Se n e c i o v u l g a r i s . G r o u n d s e l .
SEN E C IO Linnai -Gen. P I Syngenesia Po l yg am ia Superflua. Receptaculum nudum. Pappus fimplex.
Calyx cy lindricus, ca lyculatus ; fquamis apice Jphacelails.
Ruii Syn. H eRbæ flore composito, semine papposo non la c t e s c e n t e s , flore discoïde.
SEN E C IO vulgaris corollis midis, foliis pinnato-finuatis amplexicaulibus, floribus fparfis. Lynn. Syfi. Vegetal),
p. 630, Sp. PI. i 2 i 6. Fl-. Suède, p. 290.
S EN ECIO corollis nudis, foliis pinnato-finuatis amplexicaulibus, floribus fparfis. Haller hiß. n. 58.
S EN E C IO vulgaris. Scepolt FI. Catniol. p. 162. ». 1063. HudfonFl. Angl. ^ .3 1 5 .
SEN E C IO minor vulgaris. Bauhin Pin. 18 1 .
SENECIO vulgaris-. Parhinfon 671.
ERIOERON Girard, tmac. ijS . Rail Syn. p. 178, Common Groundfel or Slmfon,
[RADIX annua, e plurimis fibrillis alb idisconftans . ,
ICAULIS fimplex, ere&us, ptda lis, ramofus, fe p e pur- j
purelis, fubangulofus, in junioribus plantis ver-^
lus apicem fubtomentofus. 1
. i [FOLIA obfeure virentia, glab ra, amplexicaulia, pinnato- j
linuata, pinnis acute dentatis. .
I *
jPEDUNCULI ftn a t i, uniflori, primum e r e ö i , perafta
florefeentia penduli, demum eredti. |
[CALYX: communis primum cylindraceus, demum c o -J
n icu s ; Squamis fubulatis, plurimis, in cy lin - f
drum fuperlie contra&is parallelis, contiguis, |
asqualibus, paucioribus balm imbricatim tegen- f
tibus, apicibus om nium nigricantibus, Jig. i. . |
KOROLLA Compofita, longitudine c a ly c is ; Corollula h e r - 1
maphroditas, tubulofae, numerofse in difeo, in - 1
fundibuliformes ; limbo reflexo, quinquefido : t
Radio nu llo , Jig. 2, 3 . *
[STAMINA ; F i l a m e n t a quinque, capillaria, minima ; 1
j A n th e r a cylindracea, tubulofa. |
p ISTILLUM: G e r m e n ovatum ; S t y l u s filifbrmis, I
longitudine ftaminum ; S t i g m a t a duo ob- 1
longa,^revoluta. I
SEMEN oblongum, ftriatum, fufeum ; P a p pu s fimplex, f
albus, femine triplo fere lo n g io r, Jig. 4 ; R e - f
c e p t a c u l u m nudum, fcabrum. +
\ R OOT annual, Confifting of numerous 'white fibres.
t STALK fingle, upright, about a foot high, branched,
l often Purple, (lightly angular, in the young
plants, towards the top, thinly covered with
: down.
; LEAVES of a deep and dull green colour, fmooth,
embracing the (talk, pinnato-fin uated, the pinnæ
(harply indented.
; PEDUNCLES ftriated, fupporting one flower on each,
at fir ft upright, when the flowering is over they
become pendulous, and laftly upright.
CALYX : the common Calyx firft cylindrical, and laftly
conical ; the Squama Tubulate, numerous, contracted
above into a Cylinder, parallel, contiguous
and equal ; thofe at the bafe of the
Calyx fewer, lying one over another, the tips
of all of them blackifh, Jig. 1. r
COROLLÆ Compound, the length of the Calyx ; the
Florets hermaphrodite, tubular and numerous
m the difk or middle, funnel-fhaped, the limb
reflex and divided into five fegments : the Radius
wanting, Jig. 2, 3.
STAMINA : F il am en t s five, capillary, and very mi-
nute : A ntheræ united into a, tube.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oval; St y l e filiform the length
of the Stamina; St ig m a t a two, oblong, t?nd
bent back.
SEED oblong, ftriated and brown ; the P appus Ample,
white, almoft three times the length of the feed,
fig. 4 ; R e c e p t a c l e naked, and rough.
L w ae|? ° f l ndfel- is * nIaf which i T " knT U ,t0 grow exceedingly F Walls, flowering all the year, if the weather be mild. common in Gardens, cultivated aGrroouunndd, aanndd
w t 7 heie!c/CarC^y “I - d * Medicine, yet according to fome Authors it is not without confiderable