ó a /m d e/ü /tn ,
G aleobdolon G aleopsist. Y ellow A rchangel.
GALEOBDOLON Hudfon FI. Angl. Didynamia G ymnospermia;
Rail Syn. Gen. 24. Suffrutices e t H e r b /e v e r t i c i l l a t .e .
GALEOBDOLON luteum. Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 258.
GALEOPSIS Galeobdolon verticillis fexfloris 5 involucro tetraphyilo. Lin. Syft. Vege'tab. p. 446;
Spec. PL p. 810.
GARDIACA foliis petiolatis, cordatis, verticillis foliofis. Haller. Hifl. 275.
LEONURUS Galeobdolon. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 705.
LAMIUM folio oblongo luteum. ' Bauh. Pin. 231. Lamium luteum. , Ger. eniac. 671. Pafkin/i
606. Raii Syn. p. 240. Yellow Archangel or Dead Nettle*
GALEOPSIS Galeobdolon. Lightjoot FI. Scot. p. 310*
RADIX perennis, inaequalis, fibras plurimas, majuf- <
culas, in terram demittens. .• \
CAULES plures, tetragoni, hirfutuli, jlorijeri fub- <
erefli, pedales feu bipedales, Jteriles perafta \
florefcentia, in longum extenduntur, et poftea <
humi repent.
FOLIA oppofita, petiolata, hirfutula, inasqualiter fer- <1
rata, venofa, inferioribus cordatis, fuperio- j
ribus ovatis, acutis, feffilibus. \
FLORES verticillati, lutei. |
VERTICILLI fex, decern aut duodecim flori. , <
CALYX : Involucrum verticillis fubjedum, foliolis tot \
quot floribus, linearibus, acutis, rigidulis, i
ad lentem ciliatis, jig. 2. j
. I I I I
C A L YX : Perianthium monophyllunr, fubcampa- <
nulatum, quinquedentatum, hirfutulum, li- |
neis decern elevatis notatum, alternis obfo- 4
letis, dentibus fubasqualibus, acuminatis, fu- j
periore ere£lo, diftanti, duobus inferioribus
reflexopatulis, jig. 1.
COROLLA monopetala, ringens; tubus calyce paulo |
longior, intus purpureus et pilofus ; labium i
juperius ere&um, longum, fornicatum, vil- 1
lofum, villifque ciliatum ; inferius trifidum, <j
laciniis inaequalibus, maculatis, media pro- ^
du&iore, jig. 3, 4. ' ' {
■ i
STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, fubulata, flava, <
fub labio fuperiore. An th e r s bilobse, pur- J
purafcentes. P ollen albidum, jig. 5,6. «
PISTILLUM: G e rmen quadripartitum. Stylus <
filiformis, purpureus. . Stigma bifidum, <
actitum, fig. 7. ' \
SEMINA quatuor, e rufco nigricantia, nitidula,*tri- <
quetra, - apice truncata in fundo calycis, \
f g - 9 - 1
ROOT perennial,' irregular* fending down fevëral
largilh fibres;
STALK S fevéral, four-cornered, fomewhat hirfute;
thofe producing flowers nearly upright, a foot
or two feet high; thofe deftitute of bloffoms,
after the flowering is over, are extended to
a gVeat length, and afterwards creep on the
LEAVES oppofite, (landing on foot-ftalks, (lightly
hirfute, unevenly ferrated, and veiny ; the
lower ones heart-fhaped, the upper ones
ovate, pointed, and feflile.
FLOWERS growing in whirls, of a yellow colour.
WHIRLS containing from fix to ten or twelve flowers*
CALYX : an Involucrum placed under the whirls,
compofed o f as many leaves as there are
flpwers, the leaves linear, pointed, fomewhat
rigid, when magnified fringed at the edge
2 U 2.
C A L Y X : a Perianthium o f one leaf, fomewhat •
bell-(haped, having five teeth, (lightly hirfute,
marked with ten elevated lines, alternately
fainted, the teeth nearly equal, having
long points, the uppermoft upright and at a
diftance from the reft; the two lowermoft
fpreading open and turned fomewhat back, -1 fig• i-
COROLLA monopetalous and ringent; tube a little
longer than the calyx, purple and hairy
within; upper lip upright, long, arched, villous,
and edged with woolly hairs; the lowermoft
divided into three unequal fegments
which are fpotted, the middle one longeft,
. . , w b L 4-
STAMINA: four Filaments tapering, o f a yellow
colour, under the upper lip. A n th er s
compofed o f two lobes and purplifli. Pollen
whitilh, jig. 5, 6.
PISTILLUM : G ermen divided into four parts.
Sty le filiform and purple. Stigma bifid
and pointed, jig. 7.
SEEDS four, of -a brownifh black colour, fomewhat
ftiining, three-cornered, cut off at top, remaining
iiï the bottom o f the calyx, jig. g.
-L innaeus, though he enumerates this plant with the Galeopjis tribe, feems to think it not perfe&ly recon-
cileable with the reft. Haller and Scopoli difagree in their opinions refpe&ing it; the one confidering it
a®.a Cardiaca, the other .as a Leonurus. Mr. Hudson, whom we have followed in this inftance, in the Taft
edition of his Flora, Anglica, makes a feparate genus o f it under the name of Galeobdolon ; we adopt the trivial
name of Galeopjis inftead of luteum, with a view of making as little innovation as poffible in names.'
.It is- _aiways found in woods and lhady places. In fome parts o f England it is frequent, but not in' others:
we find it tolerably plentiful in Charlton, and fome other Woods about town, flowering in May and June.
The foliage is foraetimes variegated, in which ftate I have obferved it make a beautiful appearance in a
garden. In cultivating this, as well as all other plants, attention Ihould be paid to their natural place ’of
growth. , . r