
Wi .
in any form we have yet seen, while even the lower ones are broader than in H. ladniatum, DC., which we
consider a mere variety of this species.
1. Yerula foeniculacea. N u tt Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. l . p . S68.
H a b . Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
2. F. macrocarpa f pedalis, puberulo-glaiicescens, ioliis tern a tim compositis, laciniis
lato-linearibus decurrentibus basi angustatis apice acutissimis, involucro oligophyllo
caduco, involucelli vix dimidiati foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis arcte reflexis, fructibus ovato-
oblongis pedicello longioribus.
Nearly allied to the larger specimens of F . feeniculacea, from Carlton House, but the leaves are much less
compound, and the ultimate segments longer.
3. F. caruifolia; acaulis, glabra, virens, foliis latissime vaginatis su p ra decompositis,
laciniis lineari-acuminatis, petiolo perbrevi, scapo folio paullo su p e ran te, involucro nullo,
involucello magno monophyllo 10-12-partito, laciniis obovatis coloratis venosis erectis
umbellam floriferam obvallantibus, fructibus lato-ellipticis.
A very remarkable species, quite free from glaucescence, with extremely large sheathing bases to the leaves,
the divisions of which resemble those of Carum Carui, and with an involucellum large in proportion to the
umbels. The disk of the back of the fruit is much broader than the wing, whereas, in the two preceding
species, they are pretty nearly equal.
4. F. pa rv ifo lia ; subcaulescens, glabra, foliis radicalibus petiolum subæquantibus
circumscriptione deltoideis tripinnatifidis, laciniis ovatis acuminatis incisis patentibus,
caule subnudo foliis 3-4-pIo longiore, involucro oligophyllo vel nullo, involucello sub-8-
phyllo, foliolis lanceolato-subulatis erectis, fructibus late elliptico-obovatis.
The leaves are small, not more than an inch and a half long, on slender petioles of the same length. The
flowers are bright yellow. The disk of the fruit is scarcely so broad as tbe wing. We may here notice, that
F. Palmella, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am., is Cyncopterus glomeratus, Nutt.
I. Seseli? triternatum. P u rsh .—Hook. Flor. B or, Am. \ . p . 2 6 4 . t. 94.
H a b . Snake Country.
Nuttall (PI. Rocky Mount, p. 27) refers this to Eulophus, but the fruit seems very different. He describes
there two species, one glabrous and caulescent j this, although not figured in the Flor. Bor. Am., was considered
a mere form of 5 . triternatum ; the other of Nuttall seems only to differ from our plant by being puberulous,
while the true S . triternatum is quite glabrous.
1. Caucalis microcarpa ; piloso-hispida, foliis tripinnatifidis, umbella 4-5-radiata,
involucri foliis sessilibus folia caulina simulantibus, umbellæ radiis fructiferis 3-4-p!o
brevioribus, umbellulis 5-7-fidis, involucelli foliolis 3 -1 linearibus, fructibus oblongo-
ellipticis parvis, aculeis brevibus apice uncinatis.
This has much the appearance of Anthriscus vulgaris, but wants the beak to the fruit ; it resembles likewise
C. daucoides and leptophylla, but the fruit is much smaller, and the leafy involucre is a peculiar character.
Some of the young specimens are only two or three inches high, but one in fruit is upwards of a fooi.
f l '
A T EN IA. Nov. Gen.
Calyds margo 5-dentatus persistens. Petala obeordata cum lacinula inflexa. Fructus subglobosus latere
compressus didymus lævissimus. Mericarpia dorso jugis 5 filiformibus subprominulis æqualibus æquidis-
tantibus, lateralibus ante marginem positis. Farfìcate evittatæ ! Commissura angusta evittata. Carpo-
podium integrum tenue. Semen tereti-convexum antice planiusculum.— Herbæ glabræ bipedales. Caulis
teres superne ramosus, oligophyllus. Folia pinnata, pinnis 2-3, angustissime linearibus basi apice
attenuatis, vaginis elongatis, angustis. Umbella composita, sub lO-radiata. Involucrum nullum aut
monophyllum parvum subulatum. Involucella polyphylla, foliolis parvis subulatis. Flores albi.
I. A. Gairdneri.
Besides our Californian specimens, we have the same, gathered by the late Dr Gairdner, in dry grounds
by the Columbia River.
O r d . X X V I I . C A P R IF O L IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Lonicera ciliosa. Po ir Hook, et Arn. supra, p . 143.
2. L . Ledebourii. Koch.— Hook, et A rn. supra, p . 143.
3. L . (?) subspicata ; fruticosa ramulis folisque ju n io rib u s pubescentibus, foliis oppositis
breviter petiolatis coriaceis ellipticis integerrimis nitidis subtus pallidioribus, floribus laxe
spicatis bracteatis solitariis v. binis oppositis, ovario globoso limbo calycino 5-lobo, corollo
bilabiata pubescenti labio superiore 3-inf.-trifido.
Of this remarkable plant, our collection possesses but a solitary specimen, with several spikes, but with
few perfect flowers. The branches are woody. Leaves about an inch long, their margins much recurved in
a dry state ; upper branches terminating in flowering spikes, the leaves passing into opposite remote pairs of
bracteas, and having in their axils lesser bracteas, which bear the flowers solitary or in pairs. These are
small, not half an inch long. Ovary globose, crowned with 5 moderately large blunt lobes or teeth. Corolla
downy, oblong, bifid or two-lipped, the lips rather unequal, one with 3, the other with 2 oblong lobes.
Stamens 5. Anthers large, rather shorter than the corolla. Anthers large, linear-oblong. Style reaching
to the top of the stamens, curved. Stigma globose.— The aspect is quite different from any Lonicera with
which we are acquainted.
O r d . X X V I I I . R U B IA C EÆ . Juss.
1. Galium boreale. L .— G. septentrionale. Roem. et Sch.
H a b . Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
2. G. Californicum; a n n u um ? gracile diffusum ramosum ubique hirsuto-pilosum,
caulibus 4-gonis, foliis q u atem is p a tentibus ovatis acutissimis, pedunculis subterminalibus
solitariis ternisve 1-3-floris folia superantibus, ovario subgloboso lævi glabro, corollæ
(albæ) laciniis acutissimis.
Imperfect specimens of this, collected also in California, by Mr Menzies, have been long known to us.
Mr Douglas’ possess flowers, but we arc still unacquainted with the fruit. The root, also, we have not
seen. When held between the eye and the light, the leaves present a distinct reticulated appearance.
O r d . X X IX . V A L E R IA N EÆ . Juss.
1. Plectritis congesta. De Cand. Prod. 4. p . 6 3 1 .- Hook. FL Bor. Am. p. 291.