
terminata. Stylus filiformis. Stigma indivisum, spathulatum, lateribus tenuioribus iucurvis.
Capsula bilocularis, loculicide bivalvis, polysperma, ovata, apice acuminata, comprcssius-
cula, bisulcata. Placenta magna, scrobiculata. Semina minuta, ovalia, ruguloso-scabra.
Albumen oleosum.
Pterostigma grandiflorum. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p . 2 1 . (T a b . X L V .)— Spathestigma
glutinosum. Hook, et A rn . olim, in Herb. Henslow. (cum syn. sequ.)— Gerardia glutinosa.
L in n .— Digitalis Chinensis. Lo u r. Fl. Coch. {ed Willd.) 2. p . 459.?
H ab . Canton and Islands near Macao; Mr. Millett; Rev. G. R . Vachell, n. 2 4 4 .
Herba perennis ? erecta, parce ramosa. Caules ramique obtusiuscule qnadranguli, viscide pubescentes vel
villosi. Folia opposita, petiolata, ovata, acuminata, obtuse serrata, supra pubescentia viridia subtus magis
pubescentia atque viscida pallider glanduloso-punetata. Pedunculi inferiores axillares, superiores in racemum
terminalem folüs floralibus caulinis paullo minoribus instructum dispositi, petiolo duplo longiores.
Loureiro says that the stems are terete and glabrous, but the remainder of his character appears to agree
very well with the plant before us. The whole is about a foot or a foot and a half high; the stem, although
herbaceous, is in some specimens of so hard a nature at the bass, that we suspect the plant to be perennial.
Tab. XLV. Pterostigma grandiflorum. Fig. 1. Flower; fig . 2. Imperfect stamens; fig . 3 ,4. Back and front
* view of the anthers of the perfect stamens; fig . 5. Pistil; fig . 6. Calyx, including the capsule; fig . 7.
Capsule :—magnified.
O r d . L X L L A B IA T Æ . Juss.
1. Ocymum B a ^ licum . y. glabratum. Benth. L a b ia t p . 4.— O. caryophyllatum. Roxb.
Fl. I n d .3 . p . 16.
i . Majorana AorieKsfs. i a ô . p . 338.—Origanum Majorana. Lin n .
1. Scutellaria Indica. L in n .—Benth. Labiat. p . 428.
1. IjGucas linifoHa. Spr. Syst. Vegst. 2. p . 743.—Benth. La b ia t. p . 617.
2. Leucas Benthamiana; perennis? herbácea diffusa adpresse canescenti-pubescens,
ramis tetragonis, foliis late ovatis supra medium grosse dentatis lævibus molliter ac densius
pubescentibus, verticillastris subsex-(4-8)-floris omnibus petiolum 2-3-plo superantibus,
bracteis minutis, calycibus tubulosis pubescentibus striatis, ore æquaü dentibus brevibus
setaceo-acuminatis i-ecurvo-patulis.—Ballota pilosa. Lour. Fl. Coch. 2. p . 442 ?
H a b . Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas island; Rev, G. H. VacheU, n. 172.
Allied to L . biflora, but with more flowers in the verticillastrum: also to L . mollissima, but the leaves are
much thinner, not rugose, and not tomentose underneath. From L . decemdentata, it is known by the shortly
petiolcd floral leaves. It may possibly prove to be L . Javanica, Benth., or Phlomis Chinensis, Blume; but of
that no character is given by Mr. Bentham, nor any, we believe, by Blume himself.
1. Leonurus Sibiricus. L in n .—Benth. Lab. p. 520.
H ab . Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 162.
1. Anisomeles ovata. R . B r .—Ajuga disticha. Roxb. Fl. Ltd. 3. p . 2.
1. T eucrium stoloniferum. Roxh. FL Ind. 3. p . 3. Benth. in Wall. PI. As. Ra r . 1. p . 58.