
cum seta majori 9 lineas longis, minus divarieatis, tum glumis magis adhuc lenissimeque in setam acutatis pro
longitudine angustioribus. Flosculus glumis triplo brevior ; valvula inferior membranacea, satis firma,
trinervis, ovato-lanceolata, iu acumen mucroniforme producta ; superior brevior, linearis, apice bidentata.
Stamina tria, antheris luteis. Stigmata purpurea. Glumæ scabræ, cum setis suis pallidæ. Folia rigidula,
densa, glauca, margine basin versus calloso-denticulata ciliataque.—Species duæ aliæ sic distinguendæ P.
hordeiformis; spiculis fructiferis florentibus erectis subsessilibus, valvulis flosculi æqualibus V. p atula;
spiculis fructiferis patentissimis pediceUatis, valvulis flosculi inæqualibus.
[Witii P . hordeiformis we are unacquainted. Between P . latifolia (for we are stili inclined to retain
that name instead of patula) and P . longijiora, there are some obvious differences in the foliage : in both
the leaves are of the same general shape ; but in P . latifolia they are waved, and have a cartilaginous
discoloured (in our specimens) margin, which is armed with rigid, close, sometimes bristle-bearing teeth, from
the base to near the apex ; in P . longiflora, they are flat or involute towards the apex, decidedly glaucous,
and the marçin toothed only near the base. In P . latifolia the sheaths are strongly striated ; in P . longiflo
ra , scarcely at all. In P . latifolia the leaves are scattered at equal distances on the lower half of the
culm ; in our specimens of P . longiflora they are crowded for about one-fourth from the root ; but as in
both the two upper leaves aie remote, we are disposed to regard the approximation of the lower ones as the
effect of a greater or less development of the whole plant.]
T r i b . V I. A G R O S T ID E iE .
20. VILFA. uárfans.—Sporobolus. P . Br.
1. V. elongata, N . ab E .—Var. pan icu la sesquipedali strictissima valde attenuata,
spiculis albicantibus.
H a b . Ad Macao et in insulis vicinis ; Millett ; G. II. Vachell, n. 53.
[Athough our friend has not sent the specific character, we presume he here means V. elongata, Trin.
unifl. p. 154, or Sporobolus elongatus. Brown : but our specimens do not altogether agree with Brown’s
observations, in as far as he states the branches of the panicle to be alternate and the lower ones distant;
whereas here they are more or less fascicled or verticillate, and the lower ones are not more remote than in
V. tenacissima ; the glumes are ovate, the upper one between twice and thrice, and the lower nearly four
times shorter than the floret. The leaves are convolute. On the whole, therefore, we do not see why our
plant ought not to be rather referred to V. tenacissima, Humb. and Kunth ; perhaps, however, as Trinius
says, V. elongata is too closely allied to it. In both, the branches of the panicle are floriferous from their
very base or nearly so.
T r i b . V I I . A R U N D IN E ^ .
21. ARUNDO. U n n . N . ab E.
1. [A . Henslowiana ; culmo ten u i foliisque convoluto-subulatis glabris, vaginis glabris
ore barbatis, panicula sulicontracta oblonga ramis fasciculatis compositis gracilibus, spiculis
5-7-floris, glumis spicula duplo brevioribus subulata acutatis, flosculis patulis, valvula
inferiori dorso g lab ra versus marginem longe lanata , seta recurvo-patula flosculo fere
d uplo breviore.
H a b . In Insula “ Danorum” dicta, infra Cantonem ; G. H. Vachell, in Herb. Henslow, n. “ U.”
Panicula (in exemplo unico tantum nobis obvio) tripollicaris. Valvula flosculorura inferior apice bifida,
inter lobos subulatos breves setam proferens.
[This is probably the same as Nees von Esenbeck has observed a fragment of among Prof. Royle’s plants
n. 81.) from the north of Bengal, and which he has in his MSS. designated “ A n tn d in h (Donacis, Beauv.)
S'gecics Madagascariensi, Kunth, se\xEonaci Thouarsii, Beauv. affinis.’
Indeed, so far as the description
2S, which he has kindly communicated to us, the two appear identical.]
T r i b . V I I I . C H L O R ID E Æ .— C h l o r id e æ et P a p p o p h o b e æ . Kunth.
22. L E P TO C H LO A . P . de Beauv.
1. B . fllifo rm is ; spiculis subsessilibus 2-3-floris muticis, glumis scabris, spicis p a rtialibus
filiformibus patulis, inferioribus oppositis a u t subverticillatis, reliquis alternis,
vaginis e tubercu^^s pilosis. Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veg. 2. p . 580. Kunth, E n . 1. p . 270.
— Eleusine filiformis. Jacq. E e l Gr. t. 4 .— P o a virgata. Roth, Nov. P I. Sp. p. 66.—^ ;
humilior. Kunth, I c.
' H a b . fi. Circa Macao, et in insulis vicinis ; Millett ; G. H. Vachell, n. 58.
2. "L. chinensis ; spiculis pedicellatis patulis 5-6-floris muticis adpresso-puberulis subciliatis,
glumis scabris, racemis filiformibus laxis sparsis approximatimque verticillatis,
vaginis compressis foliisque glaucis scabris, culmo basi repente. N . ah E . in Syll. Ratisb.
(1822) 1. p. 5. Roem. et Sch. M a n t 2. p . S09.— Po a chinensis. Roxh. EL In d . l . p . 3 3 2 ;
{ed. Wall.) \ . p . 33 3 P . malabarica. L in n . S p .P l p . \ 9 9 {&yic\. syu. B tirm .).—0 ; culmo
erecto racemoque strictioribus, spiculis purpureo-variegatis— P. chinensis. Roth, Nov.
PI. Sp. p . 65.—y; laxa, culmo humiiiore, racemi ramis patulis laxis, spiculis u t in 0 sed
fere omnino glabris.
H a b . Circa Macao ; Millett.
Spicularum pedicello licet brevi, flosculorum numero et pubescentia magis minusve conspicua, foliorum
glaucedine, satis distincta species. Rhachilla spicularum gracilis et flexilis, ubi flcctitur flosculos separates et
veluti pedicellatos ostendit, qui quidem minime earn ob causam ‘‘ pedicellati” cum Rothio appellandi sunt,
cum pedicellus, quem díceres, non inter singulum flosculum et rhachillam positus sit, sed inter flosculum
quemque inferiorem proximeque superiorem.
23. ELEU S IN E . Goertn.
\ . In d ic a s culmo compresso basi sæpe repente ramoso, vaginis ore sæpiusque et
margine villosis, spicis rectis strictis, rhachi angusta æquali, spiculis subsexfloris, semine
ovali. Goertn. de F r . 1. p . 8. t 1. N . ab E . Agr. Bras. p . 439 {cum syn.) Roxb. FL Ind.
1. p . 3 4 5 ; {ed. Wall.) 1. ju. 346. Kunth, E n . \ . p . 272. T rin . Ic. G r . t 71__ 0 ; depaup
e ra ta ; spicis 3, spiculis 3-4-floris, culmo humili. Kunth, L c.—y ; macrostachya; spicis
longis apice ab o rtu spicularum attenuatis magis corymbosis quam digitatis, foliis culmo
multo brevioribus.
H a b . Ad Macao et in insulis vicinis ; Millett ; G. H . Vachell, n. “ W ” ct “ X ” (ex parte).
2. E . Coracana; culmo erecto compresso simplici, vaginis ore barbatis, spicis latis
demum incurvis, rhachi margine dilatata æ ta te repanda, spiculis subsexfloris dilatatis
2 I