
1r |
This is a very remarkable species, havieg brighi yellow flowers. Tho seeds are deeply wrinkled on the
back. It diflers from Eutoca by the persistent but marcescent corolla ; and from Emmenanthe by its habit
and absence of scales to the corolla.
11. E . ? aretioides; n an a diffusa hispido-pilosa trichotome ramosa, radice multicipiti
annua, foiiis petiolatis spathulato-lanceolatis basi longe a ttenuatis integerrimis, ramulis
ultimis brevibus congestis, fioribus sessilibus terminalibus e t in dichotomiis, calycis p rofunde
5 -p artiti laciniis anguste linearibus hispidis tubo corollæ infundibuliformis (p u rp
u reæ ) d uplo brevioribus, ovario multiovulato— var. /3. perpusilla; caule subnullo paucifloro.
H a b . « . Between Burnt and Malheur Rivers— fi. Burnt River, Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
This beautiful species will probably yet be separated from Eutoca, to which it bears no external resemblance
; but we have placed it here as agreeing almost entirely witb Bentham’s character of the genus.
PH A C E L IA . Juss. Benth. I. c.
Corolla decidua. • Ovarium ovoideo-globosum, piloso-hispidum. Placentæ lineares, sæpius dorso parietibus
ovarii adnatæ, 2-ovulafæ. Capsula dissepimentis siibcompletis pseudo-bilocularis.—Herbæ annuoe vel
perennes, erectæ vel diffusoe. Flores racemosi, densi, sessiles vel laxi pedunculati, cymis unilateralibus
simplicibus vel dichotomis. Benth.
1. P. circinnata {Jacq.); foliis pinnatisectis quandoque indivisis, lobis oblongis ovatisve
integerrimis inæqualibus, corollis calyce plus dimidio longioribus, staminibus exsertis.
Benth. I. c. p . 279.
Mr Bentham adduces the following synonyms to this species:—Heliotropium pinnatum, \a h \.~H y d ro .
phyllum Magellanicum, Lam. ; H . Aldea, Roem. et Schult.—Aldea pinnata, Ruiz et Pav. ; A . circinnata,
W \M .— Phacelia Peruviana, Spreng. ; P . Californica, Cham. ; P. heterophylla, Pursb ; P . rudis, Dougl.
2. P . ciliata {Ben th .); scabro-pubescens, foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis oblongis obtusis
subpinnatifidis, calycis laciniis ovatis submembranaceis reticulatis margine ciliatis, staminibus
corollam subæquantibus. Benth. I. c. p . 280.
3. P . ramosissima {Dougl.); scabro-pubescens vel hispida, foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis
ovatis obtusis subpinnatifidis, calycis laciniis oblongis viridibus hispidis fructiferis spathulatis,
staminibus exsertis. Benth. I. c. p . 280.
We have an allied species, or perhaps a mere variety, from Dr Gillies, under tbe name of P . Brunoniana,
collected on El Cerro del Diamante and Andes of Mendoza, and it only differs by being more covered with
glutinous hairs, and having a nearly simple stem.
4. P . tanaæetifolia {Benth.); scabro-pubescens vel hispida, foliis bipinnatifidis, segmentis
oblongis dentato-pinnatifidis, calycis laciniis oblongo-linearibus hispidis, staminibus
exsertis. Benth. I. c. L in d l. in Bot. Reg. t. 1696.
A closely allied species has been sent us by Mr Darwin, who found it at Bahia Blanca, on the coast of
Patagonia (No. 202), but tbe hairs on its stem are all glutinous.
EMMENANTHE. Benth. I. c.
Corolla persistens. Ovarium oblongo-compressum, glanduloso-pubescens : placentis linearibus, dorso adnatis
- m .
(8-) ovulatis. Capsula dissepimentis semi-completis ad axin incrassatis pseudo-bilocularis.— Herba erecta
ramosa. Folia alterna pinnatifida, semiamplexicaulia, exauriculata. Racemi numerosi erecti graciles.
Flores penduli, tenuiter pedicellati. Corolla campanulata, squamis 10 minutis ad basin.
1. E. penduliflora. Benth. I. c. p . 281.
The genus Emmenanthus, supra, p. 217. was named and described long before the present one of Mr
Bentham, but as it was not published till after his was, it must receive a new appellation.
O r d . X L I I . SO L A N EÆ . Juss.
1. Nicotiana rustica. L in n .
1. Solanum nigrum. L in n .—var. pubescens. Hook, et A rn. supra, p . 152.
2. S. umbelliferum. EschoUz in Linncea, 3. L itter, p . 148. Hook, et Arn . supra, p . 152.
Of this plant we have two forms, the one three times the size of the other in all its parts, more succulent
and tomentose. The lesser one has wiry branches, with the angles on them more conspicuous from th e ,
tomentum being nearly absent.
O r d . X L I I I . S C R O P H U L A R IN E Æ .
1. Fm a n a Canadensis. S p r An tirrh in um Canadense. Lin n .
1. An tirrh in um {Benth.); undique pilis capitatis subviscidis conspersum,
foliis alternis petiolatis anguste ovato-lanceolatis, racemo denso folioso, calycis lobis
lineari-lanceolatis inæqualibus. L in d l. in Bot. Reg. t. 1893.
1. Mau ran d ia (?) stricta; erecta ramosa annua glabra basi solummodo pubescens,
foliis infimis parvis ovatis petiolatis, reliquis lanceolatis linearibusque sessilibus omnibus
integerrimis, pedunculis solitariis axillaribus unifloris eiongatis recurvis apice sursim
A foot to a foot and a half high, slender, branched, annual ; the lower leaves small an inch long), ovate,
petiolate, gradually becoming more and more remote, upwards on tbe stem lanceolate or the superior ones
linear, all entire. Peduncle from the axils of the narrow upper leaves, 2-4 inches long, at first reflexed, then
towards the apex bent upw’ards. Flower scarcely an inch long. Calyx gibbous below, of 5 deep lanceolate
segments, curved up a little, nearly equal. Cor. ovate-oblong, also curved upwards, the limb 2-lippecI.
Capsule globose, terminated by a moderately long tapering style, and that by a capitate stigma. Cells 2.
Seeds attached to each side of a central dissepiment.
A singular looking plant, which, from the withered state of the flowers, we are unable satisfactorily to refer
to any known genus. The general form of the blossoms, however, the long curiously curved peduncle, destitute
of bracteas, the shape of the calyx, of the capsule, and style, are quite those of Maurandia, but the
stems are not scandent, and the leaves (except those near the root) are very narrow, lanceolate or linear.
1. Collinsia {B en th ,); foliis ovato-lanceolatis serratis basi subcordatis, nervis
subparallelis, verticillis (infimis exceptis) aphyllis, calycis laciniis ovatis acuminatis.—
Benth. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. I . p. 480. L in d l. in Bo t. Reg. t. 1734. Hooh. in Bot.
Mag. t. 3488.