Hieracium Umbellatüm. Bushy Hawkweed.
HIERACIUMi Lim. Gen. PI. - .Syn g en e s ia P o l y g am ia .-e su a l is .
Recept. nudUm. Cal:, imbricatus, fubinde calyculatus, ovatus. Pappus
limplex, feffilis. •
Ran Syn. Gen;. 6. H e r b .® Flo r e compo's it ö n a tu r a pleno l a c t e s c e n t e s .
HIERACIUM mnMIatum foliis linearibus fiibdentatis fparfis, floribus fubumbellatis. Lmn Sv/l Vceetab
. P' 719- S p .P l .p . l l^ . Fl. Suec. 704. Hall. ließ. n. 34; ' >J 4
HIERACIUM majus anguftifolium. Cluj. Hiß. 2. p. 40.
HIERACIUM fruticofum anguftifolium majus. Bauh. Pin. 120. ' Park. 801.
HIERACIUM primum. Dod. Pempt. p. 638.
HIERACIUM Intybaceum. Ger. Herb. f . 234. f . 6. Endives Haukeweede, * 4 , 2gS. 'j -'
PULMONARIA anguftifolia glabra. Petiv. H. B. 13. n .
PULMONARIA graminea. Petiv. H B. .3. 12 Raii Syn. p. 168. N a r rowW d bulhy Hawkweed '
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 346. Lightfoot Fl. Scot, p/439. • y
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris longis, fimpliciufculis,
undique divergentibus, fufcis.
BAULIS pedalis, ad tripedalem et ultra, ere&us, fb- 1
liofus, rigidus, viridi-purpurafcens, inferne 1
lasvis, fimplex, fuperne fcabriufculus, ramo- 1
fus; faepe gibbo mfigni ab infe&o quodam I
formato deformis.
pOLIA numerofa, fparfa, ere&iufcula, feflilia, linearia, \
aut lanceolato-Iinearia, plus minus remöte et 1
obfolete dentata, nonnunquam integerrima, 1
venofa, fupra Levia, fubtus icabriufcuYa, mar- j
gine fetulis rigidis ciliata.
FLORES majufculi, lutei, in pedunculis ramofis.
§ ROOT perennial, fibrous, fibres long, moftly fimple
t fpreadmg on all fides, of a brown colour. *
9 .
| STALK frof 9“ e to three feet high or more, upright
h Jeav> _r,gICV ° f . a greenilh purple colour, be-
< - low fmooth, fimple, above roughifii and
P branched, often deformed by one or more
5 tubercles occafioned by fome infed.
\ LEAVES numerous, placed in no regular order fome-
what upright, feffile, linear, or Ianceolate-
I llnef ’ , more or lefs remotely and faintly
) toothed, fometimes perfeftly entire veiny
) above fmooth, beneath roughifh, edged with
) minute rigid hairs.
| FLOWERS rather large, yellow, on branched flower-
• ftalks.
PEDUNCOLI varie divifi, intequales, umbellas fpurias | PEDUNCLES varioufly divided, unequal fometimes
fubinde reprefentantes, fuperne parum mcraf- | reprefenting a fort of umbel,’ above (lfohtlv
fau, fquamula fohofa una alterave mftruai. | thickened, furnifhed with one or more feafy
£ fcales. |
ALYX ovatus, bafi parum yentricofus, e livido aut f CALYX ovate, bellying out fomewhat at the bafe of a
nlgncante virens, imbncatus, foliolis exteri- X livid or dulky green colour imbricated die
onbus reflex is. | outer leaflets orl'cales turned b a c k ’
pROLLA: compofita, atqualif; Corollul* her- f COROLLA: thegeneral one compound and equal ■ the
maphroditae, monopetaltc, ligulate, truncate, § ’ F lo r e t ! hermaphrodite monotetaloS ifeu
quinquedentate, Jtg. | , late, truncated, and five^to oS , / ^ /.’ S \
!™ flNCnJlILAT NTA 5- caPdla™ v intra tubum | STAMINA: five capillary F il am en t s , .within the tube
m Cy llndrum coahte- I oftheCo rolla; A n t h e r s forming a cylLder!
uteae. | of a brownifh yellow colour. -
jlSTILLUM: G ermen fubovatum ; S t y lu s f ili- | PISTILLUM: G ermen fomewhat ovate- S t y l e fill
tormis.ftamimbuslongiorj S t ig m a t a duo, ? form, longer than the f tam in a S t ig m a t a
.ya>FS‘ 2* . | . two, turned back, jig. 2. •
iMINAoblonga, nigricantia; Patrus funplex, feffi- f SEEDS oblong, blackilh ; Down fimple ’feffile vel
I Us, lutefcens,/£. 3. ‘ {< lowilb, yfg. 3. 1 ’ - ' >
Echfouari™. ' groYs on dry, Tandy, or gravelly heaths, and in uncultivated places near London-
IdDitsnM i?nd In only> we h.ave obferved it about Hampftead, Barnet, and Charlton- in the old
■ great pknty.^ b°tt0m of the Iane leadm8' down from Charlton-Church, on the left-hand fide, it may be found
^tly'ahoeether *°n I ! 1 °.r m0Je ’■ ,in the fmallef Tpecimens the leaves are more entire, fre-
Whed -,S A , ' nd the fla]t IS fometimes fimple and umflorous; in the larger ones the ftalk is much
Wes in’common § 1P a T ? t0?thed> ?rj aSSed’ w.h™ cultivated m a garden, where it grows moll readily:
jrarance i l ' “,h ’? ° ft of the;plants of the lame clafs, its natural charafter, and efpecillly its umbellated
fownefiof i t leavraCCd ^ rarey haS “ Perfea'on ! the'moft obvious charaOer of the fpecies confilis in the
Pllalkr and September.
number of fm2u ^ Freqiierttly bpfet with gouty tubercles of various forms and fizes, which contain within them
a- ma.ggots, in different cells, and which mod probably produce fome fpecies of Cynips.
jour,Pi sKc KeS 1£S beInS uIed in Scania as a dye, communicating to woollen an elegant and beautiful