Leontodon H irtum. D eficient D andelion.
LEONTODON Linn. Gem PI. S y n g e n e s i a P o l y g a m i a Æ q u a l i s . Recept. nudum. Calyx
lmbricatus, ftjuamis laxiufculis. Pappus plumofus.
Ran Syn. Gen.6. H e r b e f l o r e compose t o n a t u r a p l e n o l a c t e s c e n t e s .
LEONTODON hirtum calyce loto ereHo, foliis dentatis hirtis: fetis fimpliciffimis. Linn Sy/l Ve<r
e l H . Murr.pt. 715. Sp. PL cd: 3. p. 1123. Leers FI. Herlorn. ed. 2.p. 172.
HEDYPNOIS hifpidum var ß hirtum. Huifon FI. An'gl. ed. 2. p. 340.
RHAGADIOLUS foliis femipinnatis afperrimis. Haller Hiß. n. 7.
HIERACIUM pumilum laxatile ■ afperum præmorfa radice. Baub. Pin. 128. Raii Syn. ed. a « .fr,
Dwarf Rough Stone Hawkweed with bitten Roots. *>' ** ‘ ‘
HIERACIUM pumilum Alpinum præmorfa radice. Dwarfe Mountaine Hàwkweed. Part. Lb. p. 789. 5.
Among the plants of the Claft Syngenefia there are Lome few whole feeds are not furnifhed with any pappus
for down, as the Lapfana communisun&RhagMus. o f L innasus , in the prefent plant the feeds in the outer row
are deftate of pappus, or crowned only with a few very Ihort briftles, while all the others are furnilhed inThe
K B manner. Haller, the hrll author, perhaps,-who noticed this appearance, confiders it of fufficient
Iconfeuuence to found a genus on; he therefore makes it a Rbagadiolus, a genus alfo of T ourneport’s
I united'by L innaeus with the Lapfana. ° . I
B 1 has very minutely noticed the charafters in which this plant differs from the bifpidum of L innaeus
whole fnec.fic drfcrmt.ons of the two plants are not fufficiently difcriminating; the feta., as L eers has obfaved’
and we have.found by experience, varying greatly m both fpecies, for JetisJmplicibus, we would therefore f iS
Ihtute paj^^ia^s^iius ‘*‘‘™nbus AW» dejlitutis, either of which charafters will diflinguifli
| them i the old Botamfts diftinSion of radice pramorfa .s not to be depended on in all cafes as it varies w h
[the age of the plant. * v cc> W1U1
When we figured in the 53d number of the Flora Land, the Leontodon bifpidum, we had no idea that the
Iprefen. plant was a d.ft.na fpec.es prefummg too much on the charaHer'dhawn from the nodding of he
peduncle, which we had found highly ufeful m afcertammg that fpecies; we confidered it as a variety merely
lanling from f.tuation, and fuch lhould probably ever have regarded it, had not the fiugular circumTancS
lattenlng the outer row of feeds been mentioned to us by a Botanift of fuperior difcernmSt, Dr. B e n j am i n
I Dawson Mmifter of Burgh, in Suffolk- on examination we found the feeds exaffly as he had represented
PkntS’ f°Und them t0 d‘fferin ‘ ^ P - c u l L , the m o t t l i n g of
I The whole plant is much fmaller the leaves fpread more on the ground, and are o f a darker colour the
■ flower-ftalks are more numerous, left upright, not only turning down or nodding at top, but frequently irregularly
I uried, efpecially m the young ones, befet with long croofed hairs, particularly towards the bottom never
I L T r f . r T qUam:e0 r aVKf! the,flo5 er-bu* . and flowers themfelves much fmaller in proportion to
H f f l B hjfrdum, more refembl.ng thofe of the Leontodon autumnal,, the uppermoft leaves of the calyx
1 Imooth, and at the point and edges of a deep purple or blackilh colour; and that as far as we have obferved
Imvariably, many other charaHers might be pointed out; but thefe it is prefumed, affifted by the figure will
l l H H “ a m ' ce P,lant. kno";n ; f l d° ubtful cafes recourfe may be had to the feed, and it will not be
| J B ? ™ t till that be ripe; the chat-aHer appertaining to it will be vifible on a nice examination even
| * e l y ^ f e nnt1S m fl°Wen ^ may -dd' tHat 6 tW° P aMS cultivated ® the fame foil and lunation, cornmne
m T r ° r * is fpec'“ ' drawn from a circumftance leading fo immediately to
ab0Ut town, particularly Hampltead-
I rareIy meet with the hirtum and hifpidum on the fame fpot.
■ * ' i i , ^ U u h * } i . A Bugle flo re t .
2. T h e outer, row o f feeds without'any pappus.
3 . O n e o f the fame k in d p la c e d fin g ly .
4. A feed from the interior part o f the flower fur-
niflied with pappus.
2- Series exterior femin. pappo deft.
3- Semen hujufmodi feorfim pofit.
4- Semen ex interior part. fl. pappo inftruQ.