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O rd. L X I I . V E R B E N A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Barbula Sinensis. Lour. Fl. Coch. 2. p . 445.
H a b. Canton; Mr. Millett. Macao, in sandy so il; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 1 76.
1. nodiflora. R ic k.— Vachell, n. 93.
1. Verbena L .— Vachell, n. 164.
1. Clerodendron inerme. Goertn. de Fruct. et Sem. 1. p . 75. Roxh. Fl. Ind. 3. p . 5 8 .—
Volkameria inermis. L in n .—Rheede, Hort. Mal. 5. t. 49. Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5. t. 46.
H ab . Canton; Mr. Millett. Macao; Rev. G. H. Vachell, n. 26 7 .
2. Clerodendion Siphonanthus. R . B r .—Siphonanthus Indica. L .— Vachell, n. 150.
3. Clerodendron fortunatum. L .
The only specimen before us, from Mr. Miilett, is imperfect. ,
4. Clerodendron castaneifolium ; ramis minute strigilloso-pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis
oblongo-lanceolatis basi cuneatis integerrimis supeme irregulariter dentatis supra minute et
sparsim puberulis subtus glabris venosis, corymbis axillaribus folio triplo brevioribus, bracteis
bracteolisque subulatis deciduis, calyce 5-partito segmentis ovatis acuminatis demum auctis.
H a b . Canton; Mr. Millett.
The leaves bear a considerable resemblance to those of the Chestnut, j)ut are membranaceous, as in the
other species of Clerodendron..
5. Clerodendron squamatum. Vahl.—Volkameria Kæmpferi. Jacq.—Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3.
p . 60.—V. angulata. Lour. Fl. Coch. 2. p . 473.?
6. Clerodendron fra g ra n s. Vent.—Volkameria Japonica. Jacq.
7. Clerodéndron viscosum. Vent.— C. canescens. Wall. L is t o f E . I . Plants, n. 1804.
— C. infovtunatum. Lour. Coch. 2. p . 471.— Vachell, n. 134. a,
1. Lan tan a aculeata. Lin n .
Sent from the gardens oi" Macao by Mr. Millett and the Rev. G. H. VacheU, n. 147. In all the specimen«
there are no prickles to be seeu, agreeing iu that respect with the remarks in the Botanical Magazine, t. 96.
I . Callicarpa tomentosa {W illd .? ); ramis petiolis pedunculisque fulvo-villosis, foliis
oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis basi ovatis margine g landuloso-dentatc-serratis supra lævibus
demum glabratis nervis dense pubescentibus subtus fioccoso-tomentosis junioribus utrinque
canis, pedunculis petiolum subæquantibus, corymbis trichotomis densifloris calycibusque
villosis, staminibus longe exsertis.— Willd. E n . Hort. Ber. l .p . 158 ?—C. Americana. Lour.
FL Coch. l . p . 88.
H a b . Canton; Mr. Millett. Islauds of Pootoy (or Grand Ladrone), Chicow, and the Lama; Rev. G.
H. VachcU, n. 91.
Willdenow’s description is scarcely sufficient, nor did he seem to knew from whence his specimeus
came : if our species prove distinct, it may be called C. Loureiri, for it is undoubtedly the plant of Lou