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longioribus, carpellis ovatis v is rugosis pallidis. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 5 8 3 .~ L e hm .
Monogr. Pot. p . 50. t. 4. Gmel. Fl. Sib. v. 3. t. 3 4 , / 2.
Our specimeus are rather lai-ger, and have broader leaflets, but otherudse accord weU irith the figui-es
above quoted. At the same time, we must observe that the P. Sprengeliana, (Lehm. Pot. t. 3.) comes so
very near our plant, that if the flowers be yellow, which cannot positively be detennined from the individuals
m the Herbarium, those before us may probably be rather united to that species than to P. fragarioides.
1. 'Rosa Kamtschatica ; {S>e.cT. feroces, rami tomento persistente vestiti, fru c tu s nudiis),
aculéis infra stipularibus falcatis majoribus, foliis opacis. L in d l.— Vent. Hort. Cels. t. 67.
L in d l. in Bot. Reg. t. 419.
1. Rjeos, sambucifolia ; foliis 5-jugis, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis argute serratis acuminatis
nervo e t mai-gine pilosis apice barbatis, stipulis rufo-villosis. Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa,
V . 2. p . 36.
Chamisso remarks that this occurs on bushy banks about the harbour of Petropaulski, and that no tree
is found there besides, except the Beech.
O r d . IX . C R A S S U L A C EÆ . De Cand.
I . Sedum Rhodiola. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 401.— Rhodiola rosea. L in n .— E n a l Bot
t 508.
O r d . X . S A X IF R A G E Æ . Juss.
1. Saxifraga ptíHcícEía; ( S e c t . Hijdatica), foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis reniformi-
cordatis rotundatis membranaceis pilosis reticulatis profunde grosse æqualiter dentatis
immarginatis, dentibus integris discretis (plerumque) acutis, caule apliyllo, floribus (parvis)
paniculatis, panicula glandulosa bracteata, bracteis minutis linearibus, filamentis sæpissime
abortivis petaloideis, calyce reflexo.—i i« « . Sp. PI. p . 574. Sternb. S a xifr. Suppl. p . 7. t 4.
Sm. in Ree s’ Cycl. Ledeb. Fl. AU. v. 2. p . 118.— S. hirsuta, ¡3. punctata. De Cand. Prodr,
V. 4. p . 42.— S. gracilis. Stemh. S a x f r . Suppl. p . 7. t 5. / 1.— S. æstivaüs. Fischer, in
Herb, nostr. Gmel. Fl. Sib. v. 4. p . 161. t 65. / I.
A strange confusion has existed respecting this plant, which, nevertheless, is well described by Linnæus,
from Gmelin’s specimens, collected in Eastern Siberia. Sternberg has correctly figiu-ed small individuals
in the plates above quoted, but under the name of S. gracilis, and likewise as the true S. punctata, hil-.
Don has referred Linnoeus’s plant to S. umbrosa, from which it is widely different, while Gmelin’s figure,
and the plant of Sternberg, he has quoted under S. Geum.
2. Saxífraga bronchialis. L in n .— Sternb. S a xifr. p . 13. t 10. / a. b.— ¡3. minor; caule
procumbente, foliis abbreviatis oblongis subspathulatis acutis m uticis.— S. cherleroides.
Don, in L in n . Trans, v. 13. p . 382.
At first sight, the var. ¡3., the only one in our Collection, and which we have also from Wormskiold,
gathered likewise in Kamtschatka, appears to be distinct from S. bronchialis; but we possess, from Mr.
Menzies, found in Behring’s Strait, specimens exactly intermediate. It has much the habit of S. Chamissoi,
but tlie leaves in that are tridentate.
1. Chrysosplenium Kamtschaticum ? Fischer, in De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 48.
We cannot judge, from our solitary specimen, whether this he really distinct or not from C. oppositifolium.
O r d . X I . U M B E L L I F E R Æ . Juss.
1. Ligusticum Scoiimm. L m n . -D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 157. Engl. Bot. t. 1207.
Cham, et Schlecht, in Linnæa, v . l . p . 390.
1. GevodemnSphondglmm. L i n n .? -D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4,. p . 192? Engl. Bot. t. 939.»
Cham, et Schlecht, in Linncea, v . l . p . 394.
Of this plant, we only juSge from some fragments of a leaf in the Herbarium : Chamisso was, tor a
similar reason, nncertain abont hU specimen.
1. Anthfiscus nemorosa; caule sulcato ramoso glabro, iblüs trisecto-decomposUts
segmentis pinnatifidis, laciniis lato-lanceolatis acutis, petiolis pilosis, umbefiis terminalibus
e t i p p o s i b l i i s , involucelli folioHs cibatis, fructibus ovatis brmteus mucronatis et smie
pilorum basi cinctis. D C .-S p r e n g . Vmbeü. Prodr. p . 27. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 223.
Cham, et Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 1. p . 390.
O r d . X I I . C O R N EÆ . De Cand.
1. Cornus Sueeica. L i n n . -D e Cand. Prodr. v .A . p . 274. Engl. Bot. t. 310. Cham, et
Schlecht in Linnæa, v. 3. p . 139.
O e d . X I IL C A P R IF O L IA C E Æ . Juss.
I. Sambucus racemosa. L in n .— De Cand. Prodr. v. 4, p . 323. Gmel. VI. Sib
p. 147.
1. Lonicera nigra. L d n n .-D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 335. Cham, et ScMeekt. in Lvnnæa,
V. 3. p . 137.
2. Lonicera cæntfeu. L i n n . - D e Cand. P r o d r .v .4 . p .BB7. Cham, et SchlecM. in L inmea,
V. 3. p . 138.
O r d . X IV . R U B IA C EÆ . Juss.
1. Galium ruhioides. L i ,m . -D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 699. Cluxm. et Schlecht, in Linnæa,
V. 3. p . 220.
O e d . X V . C O M P O S ITÆ . Juss.
1. Leontodoii Taraxacum. Lin n .
1. Artemisia T ile s ii? Ledeb.— Lessing, in Linnæa, v. 6. p . 214.
Our spechncns in tliis part of the Cohecfion have no flowers,
2. Artemisia borealis. Pa ll.— Lessing, in Linnæa, v. 6. p . 211. Rich, m Franhl. Isi
Journ. ed. 2. A pp. p . 30.
1. Gnaphalium dioicum. L in n .—Engl. Bot. t 267.
1. C a c a b a /mstoto. L in n .-W il ld . Sp. PI. v. 3. p. 1733. Gmel. Ft. Sib. v. 2. p . 136.
t 66.
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