S i n a p i s A l b a . W h i t e M u s t a r d .
SINAPIS Lin. Gen. PI. T e t r a d y n a m ia Sil iq u o s a .
Cal..patens. Cor. ungues reai. Glandula inter ftamina breviora et piftillum
mterque longiora et calycem. r *
Raii Syn. Gen. 2i. H e r b .«e t e t r a p e t a l jE s il iq u o s .<e e t s il icu lo siE.
SINAPIS alba, fihquis hifpidis: roftro obliquo Iongiflimo enfiforrai. Lin. Syß. Vegetal. ffl *oq
op. Pl.fi. 933, Haller Hiß. 466. . * 0 ö'
SINAPIS alba. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 843.
SIN API apii foliis. Bank. Pin. 99.
SINAPI album filiqua hirfuta, famine albo vel ruffo. I. B. II. 856.,
SINAPI fylveftre minus ? Parkin/, 830. Rail Syn. p. 295. White Mallard. Hudfon. FI. Ami
ed.2.p.29%. Lzghtfoot-Fl.Scot. fi. 361. *
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, albida. I ROOT annual, Ample, fibrous, and whitifh.
CAULIS fefquipedalis ad bipedalem, ereftus, ramofus, t
cramufculuSj^n'dtfwj, tener, fragilis, hirfutus,. f
pilis numerofis, rigidiufculis, deorfum verfis. | $
STALK a foot and half to two feet high, upright,
branched, fomewhat clumfy, finely grooved,
tender, brittle, and hirfute, the hairs numerous,
ftiffilh, and turned downward.
FOLIA petiolata, alterna, radicalia et pleraque cau- f
lina pallide virentia, venofa, utrinque hirfu- v
tula,pinnis trium circiter parium, inferioribus t
minimis, extima fubtriloba, omnibus varie |
dentatis. 0
LEAVES Handing on footftalks, alternate, thofe next
the root and moil of thofe on the ftalk pinnated,
of a pale green colour, veinv, flightly
hirfute on both fides, compofed o£ three or
four pair of pinnae, the lowermoft of which
are very fmall, the terminal one often three-
lobed, and all of them varioufly indented.
FLORES Intel, terminal«. f FLOWERS yellow, and terminal.
PEPUNCULItetragono-ftriati. $ FLOWER-STALKS having four grooves or comers.
CALYX : Pw a n t k iu m tetraphyllum, folio]» far I C A L YX : a Per. anthium of four leaves, which are
nearih J; MHiT liEVlbuS’ fubl‘- I WWM concave- deciduous, fmooth, iff neanbus, apice obtufis, Jig. i , 2. | what IineaI. and blunt at top; ^ ^ ^ome
COROLLA: Pe t a l a quatuor fubrotunda, plana, J CO RO L LA : four roundilh P e t a l s , flat fpreadinv
patentia, Integra, unguibus erefhs, lineanbus, $ entire, clams upright, linear, fcarcelvlife
longitudine vix calycis, yfg. 3, | length of the cafyx,/g. 3. ' 7
STAMINA: Filamenta fex, quorum duo breviora, | STAMINA: fix Filaments, two of which are Ihorter
a , ubfagittatae, fig. 4. ,. | penng. An t h e r s yellow, upright, fomef
what arrow-fhaped, fig. 4.
GLANDULE ut in plerifque hujus generis, fig. 5. | GLANDS as in moll of this genus, fig. 5.
PJSTILLUM: G ermen obovatum, fubangulofum,
| PISTILLUM: GER.MENinverfely ovate,flightly angular,
ad lentem hifpidum. S t y lu s fubulatus, an- f
;ceps, germine duplo fere Iqngior, ftaminibus f paulq breyior. S t igm a capitatum, 6. %
hifpid when magnified. S t y l e tapering,
two-edged, almoft twice the length o f the
germen, and a little Ihorter than the ftamina.
S t igm a forming a little head, fig. 6.
PLRICARPIUM, SpLiQUA hirfuta, fubarticulata, | SEED-VESSEL: a hairy P qd, fomewhat jointed,
termham X , iongiflimo enfiform: | conta.mng about, four feeds, terminated by a
terminata, f ig . 7, g. | very Jong fworddhapetj beak, f ig . y, 8, 7
SEMINA majufcpla, fufca, fig. 9, | SEEDS rather large and brown, fig. 9,
aJrqublefomSweed HiS>-Wycomb, the Sinapis alba is as common, and
and among The 1 “ S f?u" d m0re « # g tne corn in JSatteilea^Fields, and well known to conflitute a part of lfu yeonunt lgy f amlaedt inwgit.h on banks,
A l !| « h a s t d o S ha£Fy r" ?0iT 1S W k T ° f *0 feveral fpecies of Sinapis,
with cerSutv d ftinm d lK T ree\ Verffels; elther @ gi?J f°™ . or manner of growth, will always
exhibit thofeyc h a r a E fc ithk necU(r “ J?lants ™ay occur when theF are not fnfficiently advanced lo
Linnaius’s fnecific Charafler! M B M I C?U “ °*ers to our afliftance: we may then, in addition to
by having its ftalk ’ a 1Vj * n^at Wjm 1S mo^ obvioufly diftinguilhed from the nigra,
more S i c H Ant,-sd and fiom, the arvcnfis, for which it is perhaps milch
. miltaken> by having its leaves more divided Qr jagged, as our figure expreffes. *
It flowers in June, and ripens its feeds in July.