
H a b . Realejo.—Stems stout and woody, almost terete, the branches obtusely 4-sided, clothed, as are the
leaves, calyx and ovary, with erect, close-pressed, pale, rusty coloured shining setæ, giving a silky appearance
to the eye. Leaves 2 inches or 2 4 inches long, on rather short petioles, oblong-lanceolate, entire, acute,
marked with from 8-5 strong, parallel nerves. Flowers corymbose on small terminal branches, which collectively
form a corymbose panicle. Flowers crowded, and rather small. Calyx5-cleft; the tube ovate, marked
with ten slightly elevated lines, and, as well as the lanceolato-subulate erect lobes, clothed with appressed,
rigid hairs; the lobes are eventually deciduous. Petals 5, oblongo-obovate, ciliated. Stamens 10, 4 large
and 4 small ; but the anthers all uniform, linear, opening by a single conspicuous pore at the extremity, and
furnished at the base with a projecting horizontal tubercle. Ovary ovate, the lower half adherent with the
base of the calyx, the upper half free, and covered with erect, close-pressed bristles ; style clavate, glabrous.
The fruit is a capsule included within the truncated calyx.
O r d . X IX . C U C U R B IT A C E Æ . Juss.
1. B ryonia attenuato; monoica, caule profunde striato* glabro, foliis late ovatis oblongisve
integris vel profunde trilobis basi cuneatis u trin q u e scabris subtus pubescentibus
sin ubus obtusis lobis cuneato-oblongis obtuse serratis serraturis mucronatis, floribus
racemosis, pedicellis inferioribus subfasciculatis— A n g u ria ? dubia, Hook, et Arn . supra,
p . 292.
Hab. Acapulco.—From the former Mexican collection we attempted to draw up a character of this plant
with the aid of only very imperfect specimens. Those from Dr Sinclair have both flower and fruit. The
male flowers arc green and about as large as those of our Bryonia diocia. Filaments 3. Anthers combined
and flexuose. The berries are rather larger than those of the common Bryony, filled with white mealy pulp,
and flat seeds.
1. Momordica ? quinquefida, Hook, et A rn . supra, p . 292.
H a b . A c a p u lc o .— T h e fr u it h e re is m o re p erfect th a n in o u r fo rm e r specimens, and is o vo id .
R Y T ID O STY L IS .f Nov. Gen.
G e .v , C h a r . Monoicus. Calyx longe tubulosus, coloratus (albus), constrictus, limbo 5-dentato, dentibus
minutis demum recurvis. Petala 5, lanceolata, summo tubi calycis inserta et quasi cum eo coadunita.—
M a s c . Petala basi nuda. Columna staminea longitudine fere calycis tubi, rugosa, superne lævis. Antheræ
(3?) lineari-elongatæ, tortuosæ, in massam brevl-cylindraceam coalitæ. Ovarium nullum.— Foe.m. Petala
basi tuberculis incrassata. Ovarium calycis basi adhærens, oblique ovale, hispido-echinatum; Stylus elon-
gato-cylindraceus, longitudine calycis tubi, capitatus, rugosus, superne lævis. Stigma capitatum, loeve.
Fructus—?—Herba Guatemaîensis. Caulis gracilis, cirrhosus. Folia alterna, tenui-membranacea,
cordata, angulato-dentata, brevi-petiolata, utrinque sub lente scabra. Flores masculi corymbosi ; corymbi
paucijiori sublonge pedunculati, Y\oxes foeminei solitarii, brevi-pedunculati, ad basin pedunculi masculini
* This word is by mistake printed stricto in the specific character of the same plant, supra, p. 292.
+ From wrinkle, and otrTvK, a style or column, in allusion to the wrinkled surface both of the
style in the female flower, and of the column of stamens in the male fiower.