ANTIRRHINUM Linnoei Gen. P A D idynamia A ngiospermia.
Raii Syn. Gen. 18. Herbæ fructu s.i.cco singulari flore monopetalo.
ANTIRRHINUM Linaria foliis lanceolatorlinearibus confertis, caule ere&o, fpicis terminalibus
feflilibus, floribus ipnbricatis. Linn, Syfi, Vegetab. p. 466. Fl. Suec. 217.
ANTIRRHINUM foliis linearibus adfcendentibus congeftis, caule erefto fpicato. Haller Hiß. V. 1.
A *45'
LINARIA yulgaris lutea flore majore. Bauhin Pin. p. 212.
LINARIA lutea vulgaris. Gerard, emac. 550. vulgaris noftras. Parkinfon 458. Raii Synop. p .* 281.
Hudfon pl.Angl.p. 238* Scopoli. Fl, Carriiol. p. 442.
RADIX perennis, alba, dura, lignofa, per terram rep- i
tando immeufum fe propagans,
CAULES plerumque plures ex eadem radice, ere&i, (
pedales aut cubitales, foliofiffimi, teretes, ,
iæves. <
FOLIA linearia, acuta, conferta, fparfa, glauca.
FLORES lutei, palato croceo, in fummis caulibus in (
fpicas denfas imbricatim congefti.
CALYX? Perianthium quinquepartitum, breve,
perfittens, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, fuperi-
ore cæteris pauîo longiore, duabus inferiori- j
bus magis dehifcentibus, jig. 1.
ÇOROLLA monopetala ringens, lutea,j%\ 3. T ubus
brevis; L imbus bilabiatus, Jig. 4. ç
L abium fuperius bifidum, laciniis primum 6
deflexis, poftea reflexis conniventibus, Jig. §
g. L abium injerius trifidum, laciniis obtufis, V
întermedio breviore minore, Jig. 6. Faux a
claufa Palato prominente, bindo, çroceo, |>
ad bafin villofo, Jig. ,7. b
STAMINA: Filamenta quatuor, alba, fub labio
fuperiori inclufa, quorum duo breviora, ad j?
bafin villofâ, Jig,,g, A ntheræ flavæ con- |
niventes, Jig. 10.
PISTILLUM: G ermen fubrotundum, Stylus fili- '
formis, albus; Stigma obtufum.
PERICARPIUMï Capsula ovato-cylindracea, bilo- '
cularis, apice in plures laciniàs dehifcens,
, Jig. 14, 15, 16. •
SEMINA numerofa, nigra, plana, medio extyberan- ,
ROOT perennial, white, hard, and woody, creeping
under the earth, and' propagating itfelf very
S T A L K S : generally feveral arife from the fame root,
upright, from one to two feet high, very full
or leaves, round and fmooth.
LEAVES linear, pointed, growing very thick together
on tne ftalk, without any regular order,
fmooth, and of a blueifh colour.
FLOWERS yellow, with the palate of an orange or
faffron colour, placed one over another in
thick fpikes on the top of the fialks.
CA L YX : a-P erianthium divided into five feg-
ments Ihort and continuing, the fegments
oval and pointed, the upper one a little
longer than the'reft, the two inferior ones
gaping wideft, jig. 1.
COROLLA mouopetalous, ringent and ye llow,^ . 3.
the T ube. Ihort; the L imb compofed of two
L ips, fig. 4. the upper L ip bind, the fegments
firft bending down, afterwards turned
back and doling together, Jig. 5. the lower
L ie trifid, the legmfcnts obtufe, the middle
one Ihorteft and leaft, jig. 6. the Mouth
clofed by a Palate prominent, bifid, o f a
faffron colour, and villous at bottom Jig. 7.
STAMINA: four white Filaments, enclofed under
the upper lip of the Corolla, two o f which
are Ihorter than the other two, at bottom
villous, fig. 9. A nther as yellow, flightly
connefted together, Jig. icr.
PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh, Sty le filiform
and white; Stigmata obtufe.
SEED-VESSEL a C apsule of an oval and cylindrical
Ihape, having two cavities, and Iplitting
at top into feveral divifions, Jig. 14, 15, 16.
SEEDS numerous, black, flat, protuberant in the
middle, fig. 17.
Mr. RaY^ in his Hijloria Plantarum, has colle&ed the Authorities of feveral writers who fpeak highly of the
medical virtues' o f this Plant. At the fame time that we by no means believe in all the Virtues which are attributed
to many plants by the old Authors, we would be careful of reje&ing all their accounts, particularly
when there is fomd reafon to think they may be founded in Truth; the mention o f them may at .leaft ferve to
excite fuch of the Faculty as have proper opportunities to give them a fair trial, and either rejeS them entirely,
or bring them more generally into pra&ice.
According to fome it operates both by Stool and Urine; and fo much by the latter, as to acquire among the
Germans the name of Hamkrout. A fmall glafs of the diftilled water, mixed with a drachm o f the Bark of
the Ebulus or Water Elder in powder, powerfully provokes Urine, and is recommended in Dropfical Cafes.
The diftilled water or juice or the Plant, put in the Eyes, talces away the rednefs and inflammation of them,
as T ragus afierts, from his own long obfervation and experience. Made into an ointment with lard, and
mixed with the yolk of egg, it fiikes away the violent pain arifing from the Piles.
The flowers of this plant are frequently found double with two or more Spurs, and a fingular variety o f it,
which L innasus calls Peloria, is faia by Mr. Hudson to grow about Clapham in Surrey: this rare monftrofity
we fhall not fail to figure.
. In its common ftate, the Toad-Flax grows very common on banks by the road fides, which it decorates not
a little;by it§ fingular and beautiful Flowers. It may with the greateft eafe be cultivated in Gardens, and raifedj
either from Seeds or Roots. „The Seed is ripe at the latter-end o f September,