
i - ü :
í í :
1. Rubus macropetalus ; hirsutus, caule elato fi-uticoso, ramis angulatis gracilibus elongatis,
petiolis costis subtus pedunculis calycibusque aculeato-setaceis, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis
ovatis inciso-lobatis serratis membranaceis, tei-minali majore longe (lateralibus brevi-)
petiolulatis, stipulis lanceolatis, pedunculis subbifloris, calycis segmentis longe acuminatis
pétala (alba) subæquantibus.—Douglas, in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 178. t. 59.
2. Rubus Menziesii; caule procumbente terete acideato glabro, ramis brevibus pubes-
centi-tomentosis aculeatis, folüs 3-foliolatis, foliolis lato-ovatis sublobatis inæqualiter serratis
brevi-petiolulatis supra hirsutis subtus pallidioribus liirsutissimis, paniculis terminalibus
paucifloris, pedicellis calycibusque aculeatis, segmentis calycinis ovatis acutis mucronatis
tomentosis corolla (rubra) brevioribus. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 179.— R. ursinus.
Cham. et Schlecht. in Linnæa, v .2 . p . 11 ?
This is a more luxuriant plant than Mr. Menzies’ specimens, but in every other respect the same. In
many points, it agrees with the R . ursinus of Chamisso and Schlechtendal; but in that, the leaves appear
to be frequently simple, and those authors compare it Avith R . Idoeus.
3. Rubus velutinus; inermis, caule fruticoso erecto flexuoso pubescente basi nudo, foliis
amplis simplicibus profunde cordatis acute 5-lobis serratis reticulatis molliter densissime
pubescenti-tomentosis subtus pallidis velutinis, stipulis ovatis acuminatis sericeis, corj-mbis
paucifloris, calycibus velutinis laciniis obtusis corolla (alba) brevioribus longe cuspidatis.
This is abundantly distinct, both from R . odoratus and R . Nutkanus, and, as far as can be judged from
the description, equally so from the A . vitifolius of Cham, et Schlecht., Avhich, however, like the present,
is a native of San Francisco : all belong to the simple and lobed fruticose species of the Genus. The
underside of the leaves is pale and velvety, and beautifnlly relieved by the reticulations.
1. Fragaria Chilensis; floribus (magnis) patentibus, foliolis late obovatis obtusissimis
apice grosse serratis coriaceis rugosis subtus sericeo-villosissimis, pedimculis calycibusque
sericeis.—Ehrh. B e itr.— De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 571. Hook. FL Bor. Am. v. l . p . 185.
2. Fragaria Californica. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnæa, v. 2. p . 20.
Specimens, quite according Avith the description in the Linnæa, are in the Collection ; but in a very
imperfect state. Perhaps the var. /3. of the F. Chilensis, noticed in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am., shoAÚd be referred
to it : but here, the peduncle is single-floAvered, and very short.
R o s a ;— O f this genus, three species are in the Collection; one with double flowers, and probably the
inhabitant of a garden. The others are too imperfect to be satisfactorily determined, having no perfect flower
nor frmt. Neither of them, how’ever, accords with the R . Californica of Schlechtendal, and must be different
from it, unless we make great allowance for the sportive nature of the species of this most difficult genus.
Or d . X V I I . O N A G R A R I ^ . Juss.
I. Zauschneria Californica; foliis linearibus denticulatis integrisve, bracteis ovario brevioribus,
capsulis subsessilibus. Presl, in lieliq. Haenh. v. 2. p. 28. t. 52.
