
longer stamens ; e. e. The two upper aud shorter ones ; f . The pistil ; Jig. 2, Flowers expanded ; A,
front view, B. side view; Jig. 3, One of the lower petals; Jig. 4, One of the upper ones; Jig. 5, 3, A
longer and a shorter stamen; Jig. 6, Back view of an anther; Jig. 7, Section of an anther cut open
to show the cells within ; Jig. 8, Vertical section of the germen to show the two péndent ovules ; Jig.
9, The ovules, with their stalks attached to a parietal placenta :—all more or less magnified.
2. MONNINA. R . §• P.
1. M . linearifolia ; suffruticosa, foliis linearibus lanceolatis acutissimis siibsessilibus
glabris, racemis terminalibus longis inferno nudis, capsula oblonga uniloculari. (T a b . VI.)
— “ Fl. Per. V. 1. p . 173.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 345.
Caules infeme fruticulosi, ramosi; ramis herbaccis, foliaceis, glabris. Folia sparsa, magis niiiinsve patentia,
sesquiunciam longa, liueari-lanceolata, integerrima, glaberrima, obscure uninèrvia, basi in petiolum vix lineam
longum attenuata, apice acutissima, subpungentia. Rami apice attenuati suut in racemos spithamaios fere ad
pedales, ìnferue nudos superne floríferos atque magis minusve pubescentes. Pedicelli breves, basi bractea
parva mimiti, demum, fructiferi, deciu'vi. Flores (flavi?) Sepala ovato-lanceolata, acuta. A la orbi-
ciilatie. Cai-ina alis vix brevior. Gennen oblongum. Stylus inferno bispinosus. Stigma attennatum,
longum, deflexum. Capsula oblonga, reticulata, uuilocularis, monosperma. Seme« pendens. Embryonis
radicala ad hiliun spectat.
H.U3. Coquimbo.—The ahove description, and the accompanying figui'e,*are taken from specimens
which we have received from Dr. Gillies and Mr. Cnickshanks, equally gathered in Chili : they being much
more perfect than those in the present collection.
Tab. VI. Monnina linearifolia. Fig. 1, R ower; Jig. 2, Sepals and wings; Jig. 3, Corolla; Jig. 4, Anther;
Jig. 5, Pistil ; Jig. 6, Capsule ; Jig. 7, Section of do. to show the pendent solitary seed ; Jig. 8, Embryo :—
O r d . v i i . V IO L A R IE ^ . DC.
1. VIOLA. Toum.
1. V. maculata; stigmate apice subplano, ro stro brevissimo, caule abbreviato, foliis
ovatis crenatis subtus fusco-punctatis, stipulis ovatis apice fimbriatis, sepalis lanceolatis
acuminatis, staminibus apice emarginatis, calcare brevi obtuso.— Cav. le . v. 6. p . 20.
t. 539. D e Cand. Prodr. v. \ . p . 297. Spreng. Syst. Feget, v. 1. p . 801.—Viola lutea
foliis non acutis. Penili. Chil. v. 3. p . 66. t. 48.
H ab. Conception.
2. V. rubella; fruticosa, caulibus ramosis, folüs ovato-oblongis lanceolatisve*punctatis
laxe dentatis, stipulis lanceolatis setaceo-dentatis, sepalis subacutis, unguibus petalorum
angustatis, calcare brevissimo subconico, membranis staminum obtusis, appendicibus
nectariferis dorso an th era rum conicis.— Cav. Ic. v. 6. p . 20. t. 531. f . 1. De Cand. Prodr.
V. 1. p . 304. Ging, in Linmsa, v. 1. p . 410.—V'. chamaedrifolia. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p .
H ab. Conception.
2. lONIDIUM. Vent.
. 1. I . p a rv ißorum; fruticosum ramosum diffusum, ramis elongatis bifariam puberulis,
foliis alternis ovatis serratis in petiolum breviter attenuatis, stipulis subulatis petioli vix