Ca r d am in e H ir s u t a . H a ir y L a d i e s -Smo c k .
CARDAMINE Lin. Gen. PL T etradynamia Siliquosa.
Siliqua elaflice diffiliens valvulis revolutis. Stigma integrum. Cal.
Raii Syn. Gen. 21. Herbæ tetrapetalæ Siliquosæ et Siligulosæ.
CARD AMINE foliis pinnatis, floribus tetrandris. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 497. Sp. PL p. 915. Fl.
Suec. n. 587.
CARDAMINE foliis pinnatis hirfutis, pinnis fubrotundis, ftaminibus quaternis. Haller Hiß. 472.
CARDAMINE hirfuta. Scopoli FL Carn. n. 817. t. 38.
NASTURTIUM aquaticum minus. Bauh. Pin. 104.
CARDAMINE impatiens altera hirfutior. Raii Syn. p. 300. The lefler Hairy, impatient Cuckow-
Flower or Ladies-Smock.
CARDAMINE foliis pinnatis, foliolis radicalibus fubrotundo-cordatis ; caulinis ovatis dentatis
petiolatis. Hudfon. Fl. Ang. ed. 2. p. 295. Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 348.
RADIX annua, fibrofa, fibris albidis. f
GAULIS fpithamæus, et ultra pro ratione loci, in f
• foffis humidis reperitUr etiam fefquipedalis, I
folidus, ereâus, flexuofus, fulcato-angulofus, |
prope bafin purpureus, et fæpius hirfu- |
tilfimus, fuperne fere glaber, ramofus, ra- fj
mofilïimus etiam occurrit.
FOLIA radicalia plurima, in orbem pofita, pinnatà, |
foliolis petiolatis, rotundato angulatis, pie- |
rumque quinque lobatis, hirfutis, pun&is f
prominulis fcabriufculis, lobis inæqualibus, *
nunc obtufîs, nunc acutis, caulina an- $
guftiora et magis profunde incifa, lobis |
FLORES parvi, albi, primo vere tantum, tetrandri. |
■ CALYX: Perianthiüm tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato- |
oblongis, obtufîs, concavis, deciduis, pilis $
paucis albidis inftru&is, fig . 1.
COROLLA : Pet a l a quatuor, alba, calyce duplo %
fere longiora, patentia, integerrima, ob- $
B R g S
STAMINA: Filamenta plerumque fex, quorum $
duo, breviora, alba. A ntheræ minimæ, f
lutefcentes, fig . 3. |
PISTILLUM: G ermen oblongum,tenue, ftaminibus |
paulo brevior. Stigma c a p i t a t u m , 4. $
PERICARPIUM : Siliqua ere£la, uncialis, fubcom- $
prefla, bivalvis, elaftice diffiliens, valvulis §
revolutis, fig . 5. Iè
SEMINA duodecim circiter, fuborbiculata, comprefla, f
glabra, e flavo fufca, fig . 6. |1
ROOT annual and fibrous, the fibres whitiffi.
STALK about a fpan high, or more, according to
the fituation in which it grows; in wet ditches
it is fometimes found even a foot and a half
in height, folid, upright, crooked, grooved
or angular, purple near the bafe, and molt
commonly very hairy, above nearly fmooth,
branched, fometimes very much fo.
LEAVES next the root numerous, forming a circle,
pinnated, the fmall leaves Handing on foot-
ftalks, round yet angular, generally divided
into five lobes, hirfute, roughifh with little
prominent points, the lobes unequal, fometimes
blunt and fometimes pointed ; thofe o f
the ftalk narrower, and more deeply indented,
with fewer lobes.
FLOWERS fmall, and white, early in the fpring
having only four ftamina.
CALYX : a PerianthiuM of four leaves, o f an
ovate, oblong (hape, obtufe, hollow, deciduous,
furniffied with a few white hairs, fig. 1.
COROLLA: four white Petals, almoft twice the
length o f the calyx, fpreading, entire and
obtufe, ^ . 2.
STAMINA: for the moft part fix Filaments, of
which two are fhorter than the reft, o f a
white colour. Anther as very fmall and
yellowilh, fig . 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oblong, flender, a little
ffiorter than the ftamina. Stigma forming
a fmall head, fig . 4.
SEED-VESSEL: an upright Pod, about an inch in
length, fomewhat flattened, o f two valves,
which burft with an elaftic force, and roll
back, fig , 5.
SEEDS about twelve in number, nearly round and
flattened, fmooth, and o f a yellowilh-brown
colour, fig . 6.
We were inclined to believe with our ingenious friend Mr. L ightfoot, that the Cardamine hirfuta and
parviflora were diftinft fpecies; but repeated obfervation and culture have convinced us, that they are both
the fame, varying only in fize, in hairinefs, and in the number of their ftamina.
. In yet fituations, where the foil is luxuriant, it grows a foot or two in height, and lofes in a great degree
its hairinefs ; in expofed places it feldom reaches more than fix or eight inches, and is generally much more
hairy; and, when it grows fingly, much more branched. The fame plant, early in the fpring, when the
weather is cold, has only four ftamina; as the fummer advances, it has conftantly fix. The lobes o f the
radical leaves vary much in fhape, and are frequently much rounder than the figure reprefents.
This fpecies is by no means general about London, but abounds in particular places ; as by Chelfea waterworks,
in wet ditches about Hampfiead, Highgate, and elfewhere.
It flowers in April and May. In the garden, if the fituation in which it is fown be ffiady, and the feafon
not pncommonly dry, it continues flowering and feeding during the whole of the fummer.
According to Mr. L ig h t f o o t , the young leaves are a good ingredient in
falad, and may eafily be
obtained in the fpring, when Muftard ana Crefs are not to be had.