Æ la ù n e .
A nt ir rhinum e l a t i n e . Sharp- pointed F lue l l in
ANTIRRHINUM Lin. Gen. PI. Didynamia AiîgïoSpermïa.
RniiSythGen. 18. Herb-æ Pructu sicco singular!, flore MonoPetalo irregu-
l a Ri.
ANTIRRHINUM foliis haftatis alternis, caulibus procumbentibus. Linn. Sp. PI. 85.
ANTIRRHINUM caule procumbente, foliis haftatis, -imis Conjugatis, fuperioribus alternis. Haller; Hiß. v. 1.
P- H - 6. 340-
EL ATINË folio acuminato, in baft auriculato, flore iuteo. Baub. Pin. p. 253.
ELATINE folio acuminato. Parkinfon 553.
ELATINE altera. Ger. Emac. 623-.
LINARIA Elatine didtà, folio acuminato. PaiiSyn. *282.
ANTIRRHINUM Elatine, Hudjon. Fl, Angl. p. 237-. Scopoli FI. Earn. p. 444. OEder. Pl, Earn Ic. 428.
RADIX fibrofa, annua, albida. . . . . <
[ CAULES numerofi, teretes, fubramofi, in jûûioribüs <
plantis fuberedli, tandem iprocumbentes, ad duos ■
pedes et ultra faepe extenfi. !
I FOLIA petrolata, ima fubrotunda, oppofita ; proxima ;
dentata, alterna •; quæ fequuntur magna ex :
parte naftatà. ;
I PEDUNCULI axillares, alterni, penduli, longitudine •
foliorum. ( •
CALYX: Perianthium quinquepartitum, perfiftens •
fegmentis ovato-lànceolatis acutis, fig. 1. ;
COROLLA monopetala, ringens, flava; tubus bre- :
viflimus ; limbus bilabiatus, labium fuperius, ;
bifidum, fegmentis obtufis, inferne pürpureis, 5
inferius trifidum, fegmentis obtufis, medio pro- 1
■ duâiore, et paulo minore ; palatum promi- j
nulum, flavum, fig. 2. ; Nectarium fubu- ■
latum, flavum, longitudine fegmentorum ca- ;
lycis, fig. 3. N ■
STAMINA : F ilamenta quatuor, quorum düo paulo :
longiora ; Antheræ purpureo-fufcæ, coalef- ;
.centes, fig. 4. :
PISTILLUM: Germen fubrotundum, compreffum, ;
apice villofum; Stylus fiüformis, longitudine j
. ftaminum, apice incraffatüs, uncinatus ; Stig- ;
, m a fimplex, fig. 5, 6, 7.
PERICARPIUM : Capsula rotunda, bilocularis, bival- ;
vis, valvis deciduis, foramine magno in utroque
latere capfülæ relidto, valvæ orbiculatæ, con-
cavae, fig. 8, 9, 10.
SEMINA nigra, rugöfa, 8— 10 in fingulo loculamento,
ßg- 12-
ROOT fibrous, annual, whitifh.
STALKS numerous, round, a little branched, in the
young plants 'hearly Upright, in the old ones
trailing on the ground, frequently to the dif-
• tance of two feet or more.
LEAVES Handing on foot-ftalks, the bottom leaves
roundifh and oppofite, the next to thofe are indented
and alternate, and thofe which follow
are for the moft part haftate.
PEDUNCLES alternate* pendulous, the length of, and
proceeding from the Alee of the leaves-.
C A L YX : a P erianthium divided into five fegments
perfifting, the fegments lanceolate, fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetalous, rin'gent, and yellow; the
tube very Abort; the limb divided into two
lips, the upper lip bifid, the fegments obtufe,
and purple underneath; the lower lip trifid,
the fegments obtufe, the middle one longeft:
and leaft; the palate prominent and yellow,
fig. 2.; the N ectArium the length of the fegments
of the Calyx, fmall and tapering, jig*
STAMINA: four F ilaments, two of which are a little
longer than the others; the Anther.® pur-
plifh-brown, adhering together, fig. 4.
PISTILLUM: the Germen roundifh, flattened, at top
hairy; the Style filiform, the length o f the
ftamina, thickened at top and hooked; the
Stigma Ample, fig. 5, 6, 7.
SEED-VESSEL: a round Capsule of two cavities
and two valves, the valves round and concave,
on falling off leaving a large hole in each fide
o f the capfule, fig, 8y 9, 10.
SEEDS black, and wrinkled, from 8 to 10 in each
cavity, fig. 12.
This fpecies of Antirrhinum grows generally in Corn-fields; and in fome parts of England is much more
common than it is with us. In the Corn-fields about Peckham I have generally found it in bloom in July, Auguft,
and September, and even later. It very much refembles the Antirrhinum fpurium in its general habit; but is readily
„ diftinguifhed by its pointed leaves. Some Writers have confidered it as poflefled of healing properties, and affirm
c that the exprefled juice of the plant, or its diftilled water taken inwardly and applied externally, has checked and
I cured fpreading and cancerous Ulcers; and R a y relates a ftory from L obe l , of a poor Barber, who by the above
I ufe of this plant faved his nofe, which had. been condemned to be cut off by feveral eminent Phyficians and
I Surgeons.