L eontodon hisp idum. Rough D an d e l io n .
LEONTODON Lin. Gen. PI. Syngenesia Polygamia ÆqoALis.
Ä plumorbsdUm‘ CalyX imbricat“s> iquamïs laxiufculis. Pappus
RaiiSyn; Gen. 6. Herba flore composito, natura pleno lactescentes.
* 1 f i
HEDYPNOIS fcapo nudo unifloro, foliis lanceolatis dentatis hifpidis. Hudfon Fl. Angl. 340.
PICRIS caule nudo, unifloro, foliis afperis dentatis. Haller. Hiß. ». 25.
LEONTODON hifpidum. Scopoli Fl. Carn. ». 977.
TARAXACONOIDES perennis et vulgaris. Vaill. ASt. 177,1, p. 2^z.
HIERACIUM afperum folio magno dentis leönis. Bauh. Pin. 127.
HIERACIUM dentis leonis folio hirfutum. Ger. em. 303.
HIERACIUM afperum foliis et floribus dentis leonis bulbofî.. Park. 788.
DENS LEONIS hirfutus As,#*«*®. Hieraçium didus. Rail Syn. p. 171. Rokeh Dandelion
commonly called Dandelion Hawkweed. Lighlfoot FI. Sent. f . 433. ”
fADIX perennis, obliqna, e nigro-fufca, plurimis fibris * ROOT perennial, oblique, of a- 'blackilh brown
pallidioribus, m terram rede demiflis capillata. | fcnilhed witl numemusfibres H B |
{C/IPI plerumyie plures ex eadem radice, pedales a u t i s T A L K S ^ a l l y f e v ^ roof'a foot
M M B U BPi -I mmsmmammi I obvioufly ftriated and thickened, purple at the
| toothed, bluntilh, of a pale green colour, hir-
• I fute’ hairs as alfo thofe of the ftalk forked
1Utd’ “ " “ “ a” ^ [ F L O W E R s t ^ I S l o w , before blowing always
f P oius.y,.. . . 1 , five teeth, the tube hairy on the upper part,
7 * 7 W . alnroft the length of the
ad ientem tranfverle rugofi, Jig, 3 . | S e r m o f t
PPTOS pilofus, feffilis, Jig. 4. I n ow M ttanfverfely wrinkled, Jig. 3.
jECEPTACUr ITM 4 j „ | DOWN hairy, and feflile, fa. 4.
j ULUM planum, nudum, pundatum. * RECEPTACLE flat, naked and dotted.
;\>^hveryISS;i^"itl£is1^nSe^®'” !q?;T’ ^ LeonioJon hijpidum is fubjcd to vary confiderably in lize and
I $ iloffm, d J p L h d / il t h lud- ' ’l K W ’ “ 111 "'J f & ?es- and which h=Yer fails to diftinguifh
-tamfts, at Ieaft it has not' been r r j f ' c ls’ we beIrel,e-it has efcaped the obfervation of former
t "stalks alfo contributes to d f tW iffh 'h f 5 ° V hc firft confequence in afcertaining the fpecies. The linglenefs.
B S H H ! b u Ct°„bte^ '& the H i 11 wbde tbe hairs on theleives
|f re ■ tiiiiip p ili'Mi.» °PP“ rtuui‘y °ofj f!°$ l>$ fer« ™£ g,, it it §is it h very very general genera
plant throughout the kingdom, efpeciaily
M a cultivated one* 01 *’ l.™o-flone._ In HfS fuch ^ fort-fort °*of paftures paflures it_it abound abounds as much as the common Dandelion t e in
it forms fc coLfideraUeTn^r T r’ “ £ « | cloaths them in 'he H golden livery.
■ femlof it, either frefh or msde°b,r°lT pafturaf e’ *' ls.° f *ome«mfequence that we Ihould kuow whether Cattle
■ Pupils experiments on this head^ t0 1 Wore our readers the refult of L innasus or
fe *noexperiments were made. ’ I ; 8 “ S'vcdlih pIam> 11 unfortunately proved to be one of thofe with
£*£*2 5 110 Leml°Jc” ’ the pappUi Wns
i j f c S under one Ren'nsof rtf f raf' nt planJ>r ‘,he Lcmlodon atltumnale, two fpecies of Crefiis, with the Picrh
i t £ f '0nfnrion weEhave tL u \ \£ rb e ftT a“ d Hauler arranges our plant witlf his Pierie.. Amidft
l thef™aification of our f e . » 1' V j « l y as thereis nothing
ion of our plant which militates againft the generic charader of his Leontodon.