B r y ü m A r g e n t e u m . S i l v e r B r y u m.
BRYUM Linn. Gèn. PI. C r y p t o g a m ia Musci.
Raii Syn. Gen. Cal^ t n lævis' ™mcntum e tubercule terminaitortum.
BRYÜM argenteum antheris pendulis, furculis cylindricis imbricatis lævibus. Linn. Sv/l Vei t 7s0
op. trL. 1580. ï l . Suecic. n. 1008- ; -
RH vn t ï CaU'ibus teretibus’ ,caEfu*is ovatis acuminatis pendulis. Haller Hifi. 1821,
BRYUM argenteum. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. i qio. .
S a r o n g Pr nduIu'? j ulaceum argenteum et iericeum. DHL mufic. 302. t. m. f. 62.
™“ SCUS fW n° r“ aygenteus, ericæ folio. Vaillant. Paris. 134. t. 26. / 3.
MU6LUS minimus c vindt argenteus,capitula oblongis cernuis. Mart. Htftl3. f i.fr tj.f. 15. t. S .f. 17.
Confertim nacitur, cauliculis feflilibus, furculi teretes
duarum aut trium linearum.
J Stalks growing clofe together and feffile, dividing into
i round furculi two or three lines in length.
1 LEAVES ovato-lanceolate, terminated by a hair, dif-
FOLIA ovato-Ianceolata, acuta, pilo terminata, qua- •
druplici altefna ferie difpofita, tam ar&e cauli '
appreffa, ut nonnifi per lentem diftingui 1
poffmt, pilis creberrimis, fericeis, argenteis. <
PEDUNCULI initio hyemis furgunt e bafi cauliculo- <
rum, ab aliquot lineis ad femunciam longi, 1
inferne purpurei, fuperne pallidibres. '' !
CAPSULyE ovatae, nutantes, lutese, verfus fetam ru- |
bicundas, quae ab initio virides, et re6iae ante <S
maturitatem fuere. Operculum, breve, obtu- |
fum, aurantiacum. Ora ciliata, Calyptra e vi- @
ridi fufea, quae nonnifi in junioribus capfulis I
reperitur. - ‘ |
pofed in an alternate quadruple row, fo clofely
preffed to the ftalk, as to be fcarce vifible
without, a magnifier, the hairs exceedingly
numerous, filky, of a filver colour.
PEDUNCLES arife from, the bottom o f the ftalks, the
beginning ofwinter, from a few lines to half an
^ inch in length, below purplifh, above paler.
CAPSULES ovate, pendulous, yellowifh, but near the
peduncle reddifh, when young green, and upright.
Operculum fliort, obtufe, and of an
orange colour. Mouth ciliated, Calyptra of a
greenifh brown, and only vifible in the youne
capfules i
A “ “ poffible in painting to do ju dice to the filvery appearance which this little mofs ufually puts on and
which in general obv.oufiy dilimgu.lhes ,t from all our other Bryums , this filvery hue it however FoTes °n’ fome
g“ L T r nbutn iax«alfo “and SeTurc f “ ' efpeC,a" y ln,moift Altered „reener put laxer alio, and the furculi grow to a much greater length p; lainc etsh, isw hfteartee itth eis lfeiagvuerse dn obtv o Dnly become jllf vitis
r a d dt nP^ t c; e ; ; = ^ ^ r l . 7 3much likewife in their fhape- r° ~ s 4 j - r s
The Bryum argenteum produces its capfules as: early as December and January, and this their early annear
T s S i '^ T ler Wl■ ? ,,hey a/ e not,roofl™ fo“ nd as o^ers, but adde/to this it doe^not produce
fructifications fo plentifully as fome other Bryums, large patches o f it being often found perfefily barren
It IS very common on walls and banks. F ' cu*
Fig. 1. to 7. reprefent it of its natural fize in its various ftates, fig. 8. to 12. magnified.
