A r c t i u m L a p p a . B u r d o c k .
ARCTIUM Lin. Gin. Ph SyngenesiA Polygamia j9lqualis.
Cal. globofus; fquamis apice hamis inflexis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 9. H erbje flore ex floribuS fistülaribus composito sive c a p i t a ?®*
ARCTIUM Lappa fblils cordatis inermibus petiolatis. Lin. Syfi* Vegetal, p. 603. Sp. PI. 1143.
FI. Suec. n. 712.
LAPPA Haller Htfi. n. t 61*
LAPPA major feu Ar&iurri Diofcöridisi P a u l . Pin-. 198I
PERSONATA five Lappa majofaut Bardana. J . B. III. 570*
BARDANA major. Ger. emac. 809.
BARDANA vulgaris. major. Park. 1222. Rail Syn. igji Great Burdock, 'Clot-burr. Hudfon. Fl,l
Angl. cd. 2. p. 348. Lightfoot Fl.Sdot. p. 19.7. Oedir FI. Dani t. 642.
RADIX biennis* {implex* profunae in terram defcendens, 5
foris nigricans* intus alba. ;
CAULIS ere&us, tripedalis et ultra, craflitudine pollicis, <
ad bafin ulque ramofiffimus, feres, ftriato-ful- 5
catus, villofus, purpurafcens. -
FOLIA ampliflima, petiolata, alterna, cbrdata, fubtus
albida, venofa, margine fubundulata, crenulata.:
FETIOLI foliis breviores, fulcato-angulati, villofi. i
FLORES purpurei, pedunculati, erefti, ramulis alterne <
difpofiti, fuperne in capitula laxa colle&i. •
CALYX communis globofus, imbricatus, glaber, filis 1
araneofis intertextus, . fquamis ] exterioribus;
apice hamatis, hamis nitidis, acutiflimis, Tubin'- i
flexis,Jig. 1, 2. interioribus linearibus, apice;
vivide purpureis, fimplicibus, fine hamis, ;
COROLLA compofita, calyce longior, tubulata, propria \
infundibuliformis, tubo filiformi, albo, limbo 5
tubulofo-campanulato, purpureo, quinque-fido,;
acuto, ere£lo. ;
STAMINA: F il am e n t a quinque alba, capillaria; ;
Anther® casrulefcentes, aut violaceae, in tu- ■
bum extra corollam coalitas. «
PISTILLUM: G ermen fubtriquetrum, album, incur- •
vatum; St y l u s albus, ftaminibus longior,,
utrinque fulcatum; St igm a bifidum.
PMINA oblonga, bafi attenuata, pun&is prominentibus :
coronata, comprefia, fubangulata, reticulato-;
rugofa, exterioribus incurvatis, Pappus ob- :
foletus, rigidülüs. fig. 3. ■
ROOT biennial, fimple, penetrating deeply into the
earth, externally blackifh, internally white.
STALK upright,' three feet high and more, the thiek-
nefs of one’s thumb., branched quite ■ down to
the bottom, round, grooved, but not deeply,
hoary and purplifh.
| LEAVES very large, {landing on footftalks, alternate,
t he&rt-ihaped, whitifh underneath, veiny, the
| edge fomewhat wayed and notched,
f LEAF-STALKS Ihorter than the leaves, angular or
grooved, and hoary;
FLOWERS ‘ purple, ' {landing on footftalks, upright,
difpofed alternately on the branches, and at
I ' the tops of' them collected into, loofe heads.
CALYX common to all the florets globular, imbricated,
ftfrface Ihifling, cobwebby, the exterior fcal.es
hooked at the extremity, hooks (hining, very
{harp, and fomewhat bent in, fig. 1, 2. inner
fcales linear, tops of a bright purple colour,
fimple, without hooks*
COROLLA compound, longer than the calyx, tubular,
Florets funnel-fliaped, tube filiform, white,
limb tubular, and fomewhat bell-lhaped, of a
purple colour, divided into five upright, pointed
STAMINA : five white capillary F il am e n t s ; A nther.
® blueilh, or violet coloured, united
Into a tube, which projects beyond the corolla.
PISTILLUM : G ermen fomewhat three-corpered,
white, bending inward ; St y l e white, longer
than the ftamina, grooved on each fide;
St ig m a bifid.
SEEDS oblong, tapering towards the bale, crowned
with fmall prominent points, flattened, focne-
what angular, furface wrinkly, in the form of
net-work, outermoft feeds bending inward.
Down obfolete, fomewhat rigid, fig. 3.
Id i r tlCnt k°tanifts divided the Burdock, which they diftinguifhed by the feveral names of Lappa * Perforata,
f r£tlumf jf Arcium into two principal fpecies, viz. the Lappa major Arcium Diofc. C. B . ; and the Lappa major
food”*2 Ca$ 'iu^s iomontofis f i v e ArElium Diofc. C. B . ; both of wli^ch are admirably figured by M a t th io lu s on
1 th p ”1^ee^.are m°R of the medicinal plants; later botanifts have made the fpecies much more numerous;
t r llra ^ition o f R a y ’s Synopfis we find no lefs than fix Ipecies and one Variety, viz.
• Lappa major capitulo glabro maxi mo.
appa major Arcium Diofcoridis.
■ a[!• LIa°p^paa mmanji?nrr caP*iul‘s parvis glabris.
4- appa major montana capitulis tomentofis; five ArElium Diofcoridis.
jkitur/nnoj'C[ ve^ a7ro Ts preliendere vel «tto tS Xct7r}sty} i. e. lambere, quod prastereuntiur
nominic,,f|§ ‘0 la ejus prasgrandia veluti larvae aut perl'onae vice obtendi folita cflent. Vcteribus ArSlion
r ll»s igooratur. Rail Hijt. P. 332. , ,