C arduus M a r i a n u s . M ilk T histle
CARDUUS Lin. Gen. PL Syngenesia Polygamia rEqualis.
Calyx ovatus, imbricatus fquamis fpinofis. Receptaculum pilofum.
Raii Syn.Gcn. 18. Herba: flore ex flosculis fistularibus composito, sive
CARDUUS mananus foliis amplexicaulibus haftato pinnatifidis fpinofis; calycibus aphyllis: fpinis
canaliculate duplicate fpinofis. Lin.Syfl. Vegetal. p. 6o5. \ . P I.I f t * P
SILYBUM nervis foliorum albis. Haller Hiß. n. 181.
CIRSIUM maculatum. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. p. 130.
CARDUUS albis maculis notatus vulgaris. Bauhin Pin. p. 281.
CARDUUS maria:. Gerard emac. 1150.
CARDUUS maria: vulgaris. Parkinfon 976.
Raii Synop. p. 195. Common Milk Thiftle, or Ladies Thiftle.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 353.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 454.
RADIX annua.
FOLIA radicalia fupra terram expanfa, pedalia, bi- ;
pedalia, et ultra, pinnatifido linuata, nitida, ■
margine fpinofa, fuperne venis albis reticu- !
latis pifta, fubinde vero immaculata, Cau- !
linn amplexicaulia, patentia, fuprema re- 1
curvata, bafi cauli adprefla.
| CAULIS tripedalis, ad orgyalem, ramofus, inferne
craflitie digiti intermedii, tomentofus, ful-
catus, fuperne nudus, ftriatus.
[FLORES folitarii, magni purpurei.
|CALYX: Folia qüae calycem componuntvaria, funt, :i
inferiora riempe rotundata, fpinis ciliata • ;
intermedia utrinque ad bafin fpinis ciliata, •
acuminata, patentia, rigida, fuperne canali- :
culata, fpina flavefeente terminata; fuperiora I
et interiora lanceolata, inermia, apice pur- j
purea, marginibus fiffis, fig. i, 2, 3.
;COROLLULA£ infundibuliformes, tubo tenuiflimo,
curvato, albo, fig. 4. Limbo ereäo, quin-
quefido, bafi fubglobofo, nitidö intus mel-
leum liquorem fundente, laciniis linearibus,
I sequalibus.
j STAMINA: Filamenta quinque, cap Maria, bre-
viflima : A ntheras purpurea, intubum te-
L nuiffimum coalita, fig. 6.
PISTILLUM: G ermen ovatum, compreffum, alr
bum: Stylus filiformis, ftaminibus longior,
prope apicem circulo villorum coronäto,
dem utrinque fulcato et apice bifido, fig. 7.
ISEMINA plurima, ovata, fubangui.ua, nitida, nigri-
PaPP° obliquo, rigidulo, fimplici,
fei 1 albido coronata.
ROOT annual.
LEAVES next the root, expanded on the ground
from one to two feet or more in length, fi-
nuated, and pinnatifid, Mining, the edge
fpinous, on the upper fide painted with white
veins, which form a kind of net-work, but
fometimes wholly green ; leaves on the (talk
partly furrounding the Item, fpreading, the
uppermoft leaves bent back, the bafe of
each prefled clofe to the ftalk.
f. STALK from three to fix feet high, branched, at
\ bottom about the thieknefs of the middle
| fingeri downy, grooved, at top naked, and
| finely channelled.
> FLOWERS One on each ftalk, large and purple.
> CALYX. The leaves which compofe the calyx are
various ; the lowermoft are of a roundifh
l Ihape, and edged with fpines ; the middle
[5 ones edged with fpines towards the bottom,
l a.n(? running out to a point, fpreading,
l rigid, hollow on the upper fide, and ter-
> initiating in a yellowilh fpine; the upper
I innermoft leaves lanceolate, without fpines,
> purple at top, and notched on the edges’
> fig. 1, 2, 3.
\ FLORETS funnel-Ihaped; tube very flender, bent,
and white, fig. 4. Limb ere£t, divided into
: fiye fegments, at bottom fomewhat globular,
t and fecreting a honey liquor withinfide, the
I fegments linear, and equal in length.
; STAMINA: five Filaments, very Ihort, and fine:
* A n th ers purple, united into a very flender
; tube, &r. 6.
•f PISTILLUM : Germen oval, flattened, and white:'
Style thread-Ihaped, longer than the fta-
f, mina, crowned near the top with a circle of
Ihort hairs, from thence grooved on each
j: fide, and bifid at top, fig. 7 .
I SEEDS numerous, oval, fomewhat angular, Ihining,
j o f a blackifh colour, crowned with a ftiffilh,
S growing obliquely.
> 1 A L -L E h airy.
wbich =>n irregular net-work on the upper fide of the leaves of this
(thefe veins exift thpv^rve It^(.§rant^eurj render it an objeft which flukes the attention ofmoft: and where
[green; in which e l f/ a , ° Very H “ cI}al:aa™ fe tbe P1“ ' = the leaves however are frequently wholly
fare more f l i t ’ , beC,° T have recourfe to fome of its other chamBers, thin which none
f more conlpicuous than the ftrong fpines which defend the bloffom.
hos'bufthev'mnr^’r.ftef r01” ™ a Port‘on ° f “ i' , * hen1ce they have j y more often ferve as food for the Goldfinch, and other gfroamnievtoimroeus sb ebeirnd sm. ade ufe of in emul.
f e eryT L0r ° ' : pla"f 0n 0Uri bank\ b7 the fides of roads, and among rubbifh, and flowers in May
[ varle‘ y with green leaves, I have obferved on the banks near Remington turnpike. *
i Did 11 not occupy fo much fpace, its beauty would recommend it as a garden plant.