• . to l t o ’ .
■' q r .'
1. Dicliptera Burmanni. Nees ab Esenh. I. c. p . 112. n. 6.—Justicia Chinensis. Burm.
Fl. Ind. p . 8. t. 4 . / 1. Lour. Fl. Coch. L p . 30. {nec alior.)
H a b. Canton; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island; JRev. G. H. Vachell, n. 177.
1. Peristrophe tinctoria. Nees ab Esenb. I. c. p . 113. n. 3.—Justicia tinctoria. Roxb.
(non L our.) Fl. Ind. \ . p . 123 ; {ed Car. et W a ll) 1. p . 124.—Rumph. Herb. Am. 6. t. 22.
/ 1-
1. Hypoestis purpurea. R . B r .—Nees ab Esenb. I. c. p . 114. n. 2.—Justicia purpurea.
Vahl.—Lour. Fl. Coch. \ . p . 31 (non L in n .)
H ab. Canton ; Mr. Millett. Lappas Island ; Rev. G. H Vachell, n. 171.
Coet. Merc. Ind. or. Mus.
O r d . L X IV . P L U M B A G IN EÆ .
1. Plumbago rosea. L in n .—Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1. p. 4 6 3 ; ii
tab. 555.—Rheede, Mai. 1. t. 9.— VacheU, n. 115.
O rd . L X V . N Y C T A G IN EÆ . Juss.
1. Mirabilis J a /o p a . L in n .—Lour. Fl. Coch. l . p . 128.
O r d . L X V I . A M A R A N T H A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Achyranthes aspera. L in n .—Roxb. FL Ind. l .p . 6T2. Burm. Th. Zeyl t. 5 0 . / 3.
1. Ceiosia argentea. L in n ,—Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1. p . 678. Lour. FL Coch. 1. p . 203.—
Vachell, 11. 92.
2. Celoma cristata. L in n .— Roxb. FL Ind. l .p . 679.
We feel much disposed to agree with Sprengel, when he unites to this species C. coccinea and C. eastrensis,
Linn., as also C. comosa, Retz. C. castremis, Lour. Fl. Coch. 1. p. 202, appears to be certainly our plant.
We have likewise from Mr. Millett, a variety, perhaps, of this, but with very dissimilar spikes. If distinct,
it may be thus described :—Glabriuscula; foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis basi apice attenuatis;
spicis pedunculatis, elongatis, cylindraceis; flores inferiores discreti, superiores approximati, summi abortivi
bracteolæformes ; stylus gracilis, stigma bifidum ovarium pluri-ovulatum; utriculus 1-spermus; semen eom-
pressura, nitidum, atrum, cum aliisque abortivis. But as wo have already remarked, we prefer considering
this as a mere form of C. cristata.
1. Gomphræna globosa. L in n .—Lour. FL Coch. 1. p . 2 1 8 ; Roxh. FL Ind. 2. p . 63.
1. Alternanthera sessiliflora. R . B r .—lllecebrum sessile. L in n . Lour. FL Coch. 1. p.
202.—Achyranthes triandra. Roxb. FL Ind. l . p . 678.
H a b . Lappas Island; Mr. Millett. Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, u. “ v."
1. Amaranthus oleraceus. L in n .— Roxb. FL Ind. 3. p. 605.
O r d . L X V I I . C H E N O P O D IA C E Æ . Ventn.
1. Chenopodium K it.?— Vachell, n. \ \2 .
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