A garicus Carnosus. Fleshy Mushroom.
AGARICUS carnofus pileo convexo albo, medio rufefcente, lamellis confertis albis carne pilei duplo
In fylvis acerofis habitat nobifcum rarior, autumno i Found with us in pine woods in the autumn, fcarce.
, ' vigens. - o
Solitarius plerumque invenitur, fubinde icefpitofus. | Is generally found growing fingly, fometimes in cluflers.
STIPES triuncialis et ultra, magnitudine fere digiti
minimi, craflus, nudus, fiftulofus, carne diametro
tubi, firmus, albidus, faepe rubro macu-
latus, parum flriatus, ball intra folia pini
emortua defcendente.
PILEUS uncialis, ad triuncialem, albidus, medio ru-
befens, et hinc inde maculis concoloribus
adfperfus laevis, carnofus, carne multo, folido,
albo, primo convexus, dein planiufculus, nec
acris, nec la&efcens.
LAMELLAE numerofiffimae, albidae, anguflae, fefqui-
lineam latae, brevioribus interjeöis, demum
■ STA LK three inches high and upwards, almoft the
thicknefs of the little finger, clumfy, naked,
hollow, the flefh the diameter of the tube,
firm, whitifh; often fpo.tted with red, faintly
ftriated, the bafe defcending amongft the dead
pine leaves.
' CAP from one to three inches in diameter, reddifh in
the middle, and here and there blotched with
fpots o f the fame colour, fmooth, flefhy, the
flefh abundant, folid, white, fir ft convex,
finally almoft flat, neither acrid nor milky.
' GILLS exceedingly numerous, whitifh, narrow, a line
and a half broad, fhorter ones intervening,
finally of a reddifh brown colour.
We can find no certain traces of this fungus, either in the figures or defcriptions of authors; at Ieafl in thofe
of our own country. This may perhaps anfe, from its being a local, or at leaf! not a common mufhroom.
We have hitherto found it only in Lord Mansfield’s fmall pine wood, Hampflead, and there in no great
plenty; but having obferved them in the fame fpot, and affuming the fame charafter for feveral fucceflive
years, we are perfefliy fatisfied o f its being a very diflin6l fpecies. This autumn, Sept. 22, 1785, we found
about twenty or them.
It is in fome degree charafterifed by the Angularity of its colour. We have few fungi that have a white
Pileus, with a reddifh difk, and that, together with the ftalk, irregularly blotched with the fame colour; but it is
more diftinguifhed by the quantity of flefh both in the Pileus and Stipes. It is this which gives it an unufual
degree o f firmnefs to the touch, and has induced us to bellow on it the name o f carnofus*
Chewed, it difcovers no unpleafant tafle: but notwithflanding this circumflance, and notwithflanding its
tempting appearance, we mull, till we have further proofs of its innocence, place it at Ieafl among the fufpi-
cious fungi.