pairs, near the ground, the lower
one by its bafe. furrounding the bafe of the
; upper one, ovate, pointed, with five ribs,
; FLOWERS o f a g reenilh co lou r, g row in g in a {pike,
f it t in g lo o fe ly and d ift in ftly . *
; SPIKE v e r y lo n g and narrow.
: Fig. 1. to 12. exhibit the parts of the fru&ification as
; . . they appear through a magnifier.
; Fig. 1 . to 6. a flow e r feen in front.
: Fig. 1 . 4. 5 . the outer broadeft P e t a l s , 2. 3. th e in ne
r and mo re na rrow ones.
Fig. 6: the Lip of the N ectary, which in its natural
; fituation is generally bent inward.
; Fig. 7. the fuperior Squama, fig. 10. the inferior Squama
(the fuftentaculum of Haller) between
which the cafe containing theftamina is held
as in a pair of forceps.
Fig. 12. the Cafe of theftamina, with the ftamina en-
: Fig. 8. the Cafe of the ftamina, the ftamina having
fallen out, fig. 9. 6
; Fig. 15. the Stamina with the A nther.® compofed
of two lamella of a yellow colour {hewn by
themfelves. . J
; Fig. 1 1 . the Stigma.
i Fig. 15. Seed-vessel of its natural fize.
To render the cltaraflers of this genus, which are very difficult of inveftigation, eafy to the Botanic Student
■ ftey are reprefented in a magnified ftate* and particularly referred to. * b udent»
It will be feen on comparing, how very different they are from thofe of the Orchis.
S l i p of ?P V y,S H mo? common o f the S B genus, and may, be found R moft of the woods
K d t S * ly fuch aS hare * m°ift « about ohooter’s-hill, 'and fometimes it is found in M e t
A variety with three leaves is row and then met with.
■ It flowers in May and June.