T urritis glabra. Smooth T ower-Mustard.
TURRITIS Lin. Gen. PI. T e t r a d y n a m i a Siliquosa.
Siliqua longiffima, angukta. Cal. connivens, ere&us. Cor. eredta.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 21. Herbje t e tr a p e ta l f e , Siliquos® e t Siliculosas.
glabra foliis radicalibus dentatis hifpidis, caulinis integerrimis amplexicaulibus glabris.
Lin. Syß.Vegetab. p. 502. Sp. PI. p. 930. Haller. Hiß. n. 455.
glabra. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 839.
fylveftris foliis circa radicem cichoraceis. BauS. Pin. 112.
foliis inferioribus cichoraceis, caeteris perfoliatis. J . R. H.
fylveftris ramofa tota pene glabra. Bauh. Pin. 112.
vulgatior. Bauh. Hiß. II. 836.
Ger. emac. 272. Parkins 852. Raii Syn. p. 293. Tower-Muftard. Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed 2 ’
p. 291.
RADIX biennis, fimplex, alba, fublignofa, alte in ter- J ROOT biennial, Ample, white, fomewhat woody pene-
ram, defcendens, paucis fibrillis capillata. f trating deeply into the earth, furnifhed with
I . ( I few fibres.
ICAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, eredlus, plerumque fim -| STALK from one to three feet in height upright
pleXj firmus, ^ teres, folidus, prope terram h ir - t generally fimple, firm, round, folid’ near the l ■ ■ H i I ground hirfute, above fmooth.
■ FOLIA radicaha pallide viridia, hirfuta, ad marginesf LEAVES next the root, of a pale green colour ftronely
finuata, tres quatuorve uncias longa, caulinaf hairy, jagged on each fide, three or fourinches
glauca glabra, mtegemma, amplextcaulia,, in length, thofe of the llalk glaucous, perereaa,
fagittata. | fedly fmooth and entire, embracing the fblk,
— H U I . ■ , ; | M i upright, aud.arrow-fliaped.
■ FLORES in lummis caulibus parvi, ex albo lutefcentes. | FLOWERS on the top of the ftalks, fmall, of a whitilh
| yellow colour.
■ CALYX: Peeiantiiium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovato-f CALYX : a Peeianthium of four leaves, theleavesof
oblongis, eredis, dectduts. fig. I. | an ovate oblong lhape, upright and deciduous.
■ COROLLA: tetrapetala, cruciformis. Petah ovato-1COROLLA tetrapetalous and crofa-lhaped. Puds of
oblonga,. obtufa, integra, unguibus eredis. | an ovate-oblong ihape, obtufe, entire, claws
■c”r a a ^ttvta ’ 2’ I upright, jig. 2.
|b lAM IN A : F ilamenta fex, fubulata, alba, q u o rum |STAMINA: fix F ilaments, tapering, white two of
duo breviora. Antheras fimplices, flavas.| which are fhorter than the others. A n,theras
utq't'tt t . I fimple, and yellow, fig. 3 .
[nbriLLUM: G ermen longitudine floris, teres, fu b -1PISTILLUM : Ger men the length of the flower, round
compreffum. Stylus nullus. Stigma o b tu -| a little flattened. Style none. Stigma
I fum. fig. 4. I blunt. Jig. 4.
jPERICAR PIUM : Siliqux plurimas, pedicellate, eredte, t SEED-VESSEL : Pods numerous, Handing on foot-
duos vel tres digitos longas, caulem fere occul-1 ftalks, upright, two or three fingers breadth in
tantes, teretiufculte, fubcomprdfc, obfoletej length, almoft hiding the ftalk, roundifi,
quadrangul®.y%. j . | fomewhat flattened, faintly quadrangular.
[SEMINA parva, numerofiffima, ovata, ptaniufcula, rufa. I SEEDS fmallf'very numerous, ovate, flattilh, of a red-
L ' Sf difh brown colour. Jig. 6.
fdcclv Ltefr I I P is 0,Jy Pr°Per whe? appii?1 (° ‘he upper part of this plant, the .radical leaves, which generally
»s-cay as the plant approaches to maturity, being hairy, like many other plants of the fame family
b v C w Z p i Utirarel>j r r Lu"d°o' .Hifhert° 1 have only noticed it in onefpot, vh. in the lane which leads down
plrts of Bndanfi'’ ,“nd,.thfile but fParmg ly ; further on in Kent it is much more common, as well as in many other
r . S land. It ufually grows on banks near hedges, and flowers i n June and July.
I vanes fo much in fize, that the old Botanifts make two fpecies of it.