RHINANTHUS Linn. Gen. PI. D idynamia A ngiospermia.
Cal. 4-fidus, ventricofuSi Capfnla 2-locularis, obtufa, comprefTa.
Rail Syn. Gen. 18. Herbie Fructü sic co singular!, flore'monopetalo.
RHINANTHUS Crißa Galli corollls labio fuperiore compreffo breviore. Linn. Syß.Vegetab. p. 45g.
Sp. PL p. 840. FI. Suec. 542.
ALECTOROLOPHÜS calycibus glabris. Haller Hiß. 313.
MIMULUS Crißa Galli. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 751.
PEDICULARIS pratenfis lutea vel Crifla Galli. Bauh. Pin. 163.
CRISTA GALLI fcemina. I. B. III. 436.
CRISTA GALLI. Ger. emac. 1071.
PEDICULARIS feu Crifla Galli lutea. Park. 713. Yellow Rattle or Cocks-Comb. Raii Syn. * 284»
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2.p. 268. ' Lightfoot FI. Scot.p. 322.
RADIX annua, fimplex, albida, parum fibrofa. 5
CAULIS pedalis circiter, ere&us, fimplex, feu ramofus, 9
quadrangulus, glaber, purpureo maculatus. *
FOLIA oppofita, remotiufcula, feflilia, cordato-lanceo- |
lata, obtufiufcula, venofa, lævia, fubtus tuber- |
culis albidis pulchre reticulata, ferrata, ferra- 0
turis margine craffis et fubinvolutis. 0
BRACTEÆ oppofitæ, magnæ, foliis fimiles at bafi Ï
latiores, et profundius incifae, ferraturis acu- A
' minatis. 0
FLORES flavi, fpicati, pedunculis breviffimis infi- 0
/ • dentes. 9
CALYX: Perianthium raonophyllum, fubrotun- 9
• tturn, inflatunv comprelfum, quadridentatum, I
dentibus æqualibus, pallide virens, venofum, &
perfiflens, Jig. 1. 0
COROLLA monopetala, ringens. Tubus fubcylindra- 0
ceus, longitudine calycis ; labium fuperius ga- 0
leatùm, compreffum, emarginatum, margine 9
anteriori utrinque violaceo; labium inferius 9
trifidum, laciniis lateralibus planis; rugofis, ^
intermedia majori, marginibus invol.utis, 0
M R . ..9
STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, longitudine labii 0
fuperioris, fub quo recondita, quorum duo 0
breviora. A ntheræ incumbentes, hinc bi- 9
fidæ, hirfutæ, fig. 3. |
PISTILLUM : G ermen ôvatum, compreffum, gla- 0
brum. Stylus filiformis, ftaminibus longior. 0
. Stigma obtufum, inflexum,j^-. 4. 0
PERICARPIUM : C apsula orbiculata, mucronata, 0
compreffa, bilocularis, bivalvis, jig. 7. |
SEMINA plurima, majufcula, compreffa, fubrenifor- f
mia, libera, jig. 8. ' 0
ROOT annual, fimple, whitifh, furnifhed with few
STA LK about a foot high, upright,fimple, or branched,
fquare, fmooth, and fpotted with purple.
LEAVES oppofite, rather remote from each other,
fefnle, lanceolate with a heart-fhaped bafe,
bluntifh, veiny, fmooth, underneath beautifully
reticulated with white tubercles, fawed,
the notches thick on the edge, and fomewhat
rolled back.
FLORAL-LEAVES oppofite, large, like the leaves,
but broader at the bafe, and more deeply
cut in, the notches pointed.
FLOWERS yell ow, growing in a fpike, and fitting on
very fhort foot-ftalks.
CA L YX : a Perianthi um o f one leaf, roundifh, inflated,
flattened, having four equal teeth, of.
a pale green colour, and permanent, jig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous, ringent. Tube fomewhat
cylindrical, the length of the calyx; the upper
lip helmet-fhaped, flattened, with a notch
on the end, the anterior edge blueifh on each
fide, the lower lip trifid, the lateral fegments
flat and wrinkled, the middle one largeft, the
edges rolled inward, jig. 2.
STAMINA: fourFiL aments, the length o f the upper
lip, under which they lie hid, two'of which
are fhorter than the others. A ntheras incumbent,
at one end bifid, and hairy, jig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate, flattened, fmooth.
Style filiform, longer than the flamina.
Stigma blunt, and bent downwards, fig. 4.
SEED-VESSEL : a round, flat Capsule o f two cavities
and two valves, terminating in a fhort
point,/g. 7.
SEEDS feveral, rather large, flattened, fomewhat
kidney-fhaped, and loofe, jig. 8.
The feeds of this plant, when ripe, rattle in the hufks, and hence its name. L innasus informs us, that this
circumftance guides the Swedifh peafant in mowing his grafs for hay. In the neighbourhood o f London haymaking
commences while this plant is in full bloom.
It abounds in mod of our paflures, and flowers early in June.
Agriculturally confidered, we may rank it with the ufelefs plants.
In the third edition of R ay’s Synopfis, DiLLENrus, on the authority of Dr. Richardson, adds another
fpecies, which he calls Pedicularis major angujlifolia ramojijjima jlore minore luteo, labello purpureo. Found
near York, and alfo in Northumberland. This, however, is confidered by fucceeding Botanifts as a variety
only, and is not found with us. 1