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O r d . X V I. E R Y T H R O X Y L E Æ . Kunth.
1. S e th ia /n rfic a ; foliis-obovato-oblongis obtusis. H . B . K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 5. p . 175.
(in aclnot.)—Erythroxylon monogynum. Roxh. Cor. 1. t. 88. Plukn. Am a lth .p . 87. t. 442.
/ 3. (non t. 4 4 2 . / 1, 2.) Mant. 26 et 127.
O r d . X V I I . M A L P IG H IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Uxglage Madablota : foliis acuminatis, racemis terminalibus. •
a. foliis ovato lanceolatis acimiinatis.—H. Maclablota. Goertn. Roxb. Cor. 1. t. 18. De Cand.
Prodr. V. l . p . 583. (cum syn.)
&. foliis ovatis subiter acuminatis.— H. Madablota, C. Wall. L is t of. E . Ind. Plants,
n, 1063.
The variety /3., from Pronte and Martaban, is precisely the same as in the Collection from China. There
are no glands a t the top of the petiole.
* O r d . X V I I I . A C E R IN E Æ . D e Cand.
1. Acer tr ifd um ; foliis circumscriptione rotundatis basi subcordatis ad medium fere
trilobis subtus glaucis junioribus pubescentibus, lobis ovatis crenulato-serratis.— Fl.
Ja p . p. 163?
O r d . X IX . SA P IN D A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Cai'diospermum Halicacabum. Lin n .
1. Nephelium ; foliis pinnatis, foliolis sub 4-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusiusculis
subtus valide pinnatim nervosis glaucis supra nitidis, panicula laxa, petalis 6, bacca
globosa scabriuscula.— Camb. in Mem. Mus. v. 18. p. 30 Euphoria Longana. L am .— De
band. Prodr. v . l . p . 611.—Scytalia Longan. Roxb. FL Ind. 2. p. 270.—Dimocarpus Longau.
Lo u r. Cochin. 2. p. 288.
O r d . X X . M E L IA C EÆ . Juss.
I. Aglaia odorata; foliolis 2-3-jugis cum impari cuneato-oblongis obtusiusculis supra
nitidis utrinque glabris. (T a b . X X X IV .)—Lowr. Cochin. 1.;?. 216. L e Cand. Prodr. v. 1.
p. 537.—Camunium sinense. Rumph. Amb. 7 . 1 .1 8 . / 1. Roxb. FL Ind. I. p. 636. ed. Wall.
2. p. 425.—Vitex pinnata. L in n . Burm. FL Ind. t. 43. / . 2.—Opilia odorata. Spr. Syst.
l . / i . 766.
As no satisfactory representation has yet been given of this plant, we have thought a figure made from
one of Mr. IMillctt’s specimens might not be unacceptable.
Tab. XXXIV. Aglaia odorata. Fig. 1, Flower; fig . 2, Cup of the stamens; fig . 3, The same laid
open, showing the anthers and pistil.
1. Melia Azedarach. L in n . Lour. Cochin. 1. p. 329.
O r d . X X L A M P E L ÏD E Æ . H B .K .
1. Cissus Japonicus; foliis pedato 5-foliolatis glabris, foliolis ovalibus aristato-serratis
T A B X Y X /V .
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