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1. Ca stille ja/mrpKrm. Nutt, in Trans. Am. P h il. Soc. b .p . 180.
Our speoimm, for we have seen but one from Mr Douglas, has smaller and brighter red flowers than i-
that we have obtained from Nuttall himself, but in almost all other respects they seem to agree.
2. C. hispida. Benth. in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. i . p . 105?
H a b . Bruneau, Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
The height of out plant is, according to Mr Tolmie, one to three feet. The leaves are divided
coccinea, but the calycine segments are ovate-oblong, almost like those of C. septentrionaUs. II
J in C.
as the original C. hispida, but the calycine lobes are shorter, not oblong-linear, 1 C. pallida. The
flowers and bracteas appear to have been red.
3. C. septentrionalis. K u n th .~ B e n th . in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2. p . 105.
_ This Californian plant may perhaps be very different. The lobes of the calyx are broader and shorter than
m North American specimens ; the bracteas and calyx, although pale, have a tinge of red. and may have
been deep red when fresh ; the leaves on the young branches are linear and obtuse ; those on the stem, at
the origin of the branches, trifid to about the middle, their segments linear and obtuse ; bracteas (at least
the lower ones) cuneate and trifid ; flowers subsessile. The habit is somewhat that of C. lithospermoides.
4. C. affinis. Hook, et A m . supra, p . 154.
5. C. latifolia. Hook, et Arn. supra, p . 154— C. macrocarpa. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p . 13.
The upper lip of the corolla is shortly exserted beyond the calyx.
6. C. foliolosa. Hook, et A rn. supra, p . 154.
Our original form of this plant has the leaves approximated, the axils bearing tufts of similar leaves, so
that the whole merited well the name we gave. But in Douglas’ collection are speeimens of two other
varieties or forms, which assume a considerably different appearance. The first of these has the leaves twice
the length of Beechey’s specimens, and their secondary leaves in the axils are very small and few. The
second has the primary leaves still larger, less tomentose, and sometimes trifid to beyond the middle; the
secondary leaves are copious, as in Beechey’s plant; the spike is partly in fruit, and much more elongated
and lax than in the other specimens. In Beechey’s and the last mentioned form, the stems seem decidedly
woody, in the other one somewhat herbaceous ; so that we have no doubt but the above different appearances
arise from the plants having been in different stages of growth, and from the specimens having been
taken, in the one case, from the old branches, in the other from the young shoots.
A DENOSTEGIA. Benth. in Lindl. N at. Syst. p . 445.
Calyx bifidus. Corollæ labia subæqualia, superius oblongum galeatura erectum breviter bifidum. Stamina
didynama. Antherarum loculi disjuncti altero medifixo terminali, altero filamento infra affixo Herba
tenuiter glanduloso-pubescens. Folia anguste linearia, soepius trifida. Flores ad apices ramorum
paucis capitatis, bracteis adpressis trifidis obtu.tis glandulosis ciliatis, calycinis iobis integris acutis
corollam subsuperantibus, filamentis antherisÿue villosis. Capsula Castilleja et Orthocarpi, quibus generi-
bus Adenostegia affinis est. Benth. I. c.
1. A . rigida. Benth. I. c.— A, filifolia. Benth. ms. in Herb. Hook.
1. Pedicularis (Ed en tu la ) densifiora [Benth.); erecta eiata giabra, foliis amplis profunde
pinnatifidis pinnatisectisve segmentis ovato-oblongis pinnatifidis, laciniis oblongis
inciso-dentatis, spica dense multiflora, calyce inæqualiter 5-dentato, corollæ galea recta
obtusa antice hiante, labio minimo. Benth. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. \ . p . 110.
There is also a variety of this, if not a distmct species, in the collection, which differs by the whole plant
not being more than six inches high, while P . densifiora is at least a foot and a half ; the leaves are proportionately
smaller; the stem is hirsutely pubescent, not glabrous.
2. P . (Rostrata) surrecta [B en th .); erecta glabra, foliis pinnatisectis segmentis lan ceolato
linearibus subcartilagineo-serratis, spicis eiongatis multifloris, calycibus tubulosis
5-dentatis, d en te supremo minore lateralibus altius crenatis, corollæ galea fornicata
calycem subduplo su p eran te in rostrum subulatum surrectum calycem plus trip lo super-
antem desinente. Benth. in Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p . 107.
H a b , Swamp at Green River, one of the head-waters of the Rio Colorado. M r Tolmie.
O r d . X L IV . L A B IA T Æ . Juss.
1. Salvia (Echinosphace) carduacea [Benth.) ; caule herbaceo erecto subsimplici albo-
lanato, foliis petiolatis oblongis pinnatifidis subtus laxe lanatis, lobis ovatis s in u a to -d en tatis,
dentibus spinoso-acuminatis, floralibus bracteisque imbricatis spinosissimis, verticillastris
remotis dense multifloris, calycibus inflatis lanatis, labio superiore elongato triden
ta to inferiore bifido dentibus omnibus spinosis, corollæ tubo subincluso labii inferioris
lobo medio fimbriato, connectivis postice liberis an th e ræ loculum subcassum ferentibus.
Benth. La b . p . 202.
2. S. (Pycnosphace) columbaria: [Ben th .); lierbacea erecta parum ramosa, folüs p rofunde
pinnatifidis rugosis glabriusculis, lobis oblongo-linearibus obtusis eroso-deniaii.«
incisisve, extremo vix latiore, floralibus bracteæformibus, verticillastris solitariis binisve
dense multifloris hemisphæricis, bracteis lato-ovatis membranaceis acuminatis imbricatis,
calycis ovati pubescentis labio superiore elongato concavo brev iter trid en ta to , inferiore
breviter bifido, corollæ tubo incluso, labii inferioris lobo medio crenulato, connectivis
postice liberis subporrectis antheræ loculum cassum ferentibus. Benth. Lab. p . 202.
A U D IB ERT IA. Benth.
Calyx ovatus, bilabiatus, labio superiore concavo integro vel breviter tridentato, inferiore bifido, intus fauce
nuda. Corolla tubo calycem æquante vel exserto, limbo bilabiate, labio superiore bifido lobis patentibus.
inferiore trifido Iobis lateralibus ovatis oblongisve patentibus, medio latissimo emarginato. Stamina fertilia
duo (inferiora) adscendentia, sæpius exserta, superiorum rudimenta parva claviformia vel nulla. Antheræ
dimidiatæ, conneclivo linear! in filamentum articulate adscendente, apice antheram linearem uniloeularem
ferente postice non producto vel brevissime acuminato. Stylus breviter subulato-bifidus. Benth.
1. A. grandiflora [Benth.) ; caule elato villoso, foliis oblongo-ellipticis sinuato-crenatis
basi cordatis rugosis, verticillastris densis multifloris, bracteis lato-ovatis calycibusque
amplis membranaceis coloratis villosis, staminibus longe exsertis. Benth. La b . p . 313.
2. A. humilis; suffruticosa, foliis ad basin caulis approximatis petiolatis oblongo-lan