This very remarkable genus, Avith flowers in shape and colour resembling a Fuchsia, but with the
fruit of an Epilobium, was first discovered in California by Mr Menzies, and noticed in the “ Annals of
Botany,” by Mr. Komg (v. 1. p. 543.) It was not, however, described and named, till it appeared very
receutly in the yalaeble Reliquics Hcmkemw of Presl. That author thus defiues the generre character :
Cal. superus deciduas, tuho ikuudibuliformi cum ovario articolato, colorato, bari supte ovareum globoso-ven-
trieoso limbo quadripartito. P c iu ia quatuor, sommo tubo inserta. A » iW Imcares, dorso aifixm. Oaanam
liuoaro, teteagonum. Stghis flliformis. Stigma capitatum, 4-lobum. Capsaìa lincans, tetragona, quadn-
valvis, uuilocularis, polysperma. Semina oblonga, papposa.-Suffrut.ces decumbentes, Tamos,^,m,, temente
tenui canescentes. Rami appositi. FoRa opposita, angusta. Racemi terminales, simpbces. RIctcs sessUes,
coecmei."— lt appears to be only foimd at Monterrey.
1. Epilobium tarogonum. L in n .— Lehm. in Hooh. Fl. Bor. Am. v. \ . p . 206.
1. CEnotliera biennis. L in n .— Lehm. in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 209.
2. OE n o tlie ra L in d k y ii ; caule adscendente diffuso ramoso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis integerrimis
glabris, calycis tubo laciniis triplo breviore, petalis integris denticulatis genitalia
duplo superantibus, stigmatibus luteis, capsulis cylindricis elongatis u tn n q u e attenuatis
puberulis. Lehm.— Douglas, in Bot. Mag. t. 2832. Lehm. in Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 213.
3. CEnotliera spiralis ; caule subsimplice decumbente incano, foliis anguste ovatis obloii-
oisve obtusis integerrimis vel obscure dentatis strigoso-pilosis incanis inferne m petiolum
attenuatis, floribus solitariis, petolis (siccitate sæpissime viridibus) stamina duplo superantibus,
capsulis acute tetragonis acuminatis incanis demum glabriusculis subspiraliter tortis.
Hook, in Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 213.
O e d . X V H I . C U C U R B IT A C EÆ . Juss.
There arc two Cucurbitaceous plants in tho CoUection, hut withoat flower, and probably cultivated, as is
assuredly the case with a Mesembryanthemum in the Herbarium.
O k d . X IX . G R O S S U L A R IEÆ . De Cand.
1. Ribes Menziesii; aculeatissimum, spinis tripartitis, foliis cordatis fl-lobis serratis bast
truncatis venoso-rugosis subtus pubescenti-tomentosis, pedúnculo subunifloro, calyce cylin-
draceo-campanulato profunde 5-fldo glanduloso, staminibus S inclusis, stylo subexserto
oermine peciuriculoque aculeatis. Hook.—Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 2. App. p . 732. De Cand.
Prodr. V. 3. p . 478. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. iiu ¡ d .-R . ferox. Sm. in Bees, et De Cand.
2. Ribes smguineum; inerme, foliis cordatis subquinquelobis seiTatis venosis supra
glabriusculis subtus villoso-tomentosis, racemis laxis pubescentibus foliis duplo longioribus,
calycibus tubuloso-campanulatis laciniis oblongis obtusis p atentibm pétala (rubra) integerrima
superantibus, bracteis obovato-spathulatis, baccis turbinatis liirsutis. Douglas. Pursh,
Fl. Am. V. 1. p . 164. Dongl. in Hort. Trans, v. 7. p . 509. t. 13. Bot. Beg. t. 1349. Hook.
Fl. Bor. Am. ined.— K. malvaceum. Sm. in Bees' Cycl.
There is still a third species ot Ribes ( S e c t . G r o s s u l a r ia .) in the Herharinm, with a solitary stìpulm-y
spine aud no aculei, and with leaves resembling those of R . Cynosbati, only thrice as large: but being
destitute of flowers aud fruit, it cannot be determined.
O r d . X X . U M B E L L I F E R Æ . Juss.
1. Siinicula arctopoides; subacaulis, foliis longe petiolatis profunde 3-partitis laciniis
elongato-cuneatis lateralibus bifidis intermedio trifido omnibus snbciliato-pinnatifidis, ped