jgADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, rigida, albida. $
CÀULIS pedalis, fefquipedalis, et ultra, ramofus, teres, f
folidus,flriato-fulcatus,hifpidus,purpurafcens |
ramis diffufis. $
FOLIA alterna, petiolata, patentia, fcabriufcuïa, ve- |
nofa, dentato-ferrata, ovato-Ianceolata, fæpe X
integra,fæpius vero bafi finuata, raro pinnata. £
FLORES lutei, terminales, pedunculati.
jÉDUNCULI longitudine calycis ; hifpiduli.
; iALYX: Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis line- t
aribus, canaliculatis, patentibus, flavis, ob- |
tufis, pilofis, fig. î. $
g)ROLLA: Petala quatuor, lutea, obcordata, un- f
guiculata, patentia, unguibus longitudinefere h
calycis, fig. 1. $
CT ARIA ; Glandula: quatuor faturate virides. *
■ AMINA: F ilamenta fex, quorum duobreviora, $
lutea, fubulata. A ntheræ concolores, in- Ë
cumbentes, primo fagittatæ, apicibus demum |
H révolutis, fig. 3. $
K 5TILLUM: Germen cylindraceum, longitudine f
fere ftyli, et paulo craffior, nunc læve, nunc $
hirfutulum. Stylus longitudine flaminum. f
Stigma capitatum, bilabiatum, fig. A. 0
H rICARPIUM: SiLiQUAteres,vixangulofa,patens, f
lævis aut hirfuta, polyfperma, roflro brevi &
fubtetragono terminata, fig. 6, $
^P^INA plurima, minuta, nigricantia. ^
ROOT annual, Ample, fibrous, rigid, and whitilh.
STALK from one to a foot and a half high, upright,
branched, round, folid, ftriated or grooved!
hifpid, and purplilh, the branches fpreading
LEAVES alternate, Handing on foot-flalks, fpreadin«-,
roughilh, veiny, indented or ferrated, ovato-
lanceolate, often entire, but mofl commonly
jagged at the bafe, rarely pinnated.
FLOWERS of a yellow colour, growing in heads, and
Handing on flower-flalks.
FLOWER-STALKS the length of the calyx, flightly
hifpid. •
CALYX: a Perianthium of four leaves, the leaves
linear, hollowed above, fpreading, yellow,
blunt, and hairy, fig. 1.
COROLLA: four Petals of a yellow colour, in-
verfely heart-fliaped, fpreading, claws almoH
the length of the calyx, fig. 2.
NECTARIES : four Glands of a deep green colour.
STAMINA: fix Filaments, two of which are fhorter
than the refi, yellow and tapering. A n the r al
of the fame colour, incumbent, firfl arrow-
fliaped, tips finally rolling back, fig. o.
PISTILLUM: G ermen cylindrical, almoH the length
o f the flyle, and a little thicker, fometimes
fmooth, fometimes a little hairy. Style the
length of the flamina. Stigma forming a
little head, divided into two lips, fig. 4.
SEED-VESSEL a round Pod, fcarce perceptibly angular,
fpreading, fmooth or hirfute, containing
many feeds, terminated by a fhort fome-
what four-cornered beak, fig . 5, 5.
SEEDS numerous, minute, and blackim.
»fet, Cwwer an^ W W °F 4 4 are far the moft Seneral- The name of Charlock
to be extirpated fom amonl th?“ 0 ^ " ^ ’ ” °XI°US W" d ° f ^ three’ “ d "S r" Ch m° ft
4 be lumin fof tI!eir aPPearing above ground, and for Tome time afterwards, referable thofe
Tie whole 5 <mt when4 have known an.intelligent farmer deceived by them, and miftaken in his crop.
isle bad fuLtitute to 7 0unf>!.IS eate-n b tbe ° ah°u™ g H Q lUDltitute to other culmary plants in times of fcarcity. part of the community ; and, like turni"p -top”s ’,
eilier, as weluTmtch 7 4 Ch ^ pharlock flowers moft plentifully ; but it may frequently be found in blolfom
B er* ^ ls n°t confined to corn fields, but is almoH equally common among rubbilh.
«rows tafleTVnd^s'fek010”!! °1 "mu"'n ” urrfber of “ s hunches, and degree of hairinefs. Among corn
pjrple at the ioints , T,be,.®a fome Tnuatlons, is wholly green ; but is more frequently
B e not obferved the n VerT ° f‘e.n * holly r°- The feed-veflels alfo vary much in colour and hairinefs. We
“ erved the flowers fubjefl to any1 variation of colour.
bl?s, vid.6 KathanJ, dJ?e!5,SU17)'nSi Em S B R^phanijlrum, which at firfl fight it confiderably refem-
\-M Kafhaniflrnm, already, figured, -