B r y u m C æ s p i t i c i u m . M a t t e d R Y U M.
BRYUM cmßiliaum.antheris pendulis, foliis lanceolatis acnminato-fetaceis, pedunculis longiflimis
H V P v r r J - r 'r ^ - Ve^ h 799- fy- P‘-P- 1586, FI. Suecic. 1010. P S
RRYTTM hQ‘1Is. ovato-|ancrola“ s.?nftatis patulis, capfulis ovatis obmfis pendulis. Haller. Hifi. i 7qo.
MTicriTC P Um ova.tl,.m caefpmcium et pilofum, feta bicolori. Dill. Mufc. on6. tab. m. j. 7 3
Mnorrro ca.p{}*a.^eus minimus, capitulo nutante, pediculo purpureo. Vaill. Paris. l o i . t . ’L . f. 7
MUSOUS trichoides capitulo parvo reflexo, pediculo ima. medietate rubro, fumSia luteo-viridi
Mart/. H. Ox. III. p. 62g. f . xv. t. S. f . xv. Raii. Syn. p. 100. n. 44.
CAULICULIS in denfos cæfpites congeftis, lata ftrata
efficit, fupra muros imprimis et in terra gla-
reofa,fig, 3.
SURCULI îpfi breves, et ad aliquot tantum lineas fu-
per terrain eminentes, fig. 1. 4. fubramofi, \
mferius multo tomento fufeo obfiti.
FOLIA exigu a, denfe congefla, ovato lanceolata, pilo ‘
incano terminata pallide e luteo viridia, feri- i
cea, fplendentia, fub lente in humide planta (
.. pellucida, fig. 14. 16. {
PEDUNCULI unciales, fig. 5. inferne purpureas, fu- <
perne luteas, e furculorum annotinorutn ro- J
lula terminali prodeunt, fig. 1. inter ramulos, i
five potius furculos juniores, bulbillo inftruc- j
ti,y<>. 2. i
CAPSULA ex ovato-cylindrica, ab initio ereSa,7%'. 1. j
tenuior, deinde fenfim crallefcens, pendula, Î
Î $3' d.’ 9' ? Fuhlutea, operculo tefla papilli- !
forrni, niiniato, nitido quo fecedente ora ap- {
paret c iliata,^. 12. |
CALYPTRA in junioribus erefla, gracilis, conica, pal- I
lide fufea, in adultioribus rufa, inclinata «
A - 7. S i 9- ' «
STALKS growing clofely together, form broad turfs,
particularly on walls and gravelly fituations,
fig- 3 * 1
SURCULI themfelves fhort, raifed a few lines only
above the earth, fomewhat b r a n c h e d , 1. 4.
below covered with a brown woolly kind of
LEAVES fmall, clofely compared, oval pointed, terminated
by a grey hair, of a pale yellowifh
green colour, filky, filming; under a magni-
ner in the moift plant r.ranfparent,^. 14, 16.
PEDUNCLES about an inch in length, Jig. below
purple, above yellow, proceeding from the
top of the laft year’s furCulus,^. 1. between
the branches or rather younger furculi, fur-
nifhed with a fmall bulb,j%\ 2.
CAPSULE of an oval cylindrical form, at firft upright,
Jig. 7. (lender, afterwards becoming gradually
thicker and pendulous,^. 8, 9, 11. of a yel-
lowifli colour, covered with a fmall, fhort,
prominent red and fhining operculum, which
falling off the mouth appears ciliated, Jig. 12.
CALYPTRA on the young capfules upright, {lender,
conical, and of a pale brown colour, in thofe
more advanced reddifh brown, and inclined
<> to one fide, 7,8, 9.
c a S fpCirCf ° f Bry, T v vcry commonly met with on walls, alfo on gravelly and Tandy foils, producing its
furculi? y’ MarCh* “ d A p ril; if varies much in fize< “ th e fhape of its leaves and the length” ? its