
r i
2. Polemoiiiiun R kh a rtU o n i; caule piloso angulato erecto, foliis pinnatis inultijugis,
pinnis ovato-rotiindatis mucronulatis subtus pubesc'cntilnis, floribus corymbosis nutantibus,
wro llæ segmentis obtusis crenulatis, radice subtiisitbrmi longissima. Graham, in Ho t Mag.
t. 2S00.— P. speciosum. Fischer, M S S . in Herb, nosfr.— P. cæruleum, var. nana. Hook.
A n i . P i. in L in n . Trans, v. 14. p . 377.
1. Ph lo x Sibiriea. L in n .
O rd. X X V . B O R A G IN E Æ . Jnss.
1. IMyosotis a/pestris. S chmid t— Engl. B o t t 2559. Cham. et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 4.
p . 442.
1. Lithospermum Lehm.—supira, p . 116.
Ouo of the speeimeus in this Collection appo.-u-s nither to agree Avith the Lithospermum {Pulmonaria)
pilosum of Chain, et Schlecht, tliau Avith L . denticulatum: but although Ave have sjiecimeus of both from these
excellent Bot.inists, Ave c.'uinot satisfy ourselves of the essential difference between the t«-o plants.
2. Lithospermum L ehm.—supra, p . 116.
O r d . X X V I . S C R O P H U L A R IN E Æ . J u s s .
1. GAnmiandra ; foliis radiciilibus oblongis n ü in q u e infra vero magis attenuatis
acutis inæqualiter obtuse serratis, staminibus fere longitudine labii superior stylo ilio longiore.
Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 2. p . 563.
1. Cixstilleja pallida. Kunth.— Cham, et Schlecht. in Lin næa , v. 2. p . 580.—C. septen-
tionalis et Sibirica. L in d l.—Bartsia pallida. L in n .
1. Pedicularis Nelsoni. Brown, in Herb. Ba n ks.— Rich, in Frankl. Isi. Journ. (1823.)
A p p . p . 743. Hook, in P a r r y ’s 2d Voy. A pp. p . 402. t 1— P . capitata. Adams ex Stev.
in Mém. de la Soc. Imp. Mose. v. 6. p . 19. t 3. / . 2. Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 2.
p . 582.—P . A-erticiUata. P ursh, (non L in n .)
2. Pedicularis verticillata. L in n . C ham. et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 2. p . 582.
3. Pedicularis euphrasioides. Steph. ex Stev. in Mém. de la Soc. de Mose. v. 6. p . 42.
Cham. et Schlecht in Lin næa , v. 2. p . 583. Rich, in Frankl. I s i Joiirn. ed. 2. A pp. p . 24.
Gmel. F l Sib. v. 3. p . 203. t 43.
4. Pedicularis Langsdorffii. Fisch. ex Stev. l. c. p . 49. t 9 . / 2. (excl. var. ß.)
5. Pedicularis lanata. Willd. Herb— Cham. et Schlecht in Lin næa , v. 2. p. 583.—P.
Langsdorffii. ß. Stev. l. c. p. 49.
Nearly allied to P. arctica. Br., and P . hirsuta. WiUd.
6. Pedicularis sudetica. Willd.— Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 2. p. 583. Stev. t c.
p. 44. t. 15. f . 2. Rich , in Frankl. I s i Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 25.
O r d . X X V I I . P R IM U L A C E Æ . J u s s .
p . 212.
1. Prim u la saxifragifolia. Lehm. Prim. p. 89. i. 9. Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 1.
2. Primula M isUixmdm? Lchm. Prim. p . 63. t. 7. Hook, in Hot. M,uj. I. SÜ73. Churn,
et ScMccht. in l/innma, v. 1. p . 213.
3. Primula nwahs. Pall. I t t 9 . / 2. Lehm. Prim. p. 67. Cham, et ScfdeHd. v. J.
p . 215.
1. Androsace septentrionalis. Lin n .
2. A n c te a c c Charrmjasme. W u lf.-C k am . et Uddecht. in L im m a , v. 1. p . 217.
1. Doilecatheon fr ig id um ; foliis subspathulatis repando-dentatis umWlis
pedunculis divarieatis glandulosis, bracteis subulatis, antherts .subsessilibus. U um . d h ddedd.
in Linnæa, v. 1. p . 222.
O r d . X X V H I . P L U M B A G IN EÆ . Juss.
1. Statice Armeria. Lin n .
O r d . X X IX . P O L Y G O N EÆ . Jm s .
1. 'Polygonum viviparum. L in n .—supra, p . 116.
2. Polygonum alpinum. A ll.-C h a m . d Schlecht. in Linmea, v. 3. p . 38.
1. Oxyria reniformis. Hooh. Fl. Scot.— Cham, d S ddedd. in Linnæa, v. S. p . 58.—
Rumex digynus. Lin n .
1. Rumex Acetosa. Lin n .
2. Rumex domesticus. Hartm.— Reichenh. Icon. Bot. t. 343. Cham, d Schledd. m Lm rum ,
V. 8. p . 59.— R. aquaticus, /3. crispatus. Wahl. La p p . p . 91.
This exactly agrees with Keiohenbaeh’s figure, except that the leaves arc longer and narrower.
O r d . X X X . C H E X O P O D EÆ . Vmt.
1. Atriplex littoralis. Linn.
O r d . X X X I . E M P E T R E Æ . NuU.
1. Em petrum L in n .—supra, p . 116.
O r d . X X X I I . A M E N T A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Alnus Willd.—s u p r a ,p . \ \ 7 .
This precisely resembles the Kamtschatkan specimens abov^mentioned.
1, Betula nana. L in n .
1. Salix a rc iic a ? B r . {won Pallas?)
Of this plant, which wc refer to Mr. Brown’s S. mdica, there are tw o states in the Coneetioig both mnch
larger in the foliage and catkins; the one having the leaves very downy and silky beneath, the other glaneou,
and slightly silky beneath.
2. Salix Lapponmn. L i n n .- S m . in Rees' C y c l .- S . glauca, var. W a h l L app. p . 264.
3. Salix arenaria. L in n .—E n g t B o t t 1809.