SCUTELLARIA Linn. Gen. PI. D idynamia G ymnospermia. Calyx ore integro: poll florefcentiam
claufo, operculato.
Ravi. Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices et Herbæ vertic illatæ.
S CU T E L L ARIA galericulata foliis cordato-Ianceolatis crenatis, floribus axillaribus. Linn. Syß. Vegetab.
p. 457. Sp. PI. 835. Fl. Suède, n. 538.
CASSIDA foliis oblonge cordatis crenatis verticillis nudis bifloris. Haller Hiß. 280.
CASSIDA galericulata. Scopoli FI. Carniol. 74.
LYSIM.ACHIA casrulea galericulata, feu Gratiola caerulea. Bauh. Pin. 246.
LYSIMACHIA galericulata. Gerard, emac. 477.
GRATIOLA caerulea, f. latifolia major. Park. 221.
CASSIDA paluftris vulgatior flore caeruleo. Raii Syn. p. 244. Hooded Willow-herb.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. p. 265.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. 320.
RADIX perennis, tenuis, geniculata, alba, repens. 0 ROOT perennial, flender, jointed, white and creeping.
CAULES pedales aut bipeaales, ere&i, quadrati, la- | STALKS from one to two feet high, upright, fquare,
teribus concaviufculis, bilineatis, geniculati, J the fides a little hollowed and marked with
rigiduli, ramofi, ramis oppofitis, fubereftis.
FOLIA oblongo-cordata, obtufiufcula, inaequaliter
nata, fuperiora acuta.
two lines, jointed, ftiffilh, branched, the
| branches oppofite and nearly upright.
J LEAVES of an oblong heart fhape, fomewhat blunt,
$ Handing on footftalks, rather wrinkly and
| unequally crenated, thofe on the top o f the
$ plant pointed.
BRACTEAL duae, minimas, fetaceae,. adbafin pedun- 1 FLORAL-LEAVES two, very fmall and fetaceous,
culi. % at the bafe o f the flower ftalk.
FLORES bini, fecundi, caerulei, villofi, fubtus albidi. | FLOWERS growing in pairs, one way, o f a blue co-
' lour, downy, and whitilh underneath.
CALYX: Per ianthium monophyllum, brevilfimum, f CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, v« y fhort,
tubulatum: ore truncato, fquamula incum- % and tubular; the^ mouth as if cut off, having
bente operculi inftar claufili, Jig. 1. $ a fcale on it which feems to do the office of
& a lid, Jig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous and ringent. Tube very
fhort and bent backwards. Throat long, com-
preffed; upper Lip hollow, and trifid; the
middle fegmeht hollow and nicked; the Jide
ones flat, pointed, and placed under the middle
one ; Lower Lip broad and nicked, Jig. 2.
COROLLA monopetala, ringens. Tubus breviflimus, | 1
STAMINA: four white Filaments, thickeft in the
middle and a little villous on one fide, two
fhorter than the others; A n th er s fmall
and yellow, jig. 3. \
retrorfum flexus. Faux longa, compreffa. La- f
Hum Juperius concavum, trifidum: lacinula ^
media concava, emarginata ; lateralibus planis, $
acutiufculis, intermediæ fubjeflis. Labium |
inferius latius, emarginatum, Jig. 2.
STAMINA: Filament a quatuor,'alba, medio crafli-
ora et ad unum latus villofula, duo breviora :
A ntheræ parvæ, luteæ, Jig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen quadripartitum; Stylus | PISTILLUM:Germen dividedinto.fourj>arts, Sty le
fuperne paululum mcrauatus, Stigma fim- 0 towards the top a little thickend: Stigma
plex, incurvatum, acuminatum,^. 4, 5, 6. f fimple, hooked, and pointed, 4, 5, 6.
PERICARPIUM nullum, Calyx bipartibilis, operculo % SEED-VESSEL: none, the Calyx which fplits into
claufus, capfulae vicem gerens. y two parts, being clofed by its lid, anfwers
the purpofe of a capfule.
SEMINA 1 ad 4 fubrotunda, pallide fufea, fuperficie % SEEDS from one to four, roundilh, of a pale brown
fcabra, Jig. 0, 10. i colour, with a roughilh furface, Jig. 9, 10.
RECEPTACULUM feminum fubrotundum, Jig. 8. | RECEPTACLE of the feeds roundilh, Jig. 8.
Botany would certainly pleafe more in the ftudy of it, were the Genera, as m the prefent inftance, diftinftly
charafterized; the lingular and curious conftrudtion of the Calyx in this genus is very deferving of a minute
This fpecies of Scutellaria grows commonly on the edges of rivers and ponds, and flowers in June, July, and
It has a very increafing root, and hence Ihould cautioufly be introduced into the Garden.
Hauler attributes to it the fmell of Garlick, which it fcarcely merits.