VIOLA Linnoei Gen. PI. S y n g e n e s ia M o n o g a m i a .
Calyx pentaphyllus. Corolla pentapetala, irregularis, poftice cornuta.
Capfula fupera, trivalvis, unilocularis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. H e r b ie p e n t a p e t a l a v a s c u l i f e r ^e .
canina, caule adultiore adfcendente, foliis oblongo-cordatis. Linnoei Syß. Vegetab. p. 668.
caule procumbente, ramofo, foliis petiolatis cordatis.. Haller hiß. helv. n. 5 6 3 .
canina. Scopoli FI. Carniol. n. 1098.
raartia inodora fylveftris. Bauhin Pin.p. 364.
canina fylveftris. Ger. emac. 8 5 1 .
fylveflris. M in f in ya5. Raii Syn. p. 364 . Wild, or Dog’s Violet. Viola canina
minor. Ran Syn. 364. t. 24. fig. 1 . Hudfin Fl. Angl. p. 3| r .
RADIX perennis, craffitie penns coracis, obliqua, $ ROOT perennial, about the thiclnefs o f a crow ouill
fibras longiufculas tenaces dimittens, fu- | oblique, fending down fome Iongilh fibres
perne fubdentatus ex reliquus petiolorum. 4 of a toughilh fubftance, on the upper part
fomewhat toothed or knobbed, from the re-
4 mains of the leaf ftalks.
[CAULIS fubereSus, triuncialis, fubangulofus, lan/is, | STALK nearly upright, about three inches high
foliafiorefquc fcrens. I fomewhat angular, fm ooth, bearing both leave’s
, 2 and, Jlowers.
jfOLIA cordata, Isvia, crenata fubtus fepe p u r - | LEAVES heart-lhaped, fmooth, crenated and often
purafcentia, fupenora oblongo-cordata. f times purpTilh underneath j the upper leaves
| o f a longer fliape.
STIPULrE caulinte lanceolate, pilis rigidiufculis ci- f STIPU LE o f the flalk lanceolate, and edged with
llate- b ftiffifli hairs.
’ j f
PEDUNCULUS tetragonus, braBatis duabus fetaceis f FLOWER-STALK fquare, fumilhed with two nar-
mitructus. | . row pointed floral leaves. *
[FLOS purpureus, inodorus, majufculus. I FLOWERS purple, fcentlefs, and rather large.
jCALYX: Perjanthium pentaphyllum, foliolis Ian- I CALYX : a Perianthium o f five leaves which are
ceolatis, acummatis, nervofis baG dentatis; | lanceolate, pointed, ribb’d, and indented at
tnbus fupenonbus fuperne tuberculofis, api- | the bafe ; the three nppermoft a little uneven
abus rpcurvatis, duobus mfenoribus longio- g on their upper furface, the points bending
5 P'S' M J upward ; the two lowermoft longer, Jig . i . *
[COROLLA, ut ut Stamina cum Pißillo, a duabus
fpecibus jam defcriptis (vid. odorata et hirta)
vix difcrepant, petala lateralia bafi barbata
lunt, fig. 2, petalumque inferius ad bafin li-
neis faturate purpureis pingitur.
[CAPSULA oblonga, trigona, trivalvis, valvulis cym-
I biformibus, fig. 3.
j SEMINA plurima, glabra, pallida,fingulâ valvulâ, flavefcentia, in 7, 9, fig. 4.
i COROLLA, as well as the Stamina and Piflillum,
differ very little from the two fpecies already
defcribed, (viz. the fweet-fcented and hairy)
having the lateral petals bearded at the
bafe, fig. 2, and the bafe of the lowermoft
petal, painted with deep purple lines.
| CAPSULE oblong, three-cornered, having three
valves, which are, boat-fhaped, fig. 3.
| SEEDS numerous, fmooth, o f a pale yellowifh co-
$ lour, in each valve 7 or 9, fig. 4..
B I B I di®:rs fro® the Sweet Violet in many particulars ; the chief o f which are '
f*7‘. the flowers have no fmell.
■ or Æ ; rTfizeefl0WerS grOW foot-1Ullss which fpring from the flalk, and not the root, and are in general
I tmrA next t,he root and on the flalk, are very ftrongly .edged with ftiff hairs.
I Fini tu r *e8ments>. or leaves of the calyx, are pointed.
1 It' rjr ^ f *eed-veffel is oblong and three-cornered.
I The f fr0m the hairy Violet in a11 thefe refpeas except the firft.
h 4 ^ ^ ^ e a ^ i n t i ^ c ^ . Pr°dUCinS * * dUring * * With°Ut f l « P a”d' d
If “sin gneater ^undance than either the Viola odorata or hirta, in our woods, and under
Iih eIltt evraerdi .f lh• ?b., '0g ,‘°n“S r’ flowefro mlne Çw?“hnedn wblotthh wthheit eo thbelorlsf oamres g; oiinn.g f iozue ta olffo ,b laococmor, ding to the expofed or
i" Ray's Sv„‘I? whlch 11 grows, it differs very much : and there is little doubt, but the Violet reprefented
p chara6ters ^ S> Pfj 2^‘ ■ 1* ls t^e ^l0^a Gamna m its fmall ftate, though the figure be imperfeft as to
Il s I I b S S P 5' tbat thoie who coll^a Violet blolfoms for making the fyrup, are apt to fubftitute this
L S I , r „ f L T ^ u hî Ppe." : <1?OUld t-hf fe dowers alone be expofed for Tale, they may be deteQed
p ' d lhape of the leaves 0/ the calyx. eet ones, they ihay be difcovered by the