HYPOCHÆRIS Lin.Gen. PI. S y n g . P o l yg am ia æ q u a l is . Recept, paleaceum. Cal. fubimbricatus.
Pappus plumofus.
Raii Syn. Gen.6. Herbæ flore com po sito n a tu r a pleno la c t e s c e n t e s .
HYPOCHÆRIS radicata foliis runcinatis obtufis fcabris, caule ramofo nudo lævi, pedunculis fqua-
mous. Finn. Sp. PI. pi 1140'. Fl. Suède, n. 709.
HYPOCHÆRIS foliis femipinnatis hirfutis, caule nudo, brachiato. Haller Hiß. p. 3. n. 3.
ACHYROPHORUS radicatus. Scopoli. Fl. Carn. n. 987.
HIERACIUM Dentis leonis folio obtufo majus. Bauhin. Pin. 127.
HIERACIUM longius radicatum. Lob. te, 238. Gerard, mac. 298.. Parkinfon. 700. Raii. Sm.
long-rooted- Hawkweed. > -
, .Hudjon Fl. Angl. ed. 2.
Oeder. FI. Dan. ic. 150.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 443.
jADIX perenms, craflitle diglti minimi, profunde in J ROOT perennial, the thiclnefs o f the little fineer
terramdelcendens, albida.plerumquefimplex, | running deeply into the earth, generally fimlaaelcens
* • pie, ofawhitilh colour, and milky within.
flLIA radicalw, fupra terram expanfa, planiufcula, £ LEAVES next the root expanded on the ground flat-
° ” u; a’ finuato-dentata, dentibus | tilh, oblong, obtufe, Gntiated and toothed (the
fubobtufis, hirfuta, pills fimplicibus, ereflis, | teeth bluntilh) hirfute, the hairs fimple une
punfctis prommuhs prodeuntibus, caulma 0 right, and proceeding from little prominent
nulla* | ' points; ftalk leaves none.
JlULES: fcpe plures ex eadem «dice, pedales aut | STALKS often feveral from the fame root, one or two
bipedales, fubereai, nudi, fquamis folum | feet high, nearly upright, naked, inftead of
brevibus, ovato-acutis clllatts, ad exortum | leave's having only fhort, oval, pointed feales
ramorum mfirufli!, glabemmi, glaum, fub- £ edged with hairs at the fitting on of the branftnati,
tenaces, folldi, ramofi. 0 ches, very fmooth, glaucous, fomewhat ftri-
| ated, tough, folid, and branched.
jEDUNCULI longi, fquamis paucis obfiti, verfus I FLOWER-STALKS long, befet with a few feales
apicem paululum incralfati. $ towards the top a little thickened, ’
<4LYX communis imbricatus fquamis ovatis, a cu - j CALYX common-to many florets, compofed of feales
riviHnfi.A apICe rufis’ carma 01 lata pl “ * "which are ovate, pointed, fmooth, reddifh at
ligtauiis, Jig. 1. | top, the keel edged with fliffilh hairs, 'fig. t.
jPROLLA Cmnpojta, imbricata ; CoroIIulis herma-
phroditis, æqualibus, numerofis, Propria mo-
nopetala, ligulata, truncata, quinque-dentata,
tubo apice pilofo, 2, 3.
|f AMINA: F ilament a quinque, capillaria; A nther
a; in tubum coalitas, flavas.
»STILLUM: G ermen ovatum; S t y lu s filiformis,
longitudine Staminum; S t ig m a t a duo, re-
PEN oblongum, rufum, flriatum, Jig. 5.
l^PPUS ftipitatus, plumofus.
^CfPTACULUM paleaceum, palete Iongtc, nitidte,
membranacese, concavae, Jig. 4.
f COROLLA compound, the florets laying one over
I another, hermaphrodite Florets equal and
f numerous each Floret monopetalous, tubular
at bottom and fpreading at top, cut off at the
0 extremity and terminating in five teeth, the
tube hairy at top," .2, 3.
1 STAMINA: five F il am e n t s , veryfine; A n th e ræ
I uniting in a tube, of a yellow colour.
J PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate; S t y l e thread-fhaped,
I the length of the Stamina; S t ig m a t a two,
I turning back.
|s SEED oblong, reddifh, and finely grooved, Jig. 5.
I DOWN ftanding on a foot-ftalk and feathery.
Î RECEPTACLE chaffy, ehafflong, fhining, membranous,
and hollow, Jig. 4.
y p o c h a r is receives its name o f r a d ic a ta from the length o f its root, by which it is parti-
J ^ f a i io n T " “ “ • , lIIe Le° nto t on m tu m n a le , L inn , or H ie r a c ium r a d ic c f u c c if a o f B a u h in - in its
l iv a b le liP i with the H y f io c h a n s g la b ra i already figured, fize excepted, the fame membranous Palece
jh os as the other isfcarce C CqUa 7 t0 chara£ienze the Senus m this fpecies, which is altogether as common
fe^enHertv ban?IS’ alf? <?n heath?’ !n.me,ad?ws and paftures, and in the early part o f the Summer its
uer it a very confpicuous plant in thofe fituatidns.
^ “^ b l o l f l f " ■ nUl,arly ° n heathSl ■“ “ "?Uch f” a!ler ‘han'he raioms will always prevent its being miftaken for the HPylpaoncth hxCrTise glabra. b, ut its hairinefs and the