O r d . X V I I I . L E G U M IN O SÆ . Juss.
1. M e l i l o t u s Desf.
H a b . L oo Choo.
1. Medicago denticulata. a, brevispina. Benth.— M. apiculata. Willd.
H a b . L oo Choo.
1. Lespedeza cuneata. G. Don in Mill. D ie t. 2. p . 3 0 7 ?—Anthyllis cuneata. Dum.
Cours. Bot. Cxdt. 6. p . 100 ?
Hab. Loo Choo.— This accords well with the short specific character given in the above work. Hedy-
sarum sericeum, Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . 287, may be this species, but Thunberg describes its leaves as silky on
both sides, whereas in our plant they are quite glabrous on the upper surface. Hed. junceum, of Roxburgh,
appears also to approach closely, but if that proves, as we presume, from Hamilton’s synonym being the origin
of both, the same with L . eriocarpa of De Candolle, it must differ from the Loo Choo species. The legume
is minutely pubescent. The plant is shrubby.
2. Lespedeza striata ; humilis herbácea erectiuscula, caulibus canescentibus, stipulis
ovatis acuminatis petiolo longioribus, foliolis cuneato-oblongis obovatisve obtusis vel
retusis setula brevissima terminatis pellucide ac copiose parallelim venosis, floribus
axillaribus solitariis breve pedunculatis, corolla calycem d uplo superante, ovario rhombeo.
— Hedysa rum striatum. Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . 291.—De smodium? striatum. D e Cand.
Prod. 2. p . 337.
Hab. Bonin.
Herba (in nostris) annua vix tripollicaris, fide Thunhergii pedalis et ultra, parce ramosa. Slîpuloe
adpressæ, multistriafæ. Foliola breviter petiolulata, nervo medio subtus piloso, circiter lineas 4 longa.
Bracteoloe duæ, ovales, calyci adpressæ, lineato-striatæ, ciliatæ. Calyx tubuloso-campanulatus, 5-angulatus
et plicatus, ad medium 5-fidus, laciniis ovalibus ciliatis pulchre reticulato-venosis, duabus superioribus
angustioribus ac paullo brevioribus inæquilateris, inferiore latiore ac obtusiore. Corolla calycem duplo
superans e vexillum obovatum emaiginatum. Aloe lineari-oblongæ. Carina transverse obtusa. Stamina
diadelpha (9 et 1). Ovarium rhombeum, basi apice acutum, hinc ciliolatum, uniovulatum. Stylus elongatus,
filiformis, apice incurvus ac incrassatus.
1. Soja hispida. Moench.
H a b . Loo Choo.
I . Arachis hypogcea. L in n .
H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Guilandina Bonduc. Ait.
H a b . Bonin.
O r d . X IX . R O SA C EÆ . Juss.
1. B a h u s parvifolius. L in n ,; vide supra, p . 184.
H ab. Loo Choo.
1. R aphiolepis? integerrima¡ foliis coriaceis elliptico-oblongis obtusiusculis basi
acuminatis integerrimis, bracteis deciduis, fructu (immature) anguste obpyrÎformi apice
limbo calycis cupulato tru n c a to coronato.
H a e . Bonin.— This plant has two long slender styles, which are glabrous as in Photinia ; but the structure
of the limb of the calyx allies it more to Raphiolepis. The corymb appears to be simple and few-
fiowered, there being only 4 pedicels composing it in the only specimen we have seen.
O r d . X X . C O M B R E T A C EÆ . B rown.
1. Te rm in ab a Catappa. L in n .
H a b . Bonin.
O r d . X X I . G R A N A T E Æ . Don.
1. Pú n ica Granatum. L in n .
H a b . L oo Choo By a letter we have lately received from Dr. Wight of Madras, we learn that Mr.
Griffith (Hon. E. I. C. service) has now determined that this Order is truly distinct from Myrtaceoe, and that
the explanation of the structure of the fruit, given by those who unite it to the latter order, is quite erroneous.
O r d . X X I I . C U C U R B IT A C EÆ . Juss.
I . Cucumis sativus. Lin n .
H a b . Loo Choo.
1. B r y o n ia ...................; foliis petiolatis late cordatis subangulatis grosse dentatis supra
punctis callosis albis onustis subtus glabris, cirrhis simplicibus.
H i j . Loo Choo.—This does not agree with any published species, nor hare we materials sofficient to
enable us to describe it. I f il be B . Japonica, Thimb., that plant is rery ill defined by that author.
O e d . X X I IL C R A S S U L A C EÆ . D e Cand.
1. Sedum miflorum ; caulibus ramosis e basi procumbente adscendentibus, foliis
a lternis subteretibus obtusis basi solutis glabris, floribus solitariis ramulos terminantibus,
petalis lanceolatis acutiusculis.
H a «. L oo Choo.-Stems from five to six inches long, weak and slender. The petals appear to hare been
O e d . X X IV . F IC O ID E Æ . Juss.
1. Tetrag o n ia expansa. A it.
H a b . Bonin.
O r d . X X V . U M B E L L IF E R Æ . Juss.
1. Hydrocotyle asiatica. L im u
' H a b . L oo Choo and Bonin.